Граматичний матеріал: Модальні дієслова

 Повторення видо-часових форм Simple, Continuous

Ex. 1. Complete the sentences with must or mustn't.

You_________brush your teeth three times a day.

You _________forget to do your homework regularly.

You _________be nice to your classmates.

You _________wear warm clothes when it is cold outside.

You _________chew gum in auditorium.

You _________study hard if you want to pass your exams.

You _________fight with your classmates.

You _________ play football in the auditorium.

You __________listen to your teacher very carefully.

You __________forget your best friend's birthday.

You __________be rude to your grandparents.

You __________go to the dentist's twice a year.

You __________ stay in bed when you are ill.

You __________feed zoo animals.

You __________do your online exercises.

Ex. 2. Fill in the necessary modal verb (can, must, may).

1. Maybe she will return tonight. - She ________ return tonight.

2. Don't stand up! - You _______ stand up! 

3. I'm sure they will finish it in a minute. – They_______ finish it in a minute.

4. There is no need to answer the letter. - You _________answer the letter.

5. Please, do it for me. –__________you do it for me?

6. I'd like to see your children. - _________I see your children?

7. I am not good at football. - I __________play football.

8. Do your homework! - You ___________do your homework.

9. Let's take a taxi. - We ____________take taxi.

Ex. 3. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous).

1. The teacher usually (to explain) grammar rules in the middle of the lesson. 2. I (to play) in the yard after 3 o’clock every day. 3. My father (to drive) the car very well. 4. I get at 6 o’clock every morning. 5. My brother (to sit) in the armchair now. 6. Look! The boys (to ride) bicycles. 7. The pupils (to visit) the Art gallery last week. 8. My relatives (to buy) a car yesterday. 9. They (to learn) Spanish next year. 10. She (to go) to school 6 days a week? 11. They always (to spend) their winter holidays in the Carpathians? 12. You (to dance) in the club on Saturdays? 13. Peter and Mary (to dance) now? 14. You (to read) a detective story now? 15. Mike (to have) a good time now? 16. The pupils (to write) a composition last week? 17. The children (to go) to the forest tomorrow? 18. They (not to discuss) texts at the English lessons. 19. He (not to listen) to classical music. 20. Where’s father? He   (not to work) in the garden. 21. George (not to prepare) for examination last week.

Ex. 2 . Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. We were working at 4 o’clock yesterday. 2. She was leaving the house at that time. 3. My friends were walking in the street at 10 yesterday. 4. When I came back my mother was cooking dinner. 5. I was having a bath when the phone rang.

3. Робота з текстом за професійним спрямуванням:

Task: read the text; translate, be ready to answer the questions and retell the text

Famous psychologists . Jung , Carl Gustav

           He was born on July 26, 1875, in Kesswil, Switzerland, in the family of a Protestant clergyman (священника). After graduating in medicine in 1902 from the universities of Basel and Zurich, with a wide background in biology, zoologypalaeontology, and archaeology, he began his work on word association, in which a patient's responses to stimulus words revealed what Jung called «complexes»—a term that has since become universal. These studies brought him international fame and led him to a close collaboration with Freud.

With the publication of Psychology of the Unconscious (1912), however, Jung declared his independence from Freud's narrowly sexual interpretation of the libido by showing the close parallels between ancient myths and psychotic fantasies and by explaining human motivation in terms of a larger creative energy. He gave up (отказался от) the presidency of the International Psychoanalytic Society and founded a movement called analytical psychology.

During his remaining 50 years Jung developed his theories, drawing on a wide knowledge of mythology and history; on his travels to diverse (разнообразные) cultures in New Mexico, India, and Kenya; and especially, on the dreams and fantasies of his childhood. In 1921 he published a major work, Psychological Types, in which he dealt with the relationship between the conscious and unconscious and proposed the now well-known personality types—extrovert and introvert.

He later made a distinction (сделал различие) between the personal unconscious, or the repressed feelings and thoughts developed during an individual's life, and the collective unconscious, or those inherited feelings (унасле­дованные чувства), thoughts, and memories shared by all humanity. The collective unconscious, according to Jung, is made up of what he called «archetypes». These correspond to such experiences as confronting death or choosing a mate (выбор пары) and manifest themselves symbolically in religions, myths, fairy tales (сказки), and fantasies.

Jung wrote many works on analytical methods and the relationships between psychotherapy and religious belief. He died on June 6, 1961.

Answer the questions:

1. What is Jung famous for? 2. Where did he study and work? 3. What studies brought him international fame? 4. Why did Jung declare his independence from Freud's views? 5. What movement did he found and why? 6. When did he publish his major work? 6. When did he propose the well-known personality types? 7. What is the collective unconscious? 8. What did Jung call «archetypes»?


Індивідуальна робота за семестр:

  1. Підготувати доповідь «Видатний психолог».
  2. Читання та анотування статті за фахом


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