What do / would you miss about your culture when you are abroad?

I think that mostly I missed the Russian products, as Russian bread and dairy products as kefir. Also I miss Russian language because when u’re abroad u hear only foreign language and it’s always very special for me when I came home and hear Russian speech. And I would miss my family of course and friends, but now I always travel with my relatives, so they never leave me alone.

What are the stages of culture shock? How can we cope with it?

Culture shock describes the impact of moving from a familiar culture to one which is unfamiliar. It can affect anyone, and includes the shock of a new environment, meeting lots lots of new people, being separated from your family. When familiar sights, sounds, smells or tastes are no longer there, you can miss them very much.

The stages: 1. The “honeymoon” stage (when you first arrive in a new culture, you feel excited, stimulated and curious)

2. The “distress” stage (you feel confused, isolated)

3. The “re-integration” stage (you feel angry or frustrated, or hostile to the new culture. You may be conscious mainly of how much you dislike it compared to home.)

4. The “autonomy” stage (differences and similarities are accepted. You feel relaxed, confident, more like an old hand, feel well able to cope with new situations based on your growing experience)

5. The “independence” stage (differences and similarities are valued and important. You feel full of potential and able to trust yourself in all kind of situations. Most situations become enjoyable and you are able to make choises according to your preferences and values)

Which of the following statements you agree with: “It is not essential to be aware of other people’s cultures” and “Cultural differences are becoming more important today”. Explain the reasons for your choice.

I agree with the second statement a knowledge of differences between many cultures in this day and age, in an ever-shrinking globalized world, it is becoming one of the most important key skills for being citizens of the world and to communicate, work and study in different countries effectively. 

It is very important to know about cultural differences, about their cuisine, daily habits and value, because you can be misunderstood without this knowledge and to fail in achievement of your goal.

What mistakes do visitors to a foreign country sometimes make? What cultural mistakes have you made?

It is important to know about food or body taboos. For example, some cultures don’t eat meat, cows can be sacred, the head must not be touched. In many countries you should eat by hands, not by tableware and people can be insulted if you will break the rules.

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 1503; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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