A patient consulted a doctor about bowels disfunction. The doctor established symptoms of

Duodenitis and enteritis. Laboratory examination helped to make the following diagnosis:

Lambliosis. What medication should be administered?

A Metronidazole

B Erythromycin

C Monomycin

D Chingamin

E Tetracycline


Introduction of a pharmaceutical substance to an experimental animal resulted in reduction of

Salivation, pupil mydriasis. Next intravenous introduction of acetylcholine didn't lead to any

Significant changes of heart rate. Name this substance:

A Atropine

B Adrenaline

C Propranolol

D Proserin

E Salbutamol


Continious taking of a drug can result in osteoporosis, erosion of stomach mucous membrane,

Hypokaliemia, retention of sodium and water, reduced content of corticotropin in blood. Name

This drug:

A Prednisolone

B Hydrochlorothiazide

C Digoxin

D Indometacin

E Reserpine


A 63 y.o. man with collapse symptoms was delivered to the emergency hospital. A doctor chose

Noradrenaline in order to prevent hypotension. What is the action mechanism of this


A Activation of α 1 -adrenoreceptors

B Activation of serotonin receptors

C Activation of β -adrenoreceptors

D Activation of dopamine receptors

E Block of M-cholinoreceptors


Anapriline therapy caused positive effect in the dynamic of the disease of a 44-year-old woman

Suffering from stenocardia. What is the main mechanism of the effect of this medicine?

A Blockade of β -adrenoreceptors and decrease myocardial requirements to the oxygen.

B Decrease of oxidative exchange in myocardium due to enzyme blockade of Krebs' cycle

C Decreased power inputs of myocardium due to reduced loading

D Increased oxygen supply to the myocardium

E Decreased need in increasing of oxygen supply to the myocardium


A patient suffering from syphilis has been treated with bismuth preparations. As a result of it

Some grey spots turned up on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity; nephropathy symptoms

Were also present. What drug should be used for treatment of bismuth intoxication?

A Unithiol

B Methylene blue

C Naloxone

D Bemegride

E Nalorphine


A 65 year old patient with chronic heart failure has been taking digitoxin in self-administered

Dosages for a long time. She was admitted to the hospital for general health aggravation,

Arrhythmia, nausea, reduced diuresis, insomnia. What is the primary action to be taken?

A To withhold digitoxin

B To reduce digitoxin dosage

C To administer strophanthine intravenously

D To administer digoxin

E To give an intravenous injection of calcium gluconate solution


A 20 year old patient complains of morbid thirst and huperdiuresis (up to 10 l daily). Glucose

Concentration in blood is normal but it is absent in urine. The patient has been diagnosed with

Diabetes insipidus. What hormonal drug is the most appropriate for management of this disorder?

A Vasopressin

B Cortisol

C Thyroxin

D Oxytocin

E Insulin


A patient has myocardial infarction with thrombosis of the left coronary artery. What

Pharmocological preparation group should be used to reestablish blood flow?

A Fibrinolysis activators

B Narcotic analgesics

C β -adrenergic blockers

D Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

E Glucocorticoids


A patient has a slowly healing fracture. What medicine can be used to accelerate formation of

Connective tissue matrix?

A Methyluracil

B Prednisolone

C Cyclophosphan

D Methotrexate

E Cyclosporine


A 4 year old child was admitted to the orthopaedic department with shin fracture together with

Displacement. Bone fragments reposition requires preliminary analgesia. What preparation

Should be chosen?

A Promedol

B Analgin

C Morphine hydrochloride

D Panadol

E -


Patient with abscess of the cut wound applied to the traumatological department. Doctor for the

cleaning of the wound from the pus washed it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Foam was absence.

What caused the absents on the drug activity?

A Inherited insufficiency of catalase

B Low concentration H2O2$

C Inherited insufficiency phosphatdehydrogenase of erythrocyte

D Shallow wound

E Pus in the wound


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 892; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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