A. In the right main bronchus

B. In the trachea

C. In the gullet

D. In the left main bronchus

E. In the larynx

Young man felt sharp pain in the back during active tightening on the horizontal bar. Objectively: pain while moving of upper extremity, limited pronation and adduction functions. Sprain of what muscle is presented?

A. М. latissimus dorsi

B. М. romboideus major

C. М. levator scapulae

D. М. trapezius

E. М. subscapularis

An aged patient complains of headache, dizziness, quick tiredness, worsening of memory. Anamnesis: craniocerebral injury. Medicine of what group should be prescribed?

A. Somnific

B. Neuroleptics

C. Nootropics

D. Sedatives

E. Analgetics

 28 Patient with diabetes didn't get insulin injection in time that caused hyperglycemic coma (glucose in the blood 50mmol/L). What mechanism is prevalent in the development of the coma?

A. Hypokaliemia

B. Hypoxia

C. Hyperosmia

D. Hyponatremia

E. Acidosis

Patient with injured muscles of the lower extremities was admitted to the traumatological department. Due to what cells is reparative regeneration of the muscle fibers and restoration of the muscle function possible?

A. Myofibroblasts

B. Myoblasts

C. Satellite-cells

D. Fibroblasts

E. Myoepithelial cells

Spasm of smooth muscle of bronchi developed in the patient. Usage of activators of what membrane cytoreceptors is fisiologically valid to decrease attack?

A. М-cholinoreceptors

B. α-аdrenoreceptors

C. β-adrenoreceptors

D. α- and β-аdrenoreceptors

E. Н-cholinoreceptors

Patient was admitted to the infection unit with diagnosis of bacterial dysentery. On laboratory      studies it was revealed that causative element is sensative to the many antimicrobial medicines, but patient has anemia. What medicine is contra-indicated to the patient?

A. Enteroseptol

B. Phthalazol

C. Levomycetin

D. Ampicillin

E. Furazolidone

On autopsy of a still-born infant it is revealed heart development abnormalities: ventricles are not separated, originates from the right part single arterial trunk. For what class of vertebrate is such heart construction characteristic?

A. Birds

B. Amphibian

C. Reptiles

D. Mammals

E. Fishes

 33 A 50-year-old patient with typhoid fever was treated with Levomycetin, the next day his condition became worse, temperature rised to 39,60С. What caused worthening?

A. Reinfection

B. Irresponsiveness of an agent to the levomycetin

C. Allergic reaction

D. The effect of endotoxin agent

E. Secondary infection addition

Inflamation is characterised by increasing penetration of vessels of microcirculation stream, increasing of their fluid dynamic blood pressure. Increasing of the osmotic concentration and dispersity of protein structures present in the intercellular fluid. What kind of edema will appear in this case?

A. Hydrodynamic

B. Lymphogenic

C. Membranogenic

D. Colloid-osmotic

E. Mixed

Patient complains of frequent and difficult urination. Imperfection of what formation can cause it?

A. Prostate

B. Bulb-uretic glands

C. Sperm bubbles

D. Testicles

E. Testicle adnexa

Live vaccine is injected into the human body. Increasing activity of what cells of connective tissue can be expected?

A. Fibroblasts and labrocytes

B. Adipocytes and adventitious cells

C. Macrophages and fibroblasts

D. Plasmocytes and lymphocytes

E. Pigmentocytes and pericytes

Methotrexate (structural analogue of the folic acid which is competitive inhibitor of the dihydrofolatreductase) is prescribed for treatment of the malignant tumour.On which level does methotrexate inhibit synthesis of the nucleic acids?

A. Mononucleotide synthesis

B. Replication

C. Transcription

D. Processing

E. Reparation

Patient was on glucocorticoids for a long time, discontinuation of usage caused exacerbation of the illness, decreased BP, weakness. How can you explain it?

A. Adaptation to the medicine

B. Cumulation

C. Hyperproduction of ACTH

D. Sensitization

E. Insufficiency of adrenal glands

Arterial hypertention is caused by the stenosis of the renal arteries in the patient. Activation of what system is the main link in the pathogenesys of this form of hypertension?

A. Parasympathetic

B. Kallikrein-kinin

C. Renin-angiotensin

D. Sympathoadrenal

E. Hypothalamic-pituitary

Patient with complaints of dryness in the mouth, photophobia and vision violation was admitted to the reception-room. Skin is hyperemic, dry, pupils are dilated, tachycardia. Poisoning with belladonna alkaloids was diagnosed on further examination. What medicine should be prescribed?

A. Diazepam

B. Armine

C. Pilocarpine

D. Prozerin

E. Dipyroxim

A 27- year-old woman has dropped penicillin containing eye drops. In few minutes there appeared feeling of itching, burning of the skin, lips and eyelids edema, whistling cough, decreasing of BP. What antibodies take part in the development of this allergic reaction?

A. IgA and IgM

B. IgM and IgG

C. IgM and IgD

D. IgG and IgD

E. IgE and IgG

 42 Highly injured person gradually died. Please choose the indicator of biological death:

A. Absence of movements

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 488; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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