Translate into English the following word combinations.


Lesson 1. Classes of Animals

Word List A

1. backbone = vertebra - позвоночник
2. bone - кость
3. breast - грудь
4. carnivorous  - плотоядный
5. coarse food  - грубый корм
bulky food  - объемистый корм
6. capability - способность
capable - способный
7. distinctive feature - отличительная черта
8. domestic - домашний
9. flesh - (сырое) мясо; мышечная ткань
10. herbivorous - травоядный
11. mammals - млекопитающее (животное)
12. omnivorous  - всеядный
13. stomach - желудок
compound stomach - сложный желудок
simple stomach - простой желудок
14. to belong (to) - принадлежать, относиться
15. to consume  - потреблять, расходовать
consumption - потребление, расход
16. to suckle  - вскармливать грудью
17. to digest  - переваривать(ся), усваивать(ся)
digested - переваренный
digestibility - удобоваримость, переваримость, усвояемость
digestible - удобоваримый, усвоенный
digestion - переваривание, пищеварение
18. to ruminate = to chew the cud - жевать жвачку
rumination - жвачка
ruminant - жвачное животное
19. to utilize = to use = to apply - использовать
20. vertebrate - позвоночное животное
21. vertebral  - позвоночный
22. young - детеныш, молодняк


Read and translate the text.


The ordinary farm animals belong to the large group known as Vertebrata, or animals with a backbone.

Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals all have a backbone. All of these animals do not suckle their young, but the ordinary farm animals do, and hence they are classified as Mammalia. (Mamma is the Latin word for breast).

The capability to produce milk is one of the distinctive features of this group

All domestic animals are divided into the three main classes: herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous.

Herbivorous animals are those that live chiefly on plants. These are: cattle, deer, horses, sheep and rabbits. As they consume coarse foods, e. g leaves and stems of plants, they need considerably larger amount of common salt than is supplied by their usual feeds.

The cow, the ox, the sheep and the goat belong to the ruminants (animals which chew the cud). Unlike the pig they are capable of digesting a large quantity of coarse fibrous material due to their compound stomachs.

Carnivorous (flesh-eating animals) such as cats, dogs, sharks, etc. need no additional salt because they live on the bodies of other animals.

Omnivorous animals, such as pigs, bears, rats and others utilize both plant and animal food.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why are farm animals important to man? 2. Do all farm animals supply us with food? 3. Does the pig belong to the ruminants? 4. How many classes of domestic animals do you know? 5. What do carnivorous animals live on? 6. Due to what are the cattle capable of digesting lar­ge quantities of coarse fibrous material?


3. Fill in the blanks with the required words:

1. Rabbits, horses and goats are ... animals. 2. The cats and the dogs have … stomachs. 3. ... animals live on plants. 4. The pig ... to digest a large quantity of coarse material.

Word List B

1. capacity - вместимость, объем, емкость
2. cusped teeth - клыки (о зубах свиньи)
3. exertion - направление, усилие;
exert - напрягать (силы), влиять
4. jaw - челюсть
5. medulla - костный (спинной) мозг
6. mouth - рот
7. possess - обладать, владеть
8. remastication - повторное пережевывание корма
9. saliva - слюна
10. swallow - проглатывать, глотать; глотание
11. to grind (ground) - молоть(ся), перемалывать(ся)
12. to look for - искать
13. to proceed - порождать; происходить


4. Translate into Russian:

1. The ruminant is so called because of the ruminating function by which the food is brought back to the mouth from the stomach for remastication. 2. Rumination is a reflex act, the centre for which is in the medulla. It usually begins about half an hour after feeding. 3. The process of rumination is stimulated by coarse and bulky food. It is interesting to note that out of 24 hours, about 7 are occu­pied by rumination. 4. The capability of ruminants to deal with a large quantity of bulky foods is associated with their large stomach capacity. 5. When a ruminant has satisfied its appetite, it looks for a quiet place, if possible, and proceeds to ruminate, or "chew its cud" 6. The chewing of food involves considerable muscular exertion, due to the great number of the motions of the jaws that are required. 7. The saliva of the ruminants has no digestive function. 8. The carnivorous animals swallow their food whole because they possess cusped teeth which are incapable of grinding food.

5. Translate into English:

1. Крупный рогатый скот, овцы, козы и олени принадлежат к жвачным животным. 2. У молодых жвачных животных пища после жвачки поступает в третий отдел желудка – книжку. 3. У взрослых жвачных животных пища поступает вновь в рубец и сетку, а после повторной жвачки в книжку. 4. После скармливания сеном жвачка начинается сразу же.

Lesson 2. Domestic Animals

Word List A

1. beef - говядина
2. cattle - крупный рогатый скот
draft cattle - тягловый (рабочий) скот
dairy cattle - молочный скот
beef cattle - мясной скот
dual-purpose cattle - мясо-молочный скот
3. cow - корова
4. domestic animal - домашнее животное
5. down - пух
6. feather - перо
7. hog = pig = swine - свинья
8. minor branches - второстепенные отрасли
9. mutton - баранина
10. poultry = fowl - домашняя птица
11. to breed = to raise - разводить
12. rabbit - кролик
13. range - ряд
14. raw - сырой
raw material - сырье
15. replace - заменять
16. pork - свинина
17. produce - производить; продукция
18. to keep - держать, содержать
19. wool - шерсть

Read and translate the text.

Domestic Animals

Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food. Besides, the skin of animals, down and feathers of poultry, the wool of sheep, goats and camels are used as raw materials to produce leather, clothing, etc.

The most important group of domestic animals is formed by the cattle. Cattle can be roughly subdivided into draft cattle, dairy cattle, beef cattle and dual purpose cattle.

Draft cattle (oxen as a rule) have almost everywhere been replaced by agricultural machinery. Dairy cattle (cows) provide dairy products (milk, butter, cream, cheese, etc.). Beef cattle are the producer of beef.Dual purpose cattle give us both milk and beef.

Important sources in producing human food are also sheep-breeding, hog-raising, rabbit-breeding and some other minor branches.

Sheep provide not only mutton and dairy products (cheese for example); the wool and skin of sheep are valuable raw materials for producing clothes. There are accordingly 2 main types of sheep-breeding; for wool and for mutton. There is also a medium breed: the wool-mutton breed.

The production cycle of hogs (swine) is much shorter that that of cattle or sheep. Hog-breeding gives a vast range of food products: ham, bacon, lard, etc.

The poultry include hens, geese, ducks, turkeys and some other fowls. Poultry provide meat, eggs, down, and feather.

Rabbit are bred for meat, and their fells find an application in producing clothing.

Translate into English the following word combinations.

1. производство птицы; 2. шкура животного; 3. шерсть овцы; 4. группа животных; 5. молочные продукты; 6. сырье для производства одежды; 7. молочный крупный рогатый скот; 8. мясной крупный рогатый скот; 9. снабжать; 10. мясомолочный крупный рогатый скот; 11. рабочий крупный рогатый скот; 12. сырье.


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