IX . Перекладіть речення англійською мовою. Використовуючи таблицю, визначте часову форму присудків.

1. Кожного року багато туристів приїжджають відвідати музей Бітлз.

2. Коли я був дитиною, мої батьки посилали мене влітку в село на відпочинок.

3. Коли я їхав до університету, я зустрів мого друга.

4. О котрій годині відкривається ваш супермаркет?

5. Де Ніна? Вона сидить у бібліотеці.

6. Я, зазвичай, обідаю вдома.

7. Ти чув цю пісню раніше?

8. Мої батьки живуть у Києві 20 років.

9. Ми купили цей автомобіль 2 роки тому.

10. Ця ферма буде виробляти молочні продукти.

11. Хто добре знає англійську мову в нашій групі?

12. Ми вивчили нові слова до того, як почали перекладати текст.

13. Ми закінчимо перекладати цей текст до кінця заняття.

14. Завтра у цей час я буду працювати в читальному залі.

15. Як довго ви навчаєтеся в університеті?

Активний стан дієслів ( Active Voice )

Tense Present Past Future
Simple ask asked shall        ask will
Continuous am are asking is was           asking were shall        be asking will
Perfect have        asked has had asked shall     have asked will

X . Перекажіть текст .


What is a Vertebrate? Vertebrates not only keep their notochords — they protect them with bone or cartilage. In most vertebrates, this structure is composed of bones called vertebrae . Each bone in your spine is a vertebra. Each vertebra has a hole through which the spinal cord passes. Vertebrates also have skulls , whether made of bone or cartilage, to protect their brains. Vertebrates possess two types of bone , dermal and endoskeletal. Vertebrae, ribs, and arm and leg bones are made of endoskeletal bone. This type of bone begins as cartilage, which calcifies (hardens) to form bone. In some fish cartilage never hardens into bone. Most vertebrates have jaws. Vertebrates are made for moving. Most vertebrates have two pairs of appendanges, whether it’s four legs, four flippers, or two legs and two wings. Most vertebrates have:

• Complex eyes arranged in pairs.

• Muscularized mouth and pharynx.

• The outer covering consists of two divisions - an outer epidermis and an inner dermis.

• Blood with red blood corpuscles containing hemoglobin and white corpuscles.

• Well developed body cavity (coelom).

• Digestive system with large digestive glands, liver, and pancreas.

• Ventral heart with 2-4 chambers.

• Paired kidneys.

So, any animal that has vertebrae is a vertebrate. And every vertebrate has a brain and bones to protect its brain and other internal organs which also provide attachments for muscles that allow animals to move.

Living vertebrates include fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.



Повторіть за диктором слова:

1. abyssal depth [q'bIsql'depT] найглибша частина моря
2. brook n [bruk] струмок
3. counterpart n ['kauntq'pRt] копія, двійник, щось, що доповнює інше
4. diversity n [daI'vWsItI] різноманітність
5. engulf v [In'gAlf] поглинати
6. fascinate v ['fxsIneIt] зачаровувати, приваблювати
7. goby n ['gqubI] бичок (риба)
8. habitat n ['hxbItxt] батьківщина, місце поширення (тварин, рослин)
9. hatch v [hxC] вилуплятися, виводитися
10. ichthiology ["IkTI'OlqGI] іхтіологія
11. inhabit v [In'hxbIt] жити, мешкати
12. niche n [nIC] сховище, ніша 
13. respective n [rI'spektIv] відповідний
14. shape n [SeIp] форма
15. tendency n ['tendqnsI] тенденція
16. whale shark n ['weIl'SRk] китова акула

 Прочитайте текст та перекладіть його українською мовою.


Ichthyology is usually defined as “the study of fish” or “that branch of zoology dealing with fish”, and has a long documented history, dating thousands of years back to the ancient Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans.

The first vertebrates evolved in the sea 480 million years ago. Thus, fish were around long before amphibians, reptiles, birds or mammals, but they were not like modern fish.

The diversity of fish is larger than of any other vertebrate group. Not only are there more species of fish (25.000) than of all other vertebrates together, but also the range of body shapes and sizes of fish is larger than of mammals, birds or reptiles.

The shapes of fish are also extremely diverse. The maximum size of fish can range from one centimeter in Philippine gobies, to 13-15 meters in the whale shark.

The brain is the organ with the highest energy and oxygen demand, and thus, fish as well as other animals have evolved brain sizes that are neither too small nor too large respective to the niches they occupy in nature.

Tropical fish show a tendency to be smaller and faster growing than their cold-water counterparts.

Fish inhabit more diverse habitats than any other group of vertebrates, ranging from Himalayan or Andean brooks at 4000 meters to abyssal depth at 10 kilometers. The range of temperatures can be also very large, from minus 2(!) Cº toup to plus 40 (!)Cº.

Fish are beautiful. They have beautiful colors and fascinating body shapes, one of the reasons why people keep them in aquaria.

Fish have a wide diversity of food and feeding habits. Thus fish range from feeding on microscopic phyto- and zooplankton to engulfing entire adult fish, such as is done by whale sharks.

Fish produce a large number of small eggs which become a part of the plankton. There are many fish which give birth to their young.

Дайте відповіді на запитання

1.How do biologists usually define ichthyology?

2. What branch of zoology has a long documented history?

3.When and where did the first vertebrates evolve?

4.Were the first fish like modern fish?

5. How many species of fish exist in nature?

6.What do you know about body shapes and sizes of fish?

7. What is the maximum size of fish?

8.What organ has the highest energy and oxygen demand?

9.What tendency do tropical fish show?

10.Describe the reasons why people keep fish in aquaria.

11.What do you know about feeding habits of fish?

12. What do fish usually produce?


Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 95; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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