Bird singing is an example of

a) communication;


The types of discourse are defined by

a) the spheres of communication;

13. Instinctive mechanisms of animals develop in the following directions:

c) the preservation of the species and the individual; provision of safety.


The classification of van Dijk’ Discourse theory is based on

b) the disciplinary-genetic approach;


The author of the linear model of communication is

b) C. Shannon and W. Weaver;


The means of establishing coherence in the discourse are

b) intonation-rhythmic, logical, semantic and formal-grammatical;


The concept of redundancy is demonstrated by the example of

a) natural human languages;


The main parameter differentiating between discourse and text is

a) a dynamic (activity) aspect of language;


The main components of communication model are

a) the source, the receiver, the message;


Intercultural communication means the communication of linguistic personalities, belonging to different

b) linguocultural communities;


The author of functional model of communication is

a) R. Jacobson;


22. Fill in the gap: The term “_________”, having an additional meaning of comparing, refers to the study of a concrete phenomenon in two or more cultures.

a) cross-cultural;


The message consists of signs which are

c) both verbal and nonverbal;


24. The scheme of communication is determined by the sequence of actions:

c) decoding – transmission– encoding.


The type of communication is determined by

a) the members of communication;


The type of communication based on standard forms of greeting and parting is called

a) ritual communication;


Institutional discourse is

a) a discourse of a definite communicative sphere;


The function of language which consists in reflection, fixation and preservation in language units of the information about the cognized reality is called

b) cumulative;


The functions of communication flow from

c) R. Jacobson’s model.


30. Fill in the gap: ________ is considered to be the originator of intercultural communication as a science discipline.

c) E.T. Hall.


Proxemics is a way of

a) a way of using space;


Semiotics or semasiology studies

c) signs, means of expressing meaning.


Kinetics is

a) a combination of significant gestures, mimic and pantomimic motions;


A communicant’s intention to carry out a particular action through the communicative act or with the help of it is called

c) communicative intention.


35. Fill in the gap: __________ is the type of communicant which can be characterized as follows: one, who is easily engaged in a conversation, jumps from topic to topic, is interesting to speak to, talkative, enjoys speaking, and does not get flustered in an unfamiliar situation.

b) A mobile communicant;


A set of ideas about the world, historically rooted and reflected in everyday consciousness of the linguistic community and reflected in the language, a certain way of conceptualizing reality is

a) the language picture of the world;


37. Fill in the gap: _______ is the type of communication which can be characterized by the following: as a rule, it follows an ideal model of communication and largely is primary; two communicants take part in it (but there is a possibility of a participant observant and a stranger or a communication in witnesses’ presence, in a crowd, in a restaurant, etc).

b) Interpersonal communication;



The psychological mechanism of occurrence of stereotypes is based on the principle of

b) economy of efforts;


Stable idea of any events or people, characteristic of the representatives of a particular social group is

b) a social stereotype;


40. Choose the author of the following: Who says what to whom in which channel with what effect?

b) G. Lasswell;



Сводный тест по дисциплинам «введение в переводоведение» и «история и теория перевода».

1. Choose the right definition for “translation”:

a) Interpretation

b) Action of rendering the meaning of a source language unit into the target language

C) Process and result of rendering the meaning of a source language unit into the target language

2. With the help of translation the communicative act is:

a) Monolingual communication

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 355; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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