Вплив мистецтва на розвиток людини та суспільства (Art’s i mpact on human development and s ociety)

Art is an extremely private experience, yet, it is meant to be shared with the public. Society, as a whole, examines the art produced and has the right to approve, disapprove, acknowledge, ignore, praise, and abuse it.

Art reflects life. Art has been used as a vehicle to illustrate and illuminate history. Art has captured an event, clarifying its existence and representation to society. Society, in turn, can accept or reject these portrayals of true events.

Art has always encouraged feelings such as love, beauty, patriotism and national pride. For example, depictions of Washington crossing the Delaware, and portraits of battlefields, at home and abroad, are scenes that inspire American society. These works also remind the public of their past, what has been sacrificed and what they can aspire to in the present or future.

Artwork has also provided clues to lives long over and species since disappeared. Holstein provides us with portraits of people long dead e.g. Henry VIII, Erasmus of Rotterdam, as Rubens does with his painting of Marie de’ Medici.

Artwork has allowed us to glimpse lives and lifestyles. Art has provided examples of garden styles, structures to be imitated, and fashions to follow. At one time, dressmakers in the colonies used the artwork found in magazines and depicted in reproductions of paintings to create the latest in fashionable clothing. It allowed them to be as up-to-date as their European counterparts.

Art may improve society. Sometimes the change may be noticeable on a large scale, but often it is very localized. Van Gogh’s painting Sunflowers might improve society by causing people to appreciate the small and natural beauty that surrounds them. Art holds the possibility to improve society, but there are only results when the public can experience and understand the art.

Art has stirred the imagination of all nations from the earliest time. It has helped roused patriotic fervour, brought new ideas and culture to light, raised questions and reinterpreted historical events. Art has provided clues to the past and advanced questions about the future. Art deepen our understanding of the human spirit, extend our capacity to comprehend the lives of others, allow us to imagine a more just and humane world. Through its diversity of feelings, its variety of forms, its multiplicity of inspiration, arts make our culture richer and more reflective. For, above all, art touches us beyond the intellect, reaching down into society’s emotional core. In the end, the greatest impact of art is its ability to provide us with the truth about the world seen through the eye of an artist.


Міжкультурна освіта в XXI столітті (Multicultural education in the twenty-first century )

Multicultural education is an idea, an educational reform movement, and a process. As an idea, multicultural education seeks to create equal educational opportunities for all students, including those from different racial, ethnic, and social-class groups. Multicultural education tries to create equal educational opportunities for all students by changing the total school environment so that it will reflect the diverse cultures and groups within a society and within the nation’s classrooms. Multicultural education is a process because its goals are ideals that teachers and administrators should constantly strive to achieve.

With integrated curriculum, social activities, administrative support, and staff training, fear, ignorance, and personal detachment may be notably reduced in both students and teachers. Benefits to multicultural education can help to eliminate the crux of stereotyping, prejudice, and racism. Multicultural education is the potential catalyst to bring all races together in harmony.

Educators, educational theorists, researchers, activists, and everyone else must practice and apply multicultural teaching and learning principles both inside and out of the classroom. Because so much of multicultural understanding involves such subtle yet important phenomena as clothes, gestures, accent, inflection, and manners, the informal curriculum of the classroom is particularly relevant. By recognizing that we can prepare students through both the informal and formal curriculum, we can increase our effectiveness in achieving all of the goals.

One way that multicultural education can be promoted through the informal curriculum is by relating curriculum content to the students’ lives and cultural experience. You may encourage bilingual students to teach their language to their classmates. You may decorate the room with visual signs for a multicultural focus with objects students have brought in or made that can help them personalize the room. You should involve parents in the classroom. At the beginning of the year parents could be sent an invitation to assist in the class, to contribute cultural information or artifacts or to teach the class a special skill or hobby they have.

Among the activities that can be used in a Foreign Language classroom to stimulate learning and to promote appreciation of many customs and festivals of differing cultures are: culture capsules, international cookbooks, international dinners, minidramas or skits, multicultural sports and games, films and slides, magazines and newspapers, guest speakers, international music, folk crafts, and field trips. Multicultural education need not be limited to Foreign Language teachers. Many of these activities can be developed in conjunction with teachers of other disciplines in order to stimulate interest in multicultural education.

Celebrating holidays of major importance to the different groups in the school can also foster positive multicultural interactions and understandings among students and teachers.

Ultimately, the goal of multicultural education is to contribute to the transformation of society and to the application and maintenance of social justice and equity. Social justice and equity in schools can, and should, mean social justice and equity in society. Only then will the purpose of multicultural education be fully achieved.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 197; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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