The reflection in the mind of real objects and phenomena in their essential features and relations is called

a) notion;


8. Etymology does not study

c) the vocabulary of a language in the aspect of its sound system;


Metaphor is

a) a transference of names based on the association or similarity;


Metonymy is

b) a transference of names based on contiguity;

A transference of the meaning when the speaker expresses the affirmative with the negative is

b) litotes;


The classification of phraseological units according to their degree of motivation was suggested by

b) V. Vinogradov;

The smallest two-facet word composites are called

c) morphemes.

The meaning expressing the speaker’s attitude towards the reality is called

a) connotative;

Affixation, composition, conversion, shortening are the main ways of

a) word building;


The name of the English capital originates from

c) Celtic.


17. Avon, Exe, Usk, Ux, Esk stand for

a) river (water);


18. The origin of the following affixes: or, er, al, ant, ent, ct, ate, ion, tion, ute, dis, able, ute is

b) Latin;


19. According to their origin, the following affixes: ance, ence, ment, age, ess, ous, en are

a) French;

Euphemisms are words that

a) form synonymic oppositions;

Classification of phraseological units according to their contextual properties is suggested by

c) N. Amosova.

22. Choose homographs:

b) minute (хвилина) - minute (дрібний);


Synonyms are

a) words different in their outer aspects and identical or similar in their inner ones;


24. Answer the question: Which of the pair of words are paronyms?

c) proscribe – prescribe.

The way of word building when a word is formed by joining two or more stems to form a word is called

a) composition;


Is the way of word building which consists in changing the category of a part of speech, while the morphemic shape of the original word remains unchanged.

b) conversion;


Antonyms are

b) words having opposite meaning;


Words which have identical sound form and spelling but have different meanings are called

b) homonyms;


Linguistics which deals with quantitative study of language is called

a) statistical;

Contrastive analysis is

a) the study of a pair of languages in the aspect of their structural differences and similarities;


Dialects in the USA are divided into

a) Northern, Southern, Midland;


32. Answer the question: Which English local dialect has its own literature?

a) Lowland;


33. The history of American English goes back to

a) the beginning of the 17th century;


The stages of scientific research come in the following order

a) observation, classification, generalization and verification;


The dictionaries where explanation is given in the same language are called

b) monolingual;

36. The connotative component of meaning can not express

b) valency;


37. Completely non-motivated word-groups are called:

a) phraseological fusions;


38. Answer the following question. What is the largest group of borrowings in English?

b) French;

39. An exaggerated statement expressing an intensely emotional attitude of the speaker to what he is speaking about is called:

b) hyperbole;


Varieties of a language used as a means of oral communication in small

localities area) dialects;


Emotive function according to R. Jacobson’s model is related to

a) addresser;


A state of physical and emotional discomfort that occurs due to an individual’s collision with a different cultural reality is called

a) culture shock;


Metalingual function reflects orientation on

a) a code;


4. Fill in the gap: Communicative discourse is a ________ concept.

c) covering all areas of human cognition.


Gestural communication is possible

c) both in people and in animals.


Institutional discourse is

a) an action and an interaction of individuals in the definite communicative environment, in the definite social sphere of communication;


7. The approaches to communication are viewed within the framework of the following paradigm:

c) mechanistic and activity paradigm.


A series of statements tied up by their common theme and a particular communicative situation (a coherent text created in speech) is

a) a discourse;

Communication takes place

c) both in human and animal world.


The concept “discourse” is

c) both a process (taking into consideration the impact of sociocultural, extralinguistic, communicative-situational factors) and a result in the form of a text.


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