Australia was 'unsettled', says PM


федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Курганский государственный университет»



Кафедра английской филологии




Практикум по развитию навыков перевода

И интерпретации иноязычных медиатекстов

Для студентов III курса направления подготовки 031300.62




Курган 2014

Кафедра: «Английская филология»

Дисциплина: «Перевод текстов СМИ»

Составитель: старший преподаватель Л.Н. Юркевич

Утвержден на заседании кафедры «30» июня 2014 г.

Рекомендован методическим советом университета

«28» июля 2014 г.



Настоящий практикум по дисциплине «Перевод текстов СМИ» предназначен для бакалавров филологического факультета направления подготовки «Журналистика» очной и заочной формы обучения. Практикум ставит своей задачей знакомство студентов с различными видами медиатекстов, медиакультурой стран изучаемого языка, обучение навыкам чтения, перевода и интерпретации иноязычных медиатекcтов.

Практикум состоит из трех частей и приложения. Первая часть содержит упражнения на основные трудности перевода, вторая – тексты для перевода с заданиями, третья – медиатексты для анализа. В приложении представлены теоретические аспекты перевода.





ü Подберите вариантные соответствия выделенным словам.

1. Whether in national politics or in everyday interaction, people in power get to impose their metaphors.

2. Private economic power differs from the public power of the state.

3. This could be achieved by the installation of more effective control equipment on power plants.

4. When I want to listen to a record for pleasure I usually choose a disc made over 30 years ago.

5. According to the latest police records the crime rate is growing.

6. The UN records are published in UN official languages.

7. This is becoming a standard practice among many community groups throughout the USA who have property to protect.

8. The final part of the project was Community Service.

9. They were the members of a rural community.

10. Life is very flat in a small village.

11. His flat mind couldn't cope with the task.

12. Use flat pan for cooking this dish.

13. The lawyer hasn't yet formed a clear view of the case.

14. The attaché case was opened and its content was transferred to a new case.

15. The actual interpretation chosen by people is guided by context — in this case most would choose the second meaning.


ü Переведите интернациональные и псевдоинтернациональные слова.

1. We shall see who is really the Tory's champion political fighter.

2. This list is rather accurate.

3. Everybody congratulated the parents on their son's academic success.

4. She continued to mourn her husband, that gallant gentleman whom she had loved so much.

5. There was something bizarre about him, frightening and at the same time pathetic.

6. The elder lady was enveloped in a costly velvet shawl.

7. A good journalist should have the qualities of sympathy and an inquiring mind.

8. He decided to change into his regular clothes.

9. Mark Twain worked as pilot on ships going up and down the Mississippi.

10. You shouldn't bring her flowers every time - that's really extravagant.

11. Part of the action in "Gone with the Wind" takes place during the Reconstruction.

12. I felt like a servant sometimes.

13. But the rest seemed to belong to another artist.

14. There was a gymnasium equipped with ropes, Indian clubs, parallel bars and fencing equipment.


ü Подберите русские соответствия к именам собственным. Определите, в каких случаях уместно применить транскрипцию, а в каких транслитерацию.

The Guardian, the Daily Worker, Mirror, The Wall Street Journal, Houston Chronicle, The Vancouver Sun, The Australian, New Zealand Herald, Starcom MediaVest Group Worldwide, Pulitzer Prize, Pearson, Penguin Random House, Financial Times Group, Vox Media, Hitachi Ltd, Dell Publishing Co. Inc.;

Wordsworth, Horatio, Newcastle, Dover, Plymouth, Hastings, Northampton, Leicester, Warwickshire, Worsborough, Phoenix, Baltimore, Wyoming, Edward the Confessor, William the Conqueror, Victoria Station, Baker Street, Lake District, Zeus, Tower Bridge, Greenwich Village, Carnegie Hall, Jefferson Memorial, Lake Superior.


ü Переведите предложения c препозитивными атрибутивными сочетаниями.

1. An attempted overthrow in Haiti failed.

2. The company's success is mostly due to the administrative efficiency.

3. Gun control is now one of the hottest issues in the USA.

4. After his marriage he resolutely stayed a one-woman man.

5. He gave her a good-to-see-you smile.

6. Momma was staring at her with wide my-ears-are-deceiving-me-eyes.

7. That kind I-already-know-but-would-like-some-confirmation statement is the oldest reporter's ploy in the book.

8. "Yes, mummy", - he was using his best-little-boy-in-the-world voice.

9. He said it with a nervous bad-boy-at-the-back-of-the-classroom giggle.

10.  There was a wouldja-mind-lettin-us-do-our-job undertone in his voice.


ü Найдите русские соответствия английским фразеологическим единицам (ФЕ).

1. to get up on the wrong side of the bed 2. to make a mountain out of a molehill 3. to have green fingers / a green thumb 4. to shed crocodile’s tears 5. to beat the bird in the eye 6. that remains to be seen 7. can’t keep a secret, talk too much 8. to plough the sands 9. to pour like cats and dogs 10. between the devil and the black sea 11. to kill the time 12. non-starter; dead end а) скоротать время b) носить воду в решете c) язык без костей d) между молотом и наковальней e) лить как из ведра f) дохлый номер g) иметь легкую руку h) делать из мухи слона i) не в бровь, а в глаз j) лить крокодиловы слезы k) встать не с той ноги l) бабушка надвое сказала


ü Соедините начало и конец ФЕ и переведите ее.

A good beginning A bird in the hand Business before When the cat is away All cats are grey Charity begins The appetite comes As you make your bed the mice will play with eating in the dark makes a good ending is worth two in the bush pleasure at home so you must lie on it



ü Переведите реалии, обращаясь к описанию, если это необходимо.

Субботник, застолье, ЗАГС, дом отдыха, хрущевка, комната на общей кухне, рабочий поселок, микрорайон, медалист, борщ, квас, окрошка, орать во всю Ивановскую, дача, богатырь, жена декабриста, дедовщина, Клуб Веселых и Находчивых, Царевна-несмеяна.



ü Переведите заголовки медиатекстов, обращаясь к контексту.

Declaration of Independents

In the next Congress, it’s likely that the fastest-growing, most open-minded and least-partisan group of voters in the country will have no say.

The Animal Whisperer

A giraffe overcoming an eating problem. Harbor seals being prepared for an eye exam. How one behaviorist attends to their needs.

Australia was 'unsettled', says PM

Tony Abbott says country owes existence to British investment in unsettled land.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 285; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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