Muscles of the respiratory tracts. This attack was mainly caused by alterations in the following

Parts of the airways:

A Small bronchi

B Median bronchi

C Large bronchi

D Terminal bronchioles

E Respiratory part


The increased intraocular tension is observed in the patient with glaucoma.Secretion of

Aqueous humor by the ciliar body is normal. Injury of what structure of the eyeball wall caused

The disorder of flow-out from the anterior chamber?

A Venous sinus

B Ciliar body

C Choroid

D Ciliary muscle

E Back epithelium of cornea


Examination of a 43 y.o. patient revealed that his stomach has difficulties with digestion of

Protein food. Gastric juice analysis revealed low acidity. Function of which gastric cells is

Disturbed in this case?

A Parietal exocrinocytes

B Main exocrinocytes

C Mucous cells (mucocytes)

D Endocrinous cells

E Cervical mucocytes


A patient has been given high doses of hydrocortisone for a long time. This caused atrophy of

One of the adrenal cortex zones. Which zone is it?

A Fascial

B Glomerular

C Reticular

D Glomerular and reticular

E -


Low level of albumins and fibrinogen was detected in the patient's blood. Decreased activity of

What organelle of the liver hepatocytes can cause it?

A Granular endoplasmatic net

B Agranular endoplasmatic net

C Mitochondrions

D Golgi complex

E Lysosomes


In a histological specimen parenchyma of an organ is represented by lymphoid tissue that forms

Lymph nodes; the latter are arranged in a diffuse manner and enclose a central artery. What

Anatomic formation has such morphological structure?

A Spleen

B Tonsil

C Lymph node

D Thymus

E Red bone marrow


As a result of a trauma a patient has damaged anterior roots of spinal cord. What structures

Have been affected?

A Axons of motoneurons and axons of neurons of lateral horns

B Central processes of sensitive neurons of spinal ganglions

C Peripheral processes of sensitive spinal ganglions

D Axons of neurons of lateral horns

E Dendrites of neurons of spinal ganglions


A histological specimen of a kidney shows a part of the distal tubule going between the afferent

And efferent arteriole. The cells building the tubule wall have dense nuclei; basal membrane is

Absent. Such structural formation is called:

A Macula densa

B Juxtaglomerular cells

C Mesangial cells

D Juxtavascular cells

E -


Patient with injured muscles of the lower extremities was admitted to the traumatological

Department. Due to what cells is reparative regeneration of the muscle fibers and restoration of

The muscle function possible?

A Satellite-cells

B Myoblasts

C Myofibroblasts

D Fibroblasts

E Myoepithelial cells


In course of an experiment a big number of stem cells of red bone marrow was in some way

Destructed. Regeneration of which cell populations in the loose connective tissue will be


A Of macrophags

B Of fibroblasts

C Of pigment cells

D Of lipocytes

E Of pericytes


Histological examination of a 40 y.o. man's thymus revealed decreased share of

Parenchymatous gland elements, increased share of adipose and loose connective tissue, its

Enrichment with thymus bodies. The organ's mass was unchanged. What phenomenon is it?

A Age involution

B Accidental involution

C Hypotrophy

D Dystrophy

E Atrophy


A histological specimen shows a blood vessel. Its inner coat is composed by endothelium,

Subendothelium and internal elastic membrane. The middle coat is enriched with smooth

Myocytes. Such morphological characteristics are typical for the following vessel:

A Muscular-type artery

B Elastic-type artery

C Capillary

D Non-muscular vein

E Muscular-type vein


In course of indirect histogenesis of tubular bone tissue a plate is formed between epiphyseal

And diaphyseal ossification centres that provides further lengthwise growth of bones. What

Structure is it?

A Metaphyseal plate

B Osseous cuff

C Osseous plate

D Osteon

E Layer of interior general plates


A 2-year-old child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which results in hemorrhagic syndrome.

What is the most likely cause of hemorrhage of the child?

A Vitamin K insufficiency

B Activation of tissue thromboplastin

C PP hypovitaminosis

D Fibrinogen deficiency

E Hypocalcemia


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 411; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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