Тема 3: Усне мовлення за темою

1-6 балів: Дати усно відповіді на запитання

Вміти розповідати про шкідливі, аргументуючи свою відповідь

7-11 балів: Написати твір на одну із запропонованих тем та переказати (10-15речень)


1. How many people do smoke in the world today?
2. Why do people think that there is not much sense in refraining from smoking?
3. Why are they wrong?
4. What are the industries where the sick rate among smoking workers is higher?
5. How may smoking affect the course of pregnancy?
6. Why is the exposure to secondhand smoke a serious health risk to non-smokers?
7. What does the degree of risk depend on?
8. Where is risk among workers exposed to secondhand smoking particularly high?
9. What measures have been taken to reduce smoking in the past few years?
10. What has been done to prevent smoking among schoolchildren?


Теми для написання твору:

1) Моє ставлення до паління;

2) Я обираю здоровий спосіб життя;

3) Здорова країна – здорова держава;

4) Молодь та алкоголь.

Приклад написання твору

Healthy Way of Life

1. Everybody wants to live a long healthy life. Nowadays a healthy body becomes a fashion, an ideal of modern life. 2. There are many ways to keep fit. 3. For example, healthy food is a very important factor. 4. Overeating causes many dangerous diseases. 5.  We shouldn’t snack and we should have breakfast. 6. We should eat low-fat food, more fruit and vegetables, meat, milk products, which are rich in vitamins and proteins. 7. We shouldn’t eat at night. 8. If you keep to a diet, you must do it carefully, because sometimes diets may be harmful. 9. Besides, to be healthy, a person must stop smoking and drinking much.10. Besides, nowadays there is a problem of taking drugs, especially among young people. It causes many diseases and leads to death. 11. Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. 12. As for me, I like to go in for sports very much. I am good at swimming.13.  I visit a swimming-pool 3 times a week. 14. Besides, I’m a candidate for Master of Sports in kickboxing. 15. In summer I do my morning exercises every day.



Додаток: Презентація №1 (Fast Food)

ТО 1. Моє місце в світі                                                                                 с.1

Тема 4: «Права та обов’язки людини»

1-6 балів: Дати письмово відповіді на запитання. Вміти оперувати новою лексикою.

Знати основні права та обов’язки,висловлювати своє ставлення до них

7-11 балів: Письмовий переклад тесту. Вміти оперувати новою лексикою.
detractor [dI'trxktq] інсинуатор
Ills [Ilz] Біди, непрємності
to cause [tu kLz] 1) бути причиною, викликати, 2)сприяти
poverty ['pOvqtI] бідність, необхідність
oppression [q'preS(q)n] гніт, пригнічення
Abuse [q'bjHs] зловживання
human rights ['hjHmqn raIts] права людини
Proponent [prq'pOunqnt] захисник
loosely ['lHslI] Не точно, невизначений
to deny [tu dI'naI] 1) заперечувати 2) залишати, відмовлятися від чогось
to abolish [tu q'bOlIS] відміняти
slavery ['sleIvqrI] рабство
to encourage [tu In'kArIdZ] Заохочувати, сприяти
vice versa ['vaIsI'vWsq] навпаки, назад
electoral rights [I'lekt(q)r(q)l raIts] виборчі права
mere [mIq] 1) простий, 2) явний, значущий
to generate [tu 'dZenqreIt] 1) викликати, породжувати 2) робити, виробляти
Simultaneously ["sIm(q)l'teInjqslI] разом, одночасно.
economic development ["Jkq'nOmIk dI'velqpmqnt] Економічний розвиток
political freedom [pq'lItIk(q)l 'frJdqm] Політична свобода
direct relationship [dI'rekt rI'leIS(q)nSIp] Прямий зв'язок
bourgeoisie ["buqZwR'zJ] буржуазія
to cite [tu saIt]  перераховувати (факти)
to fire [tu 'faIq] Звільняти з роботи
Funds [fAndz] фонди
planned economy [plxnd I(:)'kOnqmI] Планове господарство, планова економіка


1. What violations is capitalism blamed on?
2. What is the viewpoint of the proponents of capitalism?
3. Do you think liberal democracy is somehow related to economic growth?
4. What common criticism do Marxists make about capitalism
5. What in Marxists’ opinion is the consequence of overproduction?



Text:    Human Rights Violations, Imperialism, and Democracy           с.2

(Порушення прав людини, імперіалізм та демократія)


1. Detractors claim that ills caused by capitalism include imperialism, poverty, oppression exploitation and abuse of human rights. 2. Many of these violations occurred during a time period and in states sometimes considered being more capitalist than today since the government share of the economy was much smaller.

3. Proponents of capitalism point out that these problems have been widespread through all of human history, including in states characterized as socialist such as in Cambodia under Pol Pot. 4. Some assert that these practices are not consistent with principles of capitalism even though they have existed in nations or in the colonies of nations commonly, or loosely, labeled as capitalist. 5. They deny that many of the colonies had capitalist economic systems and claim that their economies mostly continued to be feudalistic. 6. Instead they emphasize that it was capitalist states that abolished slavery throughout the world and that it was capitalist states who developed the modern democratic system.

7. The strong economic growth during capitalism may encourage democratization, or vice versa. 8. There is debate about whether liberal democracy, in the sense of electoral rights and civil liberties, is a consequence of economic growth, a cause of it, or completely unrelated to it. 9. These studies tend to indicate that establishing the rule of law in protecting private property and free markets, rather than mere democratization, is what is most instrumental in generating economic growth. 10. One of the very few studies simultaneously examining the relationship among economic freedom, economic development (measured with GDP/capita), and political freedom found that high economic freedom increases GDP/capita and a high GDP/capita increases economic freedom. 11.A high GDP/capita also increases political freedom but political freedom did not increase GDP/capita. 12. There was no direct relationship either way between economic freedom and political freedom if keeping GDP/capita constant.

13. One common criticism that Marxists make about Capitalism is that it is only democratic to the Bourgeoisie (the exploitive class that owns the 'means of production') citing examples such as not being able to criticize one's boss out of risk of getting fired and not expressing opinions on TV due to lack of funds to afford a channel. 14. Marxists also criticize capitalism for needing Imperialism (the exportation of capital to other nations) to survive. 15. Due to Capitalism not being a planned economy it inevitably overproduces commodities and overuse resources. 16. This leads it to expand it markets into and drain the resources out of other nations.

ТО 1. Моє місце в світі                                                                                 

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 331; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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