X. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

1. A very small, complex unit of protoplasm, usually with a nucleus, cytoplasm, and enclosing membrane is called “the cell”.

2. One of the main tasks of cells is to organize.

3. A man has brain cells, stomach сells, bone cells, and many other types of cells.

4. In the same way there are different kinds of cells inside every man.

5. It should be mentioned that different organisms have different types of cells.

6. There is so much variety in the world, and we are going to talk about the basic structures one might find in cells.

7. Nerve cells conduct electrical impulses through the body.

8. There are cells in man’s intestine that absorb nutrients from the food you eat.

9. Stomach cells secrete an acid to digest your food.

10. Pieces of protein and RNA can pass through tiny holes.

11. When the cell is going to divide, the chromatin becomes very compact, and it condenses.

12. If one sees a picture of a nucleus, he might see a small dark area inside the nucleus, almost like a tiny nucleus inside the nucleus.

XI.Складіть речення.

1. The сell is 1. made up of protein and RNA with very little DNA.
2. DNA 2. made up of DNA, RNA and proteins.
3. Stomach cells 3. tells the cell what kind of proteins to make and the best things the cell should do to survive.
4. The cell’s DNA 4. a very small, complex unit of protoplasm, usually with a nucleus, cytoplasm, and enclosing membrane.
5. The nucleus is 5. secrete an acid to digest your food.
6. Chromatin is 6. has the instructions that tell the cell what it should do, and what it should become.

X II . Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ними.


1). A.Every living thing on Earth has cells.

Do you agree with me?

B.Yes, that is right (you are quite right). Every living thing on Earth has cells.

2). A.Viruses have cells.

Do you agree with me?

B.No, you are wrong (that is wrong). Viruses do not have cells.

1. Cells don’t keep living things organized.

2. One of the main purposes of cells is to destroy.

3. Every cell has a specific job to do.

4. Viruses have brain cells, stomach sells, bone cells, and many other types of cells.

5. There are even some creatures on Earth that don’t have all of the basic parts of a cell, or even a cell.

6. Bacteria have nuclear membranes to hold their DNA inside.

7. Animal cells have neither chloroplasts nor cell walls.

8. All cells need energy to survive and live.

9. Nerve cells conduct nutrients through the body.

10. When the cell is going to divide, the chromatin becomes very compact, and it condenses.

X II I. Відкрийте дужки в реченнях, поставивши дієслова у потрібному часі.

1.Cells (to keep) living things organized. 2.One of the main purposes of cells (to be) to organize. 3.Every person (to have) brain cells, stomach сells, bone cells, and many other types of cells. 4.Different organisms (to have) different types of cells. 5.A cell (to be) a complex unit that (to consist) of protoplasm, usually with a nucleus, cytoplasm, and enclosing membrane. 6.We (to be going) to talk about the basic structures one might find in cells. 7.Nerve cells (to conduct) electrical impulses through the body. 8.Some plant cells (to have) an organelle called a CHLOROPLAST that (to take) energy from the sun and (to covert) it into sugars. 9.The NUCLEUS (to be) like the brain of the cell. 10. DNA (to tell) the cell what kind of proteins (to make) and the best things the cell should do (to survive). 11.The nuclear membrane (to hold) the nucleus together.12. Chromatin (to contain) DNA, RNA and proteins.

X I V . Ознайомтеся з таблицею. Складіть речення із такими словосполученнями:

 to read a newspaper,

 to speak at the conference,

 to study English,

 to listen to the music,

 to watch TV,

 to go to the University.

Present Continuous Tense

(+) (?) (-)
I am working Am I working? I am not working
He (she, it) is working Is he (she, it) working? He (she, it) is not working
We are working Are we working? We are not working
You are working Are you working? You are not working
They are working Are they working? They are not working.

Примітка: Запам’ятайте дієслова, які не вживаютьсявContinuous Tenses: want, like, love, hate, need, prefer, depend, know, mean, understand, believe, remember, forget.

XV. Прочитайте і перекладіть діалоги. Поясніть вживання Present Continuous Tense.

Dialogue A

· Where are you going at the weekend?

· To the seaside. Are you coming with us?

· Yes, with pleasure.

Dialogue B

· When are you meeting your friend?

· At 10.00

· Why so early?

· Because at 11 I am having talks with my Dutch colleagues.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 72; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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