Тема 7: «Усне мовлення за темою»

1-6 балів: Скласти та розповісти один діалог використовуючи запропоновану лексику.
7-11 балів: Написати та розповісти твір на одну із запропонованих тем. (10-15 речень)

Conversation questions about hobbies and interests

  • What do you think are some of the most popular hobbies that people have?
  • Why do people have hobbies?
  • Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?
  • Which hobbies are the most popular with women in your country?
  • Which hobbies are the most popular with men in your country?
  • Which hobbies are popular with children?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • How much time do you usually spend on your hobbies?
  • What do your hobbies say about you?
  • Have your hobbies changed throughout the years? Why?
  • Are your hobbies expensive?
  • What hobbies would you like to try soon?
  • What are the strangest hobbies you have heard of?
  • What hobbies would you like to try but have no courage trying out yet?
  • What is your number one hobby?
  • How long have you had this hobby?
  • Why did you start your hobby?
  • Can you make money from doing your hobby?
  • Does your hobby interfere with your work or personal life?
  • Does your hobby influence your choice of friends?
  • Which hobbies are the most expensive?
  • Which hobbies are the cheapest?
  • Did you have any hobbies when you were a child?
  • Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
  • Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?
  • Are there any activities that you used to do but don’t do anymore? Why did you stop?

Теми для написання твору

Ø Театр, кіно

Ø Спорт та активні ігри

Ø Музика, комп’ютер, інтернет

Ø Телебачення

Ø Книжки, газети, журнали

Ø Мистецтво, живопис

Тема 7: «Роль книг для проводження вільного часу. Бібліотеки.»                           

 (Самостійне опрацювання теми)

“The book to read is not the one which thinks for you,
but the one which makes you think”. (James McCosh)

Завдання 1. Написати в якому жанрі працювали такі літератори:

  ü detective stories ü  science fiction: ü novels: ü  adventure stones: ü plays: ü fairy tales: ü poems: ü short stories: ü horror stories            

Приклад(Example: )Agatha Christie wrote detective stories and plays.

1. Mark Twain__________________________________

2. Jack London__________________________________

3. Charles Dickens_______________________________

4. Conan Doyle__________________________________

5. Stephen King________________ _________________

6. Alexander Pushkin _____________________________

7. Anna Akhmatova ______________________________

8.  Anton Bernard Shaw___________________________

9.  Lewis Carroll_________________________________

10. Robert Louis Stevenson_________________________

11. William Shakespeare___________________________

12. Chase, Arthur Chekhov_________________________

13. Vassily Shukshin______________________________

14. Nikolay Gogol________________________________

15. Alexander Belyaev_____________________________

Завдання 2. Перекласти речення на англійську мову

1.Я люблю читати цікаві книжки.______________________________________

2.У мене є багато книжок вдома.______________________________________

3. Я ходжу у біблиотеку. _____________________________________________

4. Я іду до біблиотеки, щоб читати книжки там, або узяти їх додому.________

5. Мені подобаються детективи._______________________________________

6. Мій улюблений письменник Тарас Шевченко._________________________

7. Більшу перевагу я віддаю читанню книжок ніж перегляду фільмів._______

8. У книжках я завжди знаходжу щось корисне.__________________________

9. Бібліотека нашого технікуму дуже багата на різноманітні книжки.________

10. Література дає нам змогу познайомитися із творчістю іноземних авторів.

ТО 2. Дозвілля                                                                                                с.1                                                               Тема 8: «Подорож – як улюблений вид розваг молоді»                         

1-6 балів:

1. Вивчити нову лексику(Підготуватися до письмового тестування)

2. Обрати один із видів подорожування та усно описати свою подорож.

7-11 балів:

People like to travel…                                                        

  • наодинці
  • із друзями
  • із батьками
  • із собакою
  • з дідусем / бабусею
alone with friends with parents with a dog with grandparents

Usually they travel…

  • у справах
  • для задоволення
  • у пошуках пригод
  • заради цікавості
  • для того щоб побачити красу природи
on business for pleasure in search of adventures from curiosity to see the beauty of the world

When they travel they like to…

  • ходити по магазинам
  • зустрічатися з новими людьми
  • заводити нових друзів
  • оглядати визначні місця
  • вивчати традиції інших країн
go shopping meet new people make new friends go sightseeing learn traditions of other countries

Because travelling is…                                                    But sometimes it can be…

•хвилююче •корисне •чудове •приносяче задоволення •корисне для здоров′я exciting useful fascinating enjoyable good for health
•приносяче разчарування •дороге •небезпечне •морочливе •утомливе disappointing expensive dangerous troublesome tiring

And still travelling…

• розширює кругозір • дає життєвий досвід • залишає незабутні враження • допомагає досліджувати світ •дозволяє краще зрозуміти інших лбдей broadens our mind/outlook gives us life experience leaves unforgettable impressions helps us explore the world allows us to understand other people better

KINDS of TRAVELLING                               с.2           

Travelling by air -It's more comfortable, more convenient and of course, far quicker than other method. -There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey. -There is none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train. -This way of travelling is the most comfortable for young people who is flying on business, and for those who want to be on time everywhere. -If you feel hungry, you'll be provided with an excellent lunch. -It's the most thrilling method of travelling when you leave the earth behind you seem to belong to another world, a bigger freer world than one you left. -You can see the most wonderful scenes below and they are of indescribable beauty. On foot - It’s the cheapest method of travelling. -The walker leaves the dull broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can't go. -You can see real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest. -You're closer to the nature and feel its quietness and calm. -You com observe the flora and the fauna of this or that part of our beautiful earth and then use this experience later in your study or work. You become more intellectual, wiser. -You may travel on foot for the purpose of discovering something new or in search of pleasure and adventure. -You can write a book about it.-It's a way of travelling which gives one a chance to see much without spending anything.
By sea -It's lovely to feel the deck of the ship (boat) under your feet. -It's more existing journey when you see the rise and fall of the waves and fell the fresh sea wind blowing in your face and hears the cry of the sea-gulls. -There are many beautiful beaches of the coast and it is so nice to have a swim there or visit some paints of interest there. -Cruise premises more interesting impressions for a long time. -It's fascinating thing for me to look at a huge white floating city. -On board they offer all modern convince and a wide choice of entertainment facilities In the evening you have an opportunity to enjoy the sunset, the beautiful sunset at sea. -It's simply marvelous. By train -With a train you have speed, comfort pleasure combined. -You have a splendid view of the whole country side from the comfortable corner seat. -If you're hungry, you can have a meal in the diming-car. -If the journey is a long one can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. -Besides do you know any place that is more interesting than a big railway-station the gaiety of people going away or waiting to meet friends?

ТО 2. Дозвілля                                               

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