Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

1. The secretary handed the booklets to all the participants in the conference. – The secretary handed the booklets to all negotiators. 2. The two parties decided to discuss matters in order to come to an agreement. – The negotiating parties decided to discuss matters in order to come to an agreement. 3. On several occasions he did more than he had authority to do. – On several occasions he exceeded his powers. 4. I wish he hadn't got mixed up in this. – I wish he hadn't been involved in this. 5. I've rescued Jane from a sense of defeat and disappointment. – I've rescued Jane from frustration. 6. She is a better dancer than her teacher used to be in her youth. – She surpassed her dancing teacher as the latter used to be in her youth. 7. The Browns were popular in town and a lot of parents ardently desired that their little boys should be the playmates of the Browns' only child. The Browns were popular in town and of a lot of parents had the aspiration for their little boys to be the playmates of the Browns' only child. 8. This girl is in the habit of noticing things. – This girl is in the habit of observing things. 9. The Browns used to celebrate all the holidays. The Browns used to observe all the holidays. 10. When they learnt what he was up to they decided not to let him put his scheme into effect. – When they learnt what he was up to they decided to frustrate his scheme. 11. The old lady's appearance and character never failed to impress people. – The old lady's appearance and character were imposing. 12. The talks went off extremely well. – The negotiations went off extremely well. 13. The building of the house will require great expenses. – The building of the house will require impose expenses. 14. The teacher remarked that the wom­an's son was too vivacious. – The teacher remarked that the wom­an's son was exceedingly vivacious. 15. The suspect was closely watched by the police. – The suspect was closely observed by the police. 16. Every citizen is to pay an income tax. – An income tax is imposed on every citizen.

17. Use the active word combinations and vocabulary of this lesson to make up a sentence or question to provoke the given remark:

1. Oh, this surpassed my expectations! 2. Naturally, these plans were doomed обречены to failure from the start! 3. Yes, indeed! And that's why he got his bearings very quickly! 4. That's why a considerable fine


was imposed on him. 5. Easier said than done! 6. You don't say! Can he have paid me such a compliment?

18. Translate the following sentences into English using your active vo­cabulary:

1. Переговоры между этими фирмами не прекратились бы, если бы в стране не начался энергетический кризис. Negotiations between these two companies wouldn’t have ended up if the country was not involved into the energy crisis. 2. Ожида­ют, что переговоры между двумя премьер-министрами возобно­вятся и будут проходить в Лондоне. It's expected that negotiations between the two prime ministers reconvene and proceed in London. 3. Договаривающиеся сто­роны не смогли прийти к соглашению, и политические обозре­ватели полагают, что переговоры обречены на провал. Negotiators didn’t manage to reach a settlement and political observers believe that the negotiations are doomed to failure. (Negotiators met insuperable odds in the course of negotiations and political observers believe that the negotiations are doomed to failure.) 4. Мини­стры иностранных дел встретились, чтобы договориться о встре­че на высшем уровне. The foreign ministers met to negotiate the summit. 5. Результаты переговоров превзошли все ожидания. The results of the negotiations have exceeded all expectations. 6. Сражение повлекло за собой большие потери в живой силе и технике. The battle involved exceedingly loss in life and materiel. 7. В 1914 году многие государства оказа­лись втянутыми в первую мировую войну. Many states were involved in the First World War in 1914. 8. После беспорядков в городе был введен комендантский час. The curfew has been imposed after the riots in the city. (The curfew has been imposed to fight against riots in the city.) 9. Дом выглядел очень внушительным, и у Каупервуда появилось честолюбивое стрем­ление купить его. The house looked imposing, and Cowperwood got an ambition to buy it. 10. Джемма разделяла стремление Овода по­святить себя освобождению Италии. Gemma shared Ovod’s aspiration to devote himself to Italy liberation. (Gemma shared Ovod’s aspiration to devote himself to fighting against the occupation of Italy.) 11. Наблюдательный чело­век сразу бы понял, что попытки навязать таким людям свое мнение связаны с известным риском. An observant person would realize immediately that the attempts to impose one’s views to such kind of persons could involve certain risks. 12. Он был уволен из по­лиции за действия, которые официально были квалифицирова­ны как превышение власти. He was dismissed from the police for activity that was officially classified as exceeding of power. 13. Врач сказал, что больной должен быть под постоянным наблюдением, с какими бы трудностями это ни было связано. The doctor said the patient must be under constant observation whatever difficulties it might involve. 14. Миссис Смит ходила в церковь и соблю­дала религиозные праздники, но ей не удалось навязать свои взгляды сыну. Mrs. Smith went to church and observe religious holidays, but she failed to impose these views on her son. 15. Оставь меня в покое, я не хочу ввязываться в это дело. Leave me alone, I do not want to br involved in this case 16. Этот честолюбивый замысел сопряжен с большим риском. This ambition involve hazards. 17. Наблюдательная девочка не могла не заметить бе­зысходного отчаяния сестры. The observant girl could not help observing endless frustration of her sister. 18. «Соблюдение этих правил тре­буется от всех, кто принят в нашу школу, — сказал м-р Ривз. — Правила устанавливает школьный совет»." Observance of these rules is distributed to all admitted to our school, - said Mr Reeves. The regulations are established by the school board."

Начало формы

Give the gist of Text Five.

20. Discuss Browning's words "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?", a) Comment on the quotation, b) How would you answer Miss Barrett's question as to whether it is wise to aim higher than one's capaci ty? With which group of pupils would you side? c) Illustrate the quotation by a literary example, d) Make up dialogues dealing with the ideas Browning's words arouse.


21. Comment on the phraseological unit "to hitch one's wagon to a star".

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