Text:                                  LIFE OF YOUTH IN UKRAINE

1. Life of youth in Ukraine is determined by the economic, social, and political situation of the country. 2. The economic crisis in Ukraine has led to unemployment, especially of youth. 3. As a result of it the criminal situation has immensely changed for the worse. 4. That's why Ukrainian government took special measures for the foundation of youth organisations in Ukraine. 5. And such organisations have been found. 6. They are, the Students' League, Young Socialists, Green Peace, The League of Ukrainian Youth, Sokil, Ukrainian Youth Environmental League, Youth Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, Eastern-Ukrainian Union of Youth Organisations (VUSMO), Ukrainian Scouts and various youth clubs which unite young people according to their interests.The Students' League is aimed at solving various students' problems, including economic ones. 7. The members of this league organise youth forums, festivals, and group meetings. 8. This organisation also maintains friendly ties with the universities and colleges of such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and Holland. 9. These ties include students' exchanges on educational and cultural programmes. 10. Young Socialists is the organisation of young people who share the views of socialism. 11. They participate in the movement of socialist organisations abroad and support the policy pursued by the Socialist Party of Ukraine. 12. A lot of young people in Ukraine are active in the movement of "the greens". 13. They organise various actions of protest against the pollution of environment. 14. The members of the Green Peace organisation stand for preserving safe environment. 15. They fight against the destruction of flora and fauna on the Earth. 16. The League of Ukrainian Youth was founded at the end of 1990 by students and teachers who had taken part in protest demonstrations and a hunger strike in Kyiv earlier in the fall. 17. It was organised for the "development of democracy and realisation of human rights in Ukraine; to support Ukrainian education; and to draw youth into scientific work. 18."The league organises conferences and summer camps on such topics as history, politics, philosophy, folklore, etc. 19. Sokil is Youth Organisation of Union of Ukrainian Officers. 20. It is a labour and professional organisation aimed at Ukrainian youth. 21. Ukrainian Youth Environmental League was established in 1993. 22. It promotes biodiversity protection and technology for "environmentally clean" products and runs education projects to involve youth in the environmental movement. 23. Youth clubs of different interests have come into being these days. 24. They unite music fans, sports fans, theatregoers and others. 25. Besides,there is the "All-Ukrainian Association of Young Businessmen", who try to find their own way of raising the country out of the economic crisis.


1. What can you say about life of youth in Ukraine?____________________________________

2. What youth organizations do you know?___________________________________________

3. What is the aim of "Students' League "?____________________________________________

4. What views do "Young Socialists"share?___________________________________________

5. What does "Green Peace" organization stand for?____________________________________

6. What can you say about the "All-Ukrainian Association of Young Businessmen"?__________

7. Name other youth organizations and give information on their activities.__________________

Тема 10: «Життя молоді в Україні»                           

 (Самостійне опрацювання теми)


Виконати письмово вправи

Translate into English according to the previous text:

1. Економічна криза в Україні призвела до безробіття багатьох людей, особливо молоді.

2. Молоді соціалісти — це організація молодих людей, які поділяють ідеї соціалізму.

3. Метою Ліги студентів є вирішення різноманітних студентських проблем, зокрема економічних.

4. Молодіжний конгрес українських націоналістів (МКУН) працює над «консолідацією українських патріотичних молодіжних організацій».

5. Багато молодих людей в Україні активно беруть участь у русі «зелених».

6. Зовсім недавно з'явилися молодіжні клуби за різноманітними інтересами.

7. Ліга організовує конференції та літні табори за такими темами, як історія, політика, філософія, фольклор.

8. Рух скаутів в Україні почався 1911 року під назвою «Пласт».

9. Iснує Всеукраїнська асоціація молодих бізнесменів, які намагаються знайти свій власний шлях виведення країни з економічної кризи.

10.  Життя молоді в Україні визначається економічною, соціальною та політичною ситуацією в країні.

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