Memorize the pronunciation the following words, translate them





















Translate the following sentences

1.The ausculation of the heart is necessary to determine the condition of the circulatory system. 2. Cattle are classified according to their conformation into three types. 3. Care should be taken to examine the part so as to detect the early signs (признак) lesion and find suitable treatment. 4. The veterinarian said that the animal was predisposed to tuberculosis. 5. The udder and the teats (сосок) of the cow must be examined, and palatable for the evidence of disease or defect. 6. The enlarged and hot udder and fibrile condition of the cow indicated mastitis. 7. Good management of farm animals helps to minimize the chance of parasitic infestation. 8. Preventive inoculations are necessary against certain diseases such as brucellosis hog cholera and others. 9. Mange in swine is a skin disease caused by mites (клещ). 10. In some cases of lameness the nerve block is necessary. 11. The dog was killed because it revealed the symptoms of rabies (бешенство). 12. Many farm flocks are Infested with intestinal worms. 12. Lungworms are found in the lungs and respiratory passa­ges.



4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following Russian word combinations

пищеварительная система, быть предрасположенным к определенным болезням, выполнять, физическое состояние, выслушивание легких, форма (экстерьер) является важным, потеря (отклонение) аппетита, химический анализ крови, заболевание внутренних органов, исследование мочи, наличие паразитов, инкубационный период, система дыхания.


Answer the following questions

1. What should be observed while examining the animal? 2. In what way is the circulatory system (the respiratory system) examined? 3. What should be observed in examining the digestive system? 4. For what purpose are diagnostic inoculation usually made? 5. How are infections in the udder (urinary infections) detected? 6. In what cases are blood chemistry test (roengenographs) desirable?

Lesson 5. Symptoms of Some Diseases

Word List А

1. accompany – сопровождать
2. acute - острый
3. blackleg – ящур, сибирская язва
4. collapse - коллапс, резкий упадок сил
5. cough - кашель, кашлять
6. discharge – выделение, выделять
7. enteritis - энтерит, воспаление тонких кишок
8. haemorrhage - кровоизлияние, кровотечение
9. ingest - глотать, проглатывать
10. listless - апатичный, безразличный
11. loss - потеря
12. mucous - слизистый
13. mucosa - слизистая оболочка
14. neck - шея
15. onset - вспышка
16. pain - боль
17. palе - бледный
18. prestrate - истощать, подвергать
prestration - изнеможение, прострация, слабость
19. severe - суровый резкий, сильный
20. shoulder - плечо, лопатка
21. sign – признак
22. swell (swelled, swollen) - опухать, вздуваться
swelling - опухоль
23. thirst - жажда
24. tick - клещ
25. tolerate - терпеть, выносить
26. tongue - язык
27. vomit - рвать, рвота


Read and translate the text.

Symptoms of Some Diseases

Anemia. The signs of acute haemorrhage are more or less the same in all species. They include restlessness, paleness of mucous membranes and a rapid weak pulse. The temperature must be subnormal, the respiratory rate is increased; the breathing at first is deep and later shallow. Deep depression coexists with collapse of the circulatory system.

Gastritis. Vomiting and loss of appetite are the most common symptoms of gastritis. The vomiting usually follows the ingestion of food or water, but it may occur at any time if there is extensive damage to the mucosa. Animals reveal thirst and, if allowed, will drink large amounts of water which stimulates further vomiting.

Acute cases may show a pain response to abdominal palpation.

Swine influenza. The disease is characterized by its sudden onset and rapid spread through the entire herd. The pigs show a fever, weakness and prostration. They commonly show evidence of pain and muscular weakness when forced to move. Evident symptoms are coughing and mucous discharge from the eye to nose.

Blackleg. Following an incubation period of 1 to 5 days, there is acute lameness, accompanied by depression and fever. Characteristic swelling develop in the muscle of the shoulder, chest,, back, neck, tongue or pharynx. At first the swelling is small, hot and painful, but as the disease progresses, the swelling becomes larger and finally becomes cold and painless.

Tick Infestation. Tick are dependent upon blood of their existence. If present in large numbers, any species will pro­duce anemia. Most animals tolerate a few ticks, restless as the number increases. If present in a large numbers, ticks cause the host to lose weight.


Answer the questions

1. What are the symptoms of anemia? 2. In what cases does vomiting occur? 3. By what signs is swine influenza characterized? 4. How long does the incubation period of blackleg last? 5. What are symptoms of tick infestation?

3. Translate the following sentences with the construction “it is … that”

1. It is through the walls of the air cells that the interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and blood take place. 2. It is skeleton that performs the functions of support, movement and protection. 3. It is mineral salts that give special strength to the intercellular substance of bony tissue. 4. It is on the method of spore formation that the classification of the fungi is primarily based. 5. It is nervous system that regulates the activities of all organs and the connections between them. 6. It is the digested part of food that an animal lives on.

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