Memorize the pronunciation of the following words, translate them.

diameter [dai’æmit ]

micro-organism [‘maikrou’ g nizm]

virus [vai ras]

virulent [‘virul nt]

coccus [‘k l s]

spore [sp ]

parasite [‘pær sait]

saprohyte [‘sæproufait]

typhoid [‘taif id]

agent [‘eid nt]

spherical [‘sferik l]

spiral [‘spair l]


Find in the text English equivalents of the following Russian word combinations

многочисленные инфекционные заболевания, невооруженный глаз, называется, особый вид, микроорганизм, один из способов, очень большое количество, в общем смысле, поэтому, одноклеточные растения, чрезвычайно быстро, условия жизни, неблагоприятные для роста.



Write down the summary of the text, using the following questions

1. What species do micro-organisms include? 2. What is one of the means of identification of bacteria? 3. How do bacterial species reproduce themselves? 4. What do parasites (saprophytes) feed upon?  5. What is to be done to prevent decay?

Translate into Russian

1. Saprophytes are to be found in air, soil, manure, and water. 2. Parasites arc those bacteria which are capable of Jiving and multiplying' within the human or animal body. 3. The vegetable forms of most of the pathogenic bacteria may grow at temperatures ranging between 20 and 40° C. 4. Under natural conditions bacteria are found on decaying organic and vegetable matter. 5. It must be remembered, however, that in certain circumstances the commensals acquire pathogenic powers. 6. It is interesting to note that the apparent phosphorescence of certain marine fish is due to bacteria. 7. The hydrochloric acid kills most of the bac­teria present in the food. 8. In the large intestine, where the contents remain longer, the bacteria which are still alive multiply tremendously in number, especially certain forms which thrive in the absence of air.


Translate into English

1. Патогенные бактерии способны вызывать различные заболевания. 2. Сапрофиты, или не-патогенные организмы, постоянно находятся в воздухе, в воде и пищевых продуктах. 3. Воздух над морем и на вершинах гор более свободен от бактерий, чем воздух городов. 4. Безвредные бактерии известны как комменсалы. Их можно найти на внешней поверхности тела, во рту, носу, кишечном тракте и т.д. 5. При определенных обстоятельствах, однако, комменсалы становятся патогенными.

Lesson 4. Diagnostics

Word List А

1. ausculation - выслушивание, аускультация
2. conformation - структура, форма
3. detect - открывать, обнаруживать
4. dispose - располагать, склонять
5. evidence - основание, доказательство
6. examine - осматривать, заслушивать
7. febrile - лихорадочный
8. fluke - глист (овец)
9. indicate - показывать, указывать, служить признаком
10. infest - кишеть, наводнять
infestation - заражение паразитами, инвазия
11. inoculation - прививка
12. lame - хромой
13. larynx - гортань, глотка
14. lesion - повреждение, поражение (органа, ткани)
15. lungworm - нематода
16. mange - чесотка, парша
17. nerve block - блокада нерва, проводниковая анестезия
18. palpate - прощупывать, ощупывать
19. рharynx - глотка, зев
20. rate - норма, темп, ход
21. reveal - обнаруживать, показывать
22. ringworm - стригущий лишай
23. sample - образец, проба
24. stage - стадия, проба
25. test - испытание, исследование, анализ
26. udder - вымя
27. worm - червь, глист


Read and translate the text.

Сhemical Examination of Animals and Diagnostic Tests

While examining the animal, the physical condition and temperament should be observed carefully. Conformation is of importance as certain types of conformation may predispose the animal to certain defects or diseases. The skin and coat, should, be examined for evidence of ringworms or mange. The temperature should be taken as this may detect a febrile disease in its early or incubative stage. This general examination should be made carefully as symptoms, of internal diseases or abnormalities often are found at this time.

The circulatory system is usually examined by noting the rate rhythm and character of the pulse.

The respiratory system is examined by nothing the respiratory rate at rest and after work, as by ausculation of the lung for evidence of bronchitis or chronic pneumonia. External palpation of the pharynx, larynx and trachea may reveal defects or abnormalities.

In examining the digestive system, the animal should be observe while eating and drinking to see if abnormalities in appetite, chewing, or swallowing are present.

Certain special diagnostic tests may be indicated by the finding of the clinical examination.

For example, serological tests are carried out for brucellosis, leptospirosis and vibriosis. Diagnostic inoculation also are usually are to test for the presence of certain diseases.

Fecal examination may be made for the presence of parasites, such as worms, lungworms and liver flukes. Urine examination to indicate the presence of blood, albumin or sugar may be desirable.

Cultural tests may be run on samples for evidence of milk to determine the presenoe and type of infection in the udder, on urine simples for evidence of urinary infection.

In certain abnormalities or diseases of the circulato­ry system hemograms and blood, chemistry tests may be used. In certain lameness and lesion of the limb, roentgenographs or nerve blocks may bе desirable.

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