Ex. 42. Paraphrase the following with the help of the verb or expression in brackets so as to use a complex subject.
1. This part of land was once under the sea. (to believe). 2. The waves were dashing against the rocks, (to hear). 3. Several boys were riding on horseback across the field. (to see). 4. It had to happen. (to be bound). 5. Our ways never crossed. (to happen). 6. His flat was a one room affair. (to turn out). 7. My fears were groundless. (to prove). 8. Hardly anybody noticed his departure. (to appear). 9. This test wasto be the final one. (to suppose). l0. I would not have agreed to it but for the circumstances. (to make, to force) 11. Father was to have come home before the New Year. (to expect). 12. The theatre will be touring the country in the summer. (to announce). 13. One could see that she was in high spirits. (to appear). 14. The truth will come out. (to be sure). 15. don't lose hope; something must turn up. (to be bound). 16. I don't think the answer will please him. (to be likely). 17. The man's mind was working with extraordinary freedom. (to seem). 18. The morning sun has more ultra-violet rays. (to find). 19. The negotiations are reaching a decisive stage. (to say, to understand) 20. A new epidemic of the 'flu has been sweeping Europe for the past two months. (to say, to report). 21. The ground in this valley used to be very boggy. (to say, to know). 22. It was clear to everybody that the events would be much commented on in the press. (to be certain). 23. The air was growing colder. (to feel). 24 He is the best candidate to the post. (to consider). 25. After the crash the engine was intact. (to find).
Ex. 43. Translate into English.
1. Результаты опыта оказались еще более интересными, чем предполагалось. 2. Одно время об этом случае очень много говорили, а затем, казалось, совершенно забыли о нем. 3. Ваш приятель, кажется, очень интересуется древней историей. Скажите ему, что мне недавно посчастливилось приобрести очень интересную книгу о новых раскопках в Средней Азии. 4. Эту рукопись относят к XV веку. 5. Мне довелось провести несколько дней на пароходе с этим человеком. Он оказался очень приятным собеседником. 6. Их приезда ждут с минуты на минуту. 7. Только сотрудникам лаборатории разрешается пользоваться этой библиотекой. 8. Очевидно, вокруг этого вопроса развернется интересная дискуссия. 9. Казалось, вопросам не будет конца. 10. Эти картины будут обязательно выставлены на ближайшей выставке. 11. Говорят, что подготовка второго издания этого словаря подходит к концу. Предполагают, что он будет намного полнее предыдущего. Ожидают, что новый словарь будет выпущен до конца года 12. Полагали, что матч был отложен не из-за плохой погоды, а по какой-то другой причине. 13. Я был случайным свидетелем этой сцены. 14. Об этом событии будут, безусловно, много говорить. 15. С тех пор никто не слышал, чтобы они ссорились. 16. Казалось, никто не заметил перемены в его поведении. 17. Кажется, он не понял, что был неправ.
Ex. 44. Define the function of the for-to-infinitive construction.
1. Theodora Goodman sat in the hall near the reception desk and waited for somebody to come. (White) 2. My friend motioned for him to come in. (E. H.) 3. Well, seventy was the outside limit, it was then time, George said, for them to go and leave their money to their children. (Galsw.) 4. …in their shrill laughter he found a terrible dissonance that made him pray for the twilight to come. (F. F.) 5. "You should ask your Violet Adams to Merve," said mother, waiting for father to bring round the horses. (White) 6. "It's not for me to disagree there,"said Jolyon, "but that's all quite beside the mark." (Galsw.) 7. She waited for Violet to say something. (White) 8. "When will you marry me?" "Are you ready for me to marry you?" (F. F.) 9. ...it was good experience for me to see it to its completed form. (M. D.) 10. "This question of company," he said, "is something for me to decide." (White) 11. The lady was speaking too fast for me to catch what she said. (A. Chr.) 12. It would not be possible for a human and intelligent person to invent a rational excuse for slavery. (M. T.) 13. They told him to b a good boy and wait for them to come home in the evening (W. S.) 14. It was instinctive now for him to take her into his confidence. (Cron.) 15. Theodora sat down. Confident her intuition would identify, she waited for Lieselotte to appear. (White) 16. ...they thought it was better for me to live in a place like this. (A. Chr.)
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