III . Згрупуйте слова за частинами мови.

adults, cartilage, structure, vertebra, spinal, teeth, calcify, their, are, possess, dermal, arm, begins, type, have, them, include, eyes, red, developed, liver, digestive, digestion, paired, grow up, male, internal, provide, allow, mammals, their.

Іменник Прикметник Дієслово Займенник
mammals red have their

IV. Складіть речення.

1. Sharks, skates and rays a)to protect their brains
2. But the cartilage in their teeth and vertebrae b)dermal and endoskeletal
3. Vertebrates have skulls c)have complex eyes arranged in pairs
4. Vertebrates possess two types of bone: d)with red blood corpuscules and white corpuscules
5. Most birds and amphibians e)pharynx
6. Most vertebrates f)fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
7. Most vertebrates have blood g)do not have true bone
8. Most vertebrates have mouth and h)which provide attachments for muscles
9. Every vertebrate has bones i)don’t have teeth
10.Living vertebrates include j)may calcify or harden into a bone-like structure

V. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ними , використовуючи фрази : I agree that ( я згоден, що…); I cannot agree that… (я не можу погодитися з тим, що…).

1. Living vertebrates include insects and birds.

2. Most vertebrates have two legs and two wings.

3. Most vertebrates have well developed body cavity.

4. Vertebrae, ribs and arm and leg bones are made of dermal bone.

5. Most birds have flippers.

6. Most vertebrates don’t grow up to be male or female.

7. Jawless vertebrates began to decline 380 years ago.

8. Body cavity contains internal organs.

9. Ventral heart consists of one chamber.

10. Vertebrates don’t have skulls to protect their brains.

VI . Знайдіть визначення до слів.

1.vertebrate 1.bone or cartilage which protect the brains
2.vertebra 2.legs, flippers or wings
3.skull 3.well developed body cavity containing internal organs
4.appendages 4.to have, to own
5.coelom 5.any animal that has vertebrae
6.kidneys 6.the mass of soft grey matter in the head, centre of the nervous system
7.to possess 7.each bone in your spine
8.brain 8.paired organs with ducts to drain waste out of the body
9.heart 9.red liquid flowing throughout the body of man and the higher animals
10.blood 10.that part of the body which pumps blood through the system

VII . Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Хребетні не тільки мають спинний мозок, а й захищають його кістковою або хрящевою тканиною.

2. Ця конструкція складається з кісток, які називаються хребцями.

3. Хребетні мають дермальні та ендоскелетальні види кісток.

4. Хребці, ребра, кістки кінцівок складаються з ендоскелетальних кісток.

5. Птахи, амфібії та комахоїдні ссавці не мають зубів.

6. Більшість хребетних мають щелепи.

7. Більшість хребетних мають дві пари кінцівок.

8. Внутрішній епідерміс часто видозмінюється для продукування луски, пір’я, шерсті, рогів, залоз і т.д.

9. Більшість хребетних мають нирки з протоками для виведення відходів з організму.

10. Більшість хребетних мають серце з 2 або 4 камерами.

VIII . Розкрийте дужки та поставте дієслова у відповідному граматичному часі.

A.Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. The professor (speak) five foreign languages. Right now he (speak) German.

2. I usually drive to my work. Be carefull! You (drive) too fast.

3. I (do) a lot of work every day. Don’t worry! I (know) what I (do).

4. What language they (speak) in India? What language he (speak) now?

5. She (not understand) what the teacher (explain).

B .Future Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Where you (go) for your next holiday?

2. I’m afraid, I’m not quite ready. – Never mind. I (wait).

3. We (have) a party next Saturday night. You (come)?

4. – There are a lot of mistakes in this document.

– All right. I (type) it again.

5. You must visit this museum. I’m sure you (like) it.

C.Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. I (come) in and (see) my friends who (write) the final test.

2. I (not understand) what Mr Green (do).

3. I (not hear) him. I (listen to) the music.

4. The mouse (hide) while the cat (watch).

5. We (see) an accident when we (wait) for the bus.

D.Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. Some years ago he (be) rather poor and (not know) how to live. But recently he (become) very rich.

2. What you (do) last night?

3. What you (do) since last night?

4. I (get) a fax from Boris an hour ago, but I (not answer) it yet.

5. How’s George? When you (see) him? – Oh, I (not meet) him for ages.

E.Present Perfect or Past Perfect.

1. You ever (see) a flying saucer?

2. When the three bears came home they saw that someone (eat) Baby Bear’s porridge.

3. You (pass) your examinations yet?

4. I (pass) all my exams before I went home.

5. I (not see) this film yet, but I am going to see it.

F.Past Simple or Past Perfect .

1. We (pass) our exams by the end of the week.

2. We (not visit) this museum last week.

3. I (buy) the book that the teacher (recommend).

4. I didn’t recognize him, because he (change) a lot.

5. When we arrived at the cinema, the film already (begin).

Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 103; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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