Ex. 37. Define the structure of subjective infinitive constructions with the infinitive in the following sentences.
1. "I'm not going to stand it," he is declared to have said. (S.M.) 2. He seemed to be turning it over in his mind. (P. W.) 3. Old Thomas, the groom, had been taken with jaundice and Andrew was compelled to make his founds on foot. (Cron.) 4. The changes are likely to be announced in the April Budget. (M. S.) 5. Recent attack of typhoid, from which he was thought to be recovering proves fatal. (Dr.) 6. The old man seemed to have lived a life on the roads. (F. C.) 7. The picture is supposed to be the passage of the Red Sea. (Cain) 8. Kilimanjaro is a snow covered mountain and is said to be the highest mountain in Africa. (E. H.) 9. The company was reported to be paying starvation wages to its black workers. (M. S.) 10. Yet now few will be found to deny his greatness (S. M.) 11. He was known to have refused office in the interests of his profession. 12. He was compelled to write his weekly review. (R. Aid.) 13. At the end of ten minutes he appeared to have solved his troubles with the machine. (Ward) 14. ...he was known to be one of the best shots in England. (S. M.) 15. The two have been observed to meet daily during the past week in Richmond Park. (Galsw.) 16. He was forced to give up work last December because of chronic arthritis. (M. S.) 17. I am thought to have so much influence in the getting of offices. (The Best Plays) 18. Saddie, as you know, did turn to be a star. 19. Some members of the action committee are believed to have spoken yesterday. (M.S.)
Ex. 38. Recast the following sentences so as to use subjective predicative constructions with the infinitive.
1. It seems that he is not in the habit of coming in time. 2. They say that he is honest. 3. A group of people at the gangway saw that the boat came into harbour. 4. It appeared that he had done it well. 5. It was not likely that he was going to be drawn into an argument. 6. The man had read his papers, it seemed. 7. It is very unlikely they would allow her to see visitors at this time of night. 8. It was felt that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. 9. It is believed that his advice was ignored. 10. It appeared that Betty was delighted. 11. It is pretty unlikely that they would approve of it. 12. It appears that they have some difficulties with the car.
Ex. 39. Paraphrase the following using subjective predicative constructions with the infinitive.
Model: He was taken aback (to seem).
He seemed to be taken aback.
1. She is busy today (to seem). 2. The situation has changed a lot (to appear). 3. The Crimea was visited by numerous hikers last summer (to know). 4. He didn't have any money with him (to happen). 5. This path is used quite often nowadays (to appear). 6. Nobody knew the way, so I had to return to happen). 7. His plan is rather unrealistic (to appear). 8. She wasn't properly dressed (to happen). 9. Amy Driffield would never speak to me again (unlikely). 10. He was in high spirits when he got out of the train (to seem). 11. He lived with an uncle and aunt on the outskirts of a little Kentish town by the sea (to be known). 12. He got a scholarship to Wadham. l3. We filled in Driffield's study; it was a large room on the other side of the house (to appear).
Ex. 40. Complete the following so as to use subjective predicative constructions with the infinitive.
1. The girl seems... . 2. The weather appears... . 3. You are supposed... . 4. Our friends are sure... . 5. It is wonderful how everything seems... . 6. He said somebody was supposed... . 7. Everything that morning seemed... . 8. Several thousand people are expected... . 9. Your home during the last few years seems... . 10. I will not deny that several times I was tempted... .11. None will accompany me, and I am forced... . 12. It's hard for us to understand how such a thing is permitted.... 13. As a result, when they were told... they did it. 14. She was sure that he should be made.. 15. I admit he seemed... . 16. What time are you supposed...? 17. The train was seen... . 18. This was supposed... . 19. They might be made... .
Ex. 41. Translate into English using subjective predicative constructions.
1. Говорят, что он живет где-то на Крайнем Севере. 2. Считали, что она прекрасно играет в теннис. 3. Известно, что в России книги издаются на многих языках. 4. Было известно, что он принимал участие в этой экспедиции. 5. Можно считать, что этот вопрос уже решен. 6. Вряд ли игра закончится вничью. 7. Она оказалась хорошим преподавателем. 8. Я уверена, что вам понравится этот спектакль. 9. Новая картина молодого художника, выставленная в музее, оказалась интересной. 10. Похоже на то, что она приняла его предложение. 11. Как оказалось, вечер прошел успешно. 12. Как оказалось, вопрос был не по существу. 13. Вероятно, вам придется некоторое время подождать. 14. Говорят, что его старшая сестра занимается художественной гимнастикой уже три года. 15. Я, кажется, знаю этого человека. В юности он был отличным бегуном, а теперь, говорят, он тренирует молодых спортсменов. 16. Известно, что первые Олимпийские игры состоялись в 1896 году в Афинах. 17. Кажется, этот пассажир не выходит из каюты уже 2 дня. С ним что-нибудь случилось? — Да, он страдает морской болезнью. 18. Известно, что в 1900 году в Олимпийских играх впервые принимали участие женщины.
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