What factors are important to you when choosing what to read?

I really like classic Russian literature, especially novels by Dostoevsky. His books are like a moral tales and real page-turners. I like his evocative language and style of writing. Many of his books are shocking, thought-provoking, uplifting. Every story has gripping plot lines withimplausible twists. The fate of each key character makes us to think a lot after reading a book.

Do you think that the internet and various streaming services will eventually make books obsolete?

No, I can’t agree with this statement. I think that in every age will exist people who love real page-turners. This books will never lose their importance, because they are moral tales which tough people how to live their life correctly. And even if now we can find via internet everything, good books have more information.

Which one is better: watching a movie or reading a book? Give pros and cons of both.

I prefer reading a book. I am sure that good books are better than films, because first of all, it develops your imagination. You can imagine your own look of key characters, while during watching a movie you can’t do this. Secondly, books are more thought-provoking than films. After reading a book, you can think over and over again about the gripping plot and what writer wanted to inform us of. While most of the films are often very cheesy and lightweight. Thirdly, it is well-known that films which were based on the book are worse than the original. Maybe it is connected with the fact that most directors don’t understand the book’s plot, but the fact is that books are always better that their films-remakes.




Authoritative - авторитетный

Conscientious - сознательный, добросовестный




Knowledgeable - знающий, осведомленный, образованный



Resourceful - находчивый

Diligent - прилежный

Prudent - предусмотрительный, благоразумный

Gregarious - компанейский


Free-thinking - свободно мыслящий, открытый для идей

Preoccupied - занятый, озабоченный




Mature - зрелый





Thrivesonpressure - эффективно действует при давлении

Prone to provocation - поддаётсянапровокации


Discerning - проницательный


Perceptive - восприимчивый

Indecisive - нерешительный


(In)Flexible - гибкий, умеетподстраиваться

Painstaking - кропотливый

Anxious - беспокойный

Single-minded - целеустремлённый

Self-starting - инициативный

Dedicated - преданный




Observant - наблюдательный


Team roles:

Plant - генератор идей

Resourceinvestigator - исследователь возможностей

Coordinator - координатор

Shaper - мотиватор

Monitor-evaluator - наблюдатель и оценщик

Teamworker - командныйигрок

Implementer - реализатор

Completer-finisher - контролёр

Specialist – специалист

Peerpressure - давлениесверстников

Conform to/conformity

Goingagainstthegrain - «плытьпротивтечения», выделяться

Tofitin - вписываться в компанию, соответствовать

To look down upon - смотретьсвысока

Low on confidence - недостатоксамоуверенности

Safe/easy target for bullies - лёгкаяцель

Threaten and tease - угрожать и дразнить

Victims of bullies - жертвы

Peace of mind - душевноеспокойствие

Stand up for yourself - постоятьзасебя

Teasing and taunting - дразнить и насмехаться

Words bounce off you - слова «отскакивают» оттебя

Assault and battery - нападение и побои

Reach out for help - проситьпомощи

Insulting - оскорбления

Types of bullying:

Cyber-bullying - в интернете

Physical bullying - физическое

Verbal bullying - вербальное (словами)

Non-verbal bullying - невербальное (жесты)

Social alienation - социальноеотвержение

To stop a bully:

Ignore the bully

Stick to your friends in order not to get caught alone with the bully

Speak out

Ask for help

Turn the bullying into a joke

What is peer pressure and how does it affect people? What is the difference between peer pressure and bullying?

Peer pressure can be happened when people are influenced to do something they would not usually do because they want to be accepted by their peers (groups of friends who are about the same age and share the same interests).

Peer pressure can influence how people dress, how they talk, what music they listen to, what attitudes they adopt and how they behave. I think that peer pressure is more psychological problem, because it depends on people’s confidence, self-respect in many cases. While bullying is more social problem, because it depends on people’s characteristics like diplomacy, socialization, kindness, friendliness.

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 882; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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