Подорожі як один з аспектів освіти у позанавчальний час ( Travelling as one aspect of extra - curricular education )

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Adults and children often get tired of the same surroundings and daily routine and some relaxation is essential to restore their mental and physical resources. That is why the best way of relaxation, in my opinion, is travelling adventure. It keeps people from growing stale and old, and develops their imagination.

Travelling is also extremely important to education. Student travel tours, when arranged through a reputable company or organization, are generally very informative and well-guided. First of all, through travel tours, students are allowed to actually see and experience countries, cities, sites, and landmarks. Students are truly given the opportunity to see and experience new places and things that cannot come from books, papers, computers, teachers, or any other medium of education.

Travelling often enhances language skills, since in travel they become a matter of necessity. Interpreting gestures will lead you to learn new words, as well as local colloquialisms. You can practice your existing skills as you move about a country.

You can read about history in a book, or you can actually experience it. Many places offer more than meets the eye. For example, Breckenridge, Colorado, is known for its ski resort, but this former Victorian mining town has done a superb job of preserving its heritage. You can tour the mines or visit some of the well-preserved Victorian homes. Boston is another example. It’s an exciting party town, but you can also evoke the American Revolution by walking the Freedom Trail. A walk through the Coliseum in Rome will transport you back to the days of the Roman Empire. It may be impressive in pictures, but it’s overwhelming when you see it in real life.

Travel tours are an integral part of learning and should be arranged for students when possible as they truly enhance education and make learning both exciting and fun.


Як стати справжнім професіоналом (How to become a real professional )

Teaching is the most necessary, charitable, and noble profession. But it is a very specific and difficult job as well. Teacher’s work is never done. A good teacher is eternally busy, attending meetings, assisting pupils, grading assignments, and calling parents. So a teacher has to be a good manager of time and use this precious resource wisely.

A teacher has to wear many hats: he is to be a communicator, a disciplinarian, a conveyor of information, an evaluator, a classroom manager, a counsellor, a decision-maker, and a surrogate parent. Not everyone who wants to be a teacher can make a good teacher. A teacher is to be able to sacrifice a lot, to have a passionate heart and concern for the children. Socrates compares the art of teaching to the ancient craft of the midwife. Just as the midwife assists the body to give birth to new life, so the teacher assists the mind to deliver itself of ideas, knowledge, and understanding.

Teaching is one of the most responsible professions because a teacher deals with children, the most precious and vulnerable “material”. Children are big parrots, they like to imitate teachers. Children study their character and soul, and copy everything they like: clothes, gestures, expression and so on. That’s why a teacher should be a sample to follow.

A teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. He should know perfectly the subject he teaches, he must be well-educated and well-informed because an ignorant teacher can teach only ignorance. A good teacher doesn’t only teach his subject, but develops in his pupils the burning desire to knowledge, moulds their personalities, forms their attitudes to life and to other people, prepares them for the challenges of life, as well as determines their values in life.

Without a doubt, a teacher is a whole world for his pupils. He is the Master to whom all the secrets are known and mysteries are revealed. He is a comforter, a counselor, and a good friend in need. A good teacher never puts to shame, but encourages his pupils’ success. He expresses praise and appreciation as often as correction. He evaluates his pupils for what they are, not just for what they do. He should never forget that he reaps what he sows.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 194; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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