XIII. Утворіть речення за зразком.


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For two billion years bacteria lived alone. Did bacteria live alone for two billion years? How long did bacteria live alone? Bacteria did not live alone for two billion years.

1.Tuberculosis occurred in livestock throughout the world.

2.Grass provided food for millions of cattle and sheep.

3.Bacteria existed in air, water, soil etc.

4.Bacteria caused an outbreak of dangerous disease.

5.Only after 1870 veterinary education became a reality in the United States.

B . Зразок:

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Sometimes bacteria cause a disease Do bacteria sometimes cause a disease? What do bacteria cause sometimes? Bacteria don’t cause a disease


1.We enjoy wild animals and plants because they make the earth a more pleasant place to live.

2.Water helps us digest food.

3.Viruses replicate within the host’s cells.

4.Biology includes botany, zoology, microbiology and genetics.

5. Our intestines contain 100 trillion bacteria.

C .Зразок:

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загальне спеціальне
Microbes will recycle leftovers. Will microbes recycle leftovers? What will microbes recycle? Microbes will not recycle leftovers.

1. Viruses will form new virions which will invade further cells of the host.

2. These viruses will cause leukosis and yellow fever.

3. The conference on small animal diseases will take place next Monday.

4. Soon our cat will have kittens.

5. We will enrich the soil in order to increase yields.

XIV . Поставте питання до виділених слів у реченнях .

1.Tuberculosis occurred in livestock throughout the world.

2.Grass provided food for millions of cattle and sheep.

3.Bacteria existed in air, water, soil etc.

4.Bacteria caused an outbreak of dangerous disease.

5.Only after 1870 veterinary education became a reality in the United States.

6.We enjoy wild animals and plants because they make the earth a more pleasant place to live.

7.Water helps us digest food.

8.Viruses replicate within the host’s cells.

9.Biology includes botany, zoology, microbiology and genetics.

10. Our intestines contain 100 trillion bacteria.

XV . Перекладіть речення англійською мовою .

1.Скільки бактерій міститься у кишечнику людини? 2.Чи є спортзал у вашому університеті? 3.На якому поверсі розташований деканат вашого факультету? 4.В Америці не було домашніх тварин, коли туди приїхала біла людина. 5.У сільському господарстві ми залежимо від машин, добрив, знань про тварин і рослин та їх поведінку. 6.Згідно з легендою, протягом Золотого віку не було вбивств тварин. 7.Зараз у Кембріджі існує приблизно 19 факультетів. 8.На міжнародній конференції будуть представники з багатьох країн. 9.Вода допомагає нам перетравлювати їжу. 10.У вашому листі було багато помилок. 11.Чи є у вас вдома які-небудь тварини? 12.У тебе є кішка або собака? 13.У тебе є парасолька? 14.У твого батька гарна робота? 15.Скільки кафедр на вашому факультеті? 16.У вашого друга є домашні тварини? 17.У нашому районі не було спалахів туберкульозу. 18.Вибачте, у мене немає часу. Я зателефоную Вам завтра. 19.У нас не було грошей, тому ми вирішили піти пішки. 20.Після засідання буде обід, а потім невеличкий концерт.

XVI. Перекажіть текст англійською мовою .


Bacterium is the simplest and the smallest form of plant life. They exist in air, water and soil, and in living and dead animals and plants. One teaspoon of rich soil is home to more than 100 billion bacteria. These microbes recycle leftovers of everything else. Bacteria are about two billion years old, and nowadays nothing can live without them. While some of them are pathogens or germs, the others work to breakdown or convert matter into nutrients that can be used by organisms for food. Bacteria in our intestines help us digest our meals.

Bacteria clean up our environment by feeding on toxic wastes, petroleum, and sewage. Some bacteria make nitrogen available to plants. Industries can culture microorganisms to produce medicines, pesticides, solvents, and even to separate metals from ore.

Microorganisms secrete enzymes used in fermenting beer, wine, cheeses, breads, and many other foods.

A virus is any of various poisonous elements, smaller than bacteria, causing the spread of infectious diseases.

Viruses consist usually of a central part containing nucleic acid, surrounded by a coat of protein, or of protein and lipid. The nucleic acid is: DNA or RNA in viruses attacking animals; RNA in viruses attacking plants; usually DNA in bacteriophages.

Viruses replicate within the host’s cells forming new virions which invade further cells of the host. Viruses can only replicate intracelluarly, so they can not be cultured in a nonliving medium.

The nucleic acid of the virus takes control of the nucleus in the host cell. During this process the cell may be destroyed or may produce toxins which cause clinical disease.

Viruses can be spread either by droplet infection, personal contact or biting insects.



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