А) подлежащего или обстоятельства цели

1. Для того чтобы понять сообщение, необходимо его декодировать.

2. Обеспечение экономической свободы — главная, если не единственная, цель всех ветвей, уровней и органов государственной власти.

3. Чтобы получить эту помощь, стране необходимо было сделать некоторые уступки.

Б) обстоятельства следствия

1. Они создают новые технологии для того, чтобы быть конкурентоспособными.

2. Возражения, выдвинутые против плана правительства, были слишком серьезными, чтобы их игнорировать.

3. Этот вопрос слишком сложен, чтобы его можно было разрешить без дальнейших консультаций.

В) обстоятельства сопутствующих условий

1. Премьер-министр заявил в телеинтервью, что на предстоящих выборах он вновь выдвинет свою кандидатуру и в третий раз будет претендовать на пост главы правительства.

2. Он уехал и больше не вернулся в этот город.

3. Он даже не появился, чтобы наладить контакт со своими коллегами.


ü Переведите герундиальные конструкции.

1. Developing critical media literacy involves perceiving how media like film or video can be used positively to teach a wide range of topics, like multicultural understanding and education.

2. Keeping with the times has become an absolute necessity of this complex society of ours.

3. Mr A. thanked the Daily Telegraph for having invited him as a journalist.

4. Being media literate also involves awareness of advertising revenues and ownership that drives the industry, and an understanding of media influences on society.

5. You have no one but yourself to blame for not having asked for more detailed information.

6. Too much eating, drinking and sunbathing can cause cancer and some lipsticks and make-up are dangerous too, the World Health Organisation warned yesterday.

7. His parents don't approve of their son's marrying a poor girl.

8. He cannot see very distinctly but he can find his way without being led by the hand.

9. Is it worth going there?

10. This washing powder is good for washing silk.


ü Переведите предложения с причастиями.

1. TV is a hidden curriculum for all people, financed by a hidden taxation without representation, paid by everyone regardless of whether they use the service or not.

2. Advertising is a marketing tool used to help shape consumer perception of brands and bring brands to life.

3. They watched the temperature gradually rising.

4. The commercial ends with a slogan ‘designed for the senses’.

5. The terms insisted upon are difficult to fulfil.

6. Every visual sign in advertising connotes a quality, situation, value or inference, which is present as an implication or implied meaning, depending on the connotational positioning.

7. Having thus finished his talk the speaker smiled and waited for comments.

8. Leaving the letter with the secretary Brown started to the Conference Hail.

9. Unless otherwise specified, the condition is as follows.

10. Bell should be regarded as having invented the telephone.


ü Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на абсолютные конструкции.

1. With public patience wearing tin, it will be years before these proposals make an impact.

2. With experts disagreeing about prospects, ordinary people are understandably confused about the government's record.

3. Fishing for shark was also a favorite with us. But this was purely sport, full-grown sharks being unedible.

4. She squatted in front of him, brown eyes grave again, and held her mirror so that he could see.

5. How can you play such a loud music with your grandmother lying ill in bed?

6. The dance broke out, the couples hurrying to their seats.

7. With you out all morning, the phone has been ringing off the hook.

8. A chapter having been read twice, the books were closed and the girls examined.

9. It was still snowing, when Brian Richardson, his scarf wound tightly, overshoes snug, and collar upturned, left the office.

10. The photocopies lying safely in his pocket, and that much successfully accomplished without being seen, he started to feel more confident.


ü Переведите предложения, используя прием членения и объединения.

1. For the Liberal Party to be treated as a serious organisation, there must be a great deal of money backing this remnant of a once powerful party, whose president is a director of 12 companies, some of them operating in British colonies.

2. A 12-men Russian steel delegation arrived at London airport last night to start a three week visit at the invitation of the Government.

3. Britons will be among over 100 experts meeting at Luxembourg today to discuss improved mining safety.

4. Paris bakery owners yesterday called off a two-day refusal to sell bread launched as a part of a bitter struggle to starve Paris into agreeing to an increase in bread prices.

5. Polio struck Manchester again when seven new cases ended a period of two days respite in the epidemic.

6. Cinematographers, painters and musicians find a common enthusiasm in the absolute film. Through using the motion picture camera creatively, cameramen find a seemingly endless source of new possibilities and means of expression undreamed of while the camera was confined to use merely as a recording device. But we must turn back to painters and musicians to find the ideas which probably motivated the Absolute Film into a state of being.

7. The paper, the canvas, the film frame, the time sequence are all fields with almost unlimited potentials. The possibilities for organizing forms, colours and movements within these fields are endless, and the variety depends only on the experience and imagination of the artist. There is no need to repeat. There is no need to develop a formula.

8. TV is a world in which men out number women at least three to one. This male cast makes the world revolve mostly around questions of power. That is why television is so violent: the best, quickest demonstration of power is a show-down that resolves the issue of who can get away with what against whom. On television, there is an incident of violence on the average of five times an hour.

9. Typhoon Peggy cast a destructive path across the northern coast, killing more than 40 people, flooding huge areas and leaving behind a wide trail of wrecked houses, crops and buildings before heading towards south-east China.

10. The Chicago Bulls flicked the Seattle Supersonics aside for the third time in a row and are now only one win away from taking place as perhaps the greatest team in NBA history.



ü Переведите предложения, используя антонимический перевод.

1. Unless there is another terrorist assault on America or unless the economy rebounds dramatically, then the relative importance of the economy as a matter of public debate is likely to grow.

2. The current inhabitant of the White House has not been in politics long enough to acquire a record of betrayals.

3. America is the world's pre-eminent power in both conventional and nuclear terms, better able than any other deal with just about any military contingency. On this score it has little to fear.

4. The country will not see exciting political times until the election proper gets into full swing in the autumn.

5. What is most important about the new election calendar is that it has raised the odds against dark horses, who once added so much excitement to American politics.

6. У английских экономистов нет единого мнения относительно темпов экономического роста страны в будущем году.

7. Для страны, которая перестала быть империей, такая внешняя политика типична.

8. Лидеры двух стран встретятся не раньше октября.

9. Япония предупредила Северную Корею о том, что откроет ей кредитную линию только тогда, когда она откажется от своей ядерной программы.

10. Последнее ближневосточное перемирие продлилось не долго.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 616; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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