Ex. 26. Replace what is given in bold type by infinitive phrases.
1. The housewhich will be built here is designed for the workers of our plant. 2. I am gladthat I was able to assist you.3. He wasso astonishedthat he could not speak. 4.I left the window openthat I might hear the music. 5. How thoughtful it was of himthat he had sent me the souvenirs. 6. She looked quickly at him as thoughshe wanted to ask him for an explanation. 7.Hecame thereand was told that he might as well not have come at all. 8. The lecture was very interesting, and the students kept quietlest they should miss a word. 9. There are a few more things that require an explanation. 10. My idea isthat we should make a stop there for one or two days on our way back. 11. The book is very long,one can't read it in a day. 12. Helen reached the hospitaland found her brother a little better than when she had last seen him. 13. There was nothing in the articlethat might interest him. 14. She read her composition a third timefor fear that she might overlook a mistake. 15. It made me feel sadwhen I saw him in distress.
Ex. 27. Translate into English.
1. Он не такой человек, о котором можно судить с первого взгляда. 2. За его мыслью было трудно следить, он перескакивал с предмета на предмет. 3. Прошу держать меня в курсе дела. 4. Вы не помните, кто последний читал эту книгу? 5. Он всегда найдет чем похвастаться. 6. Послушать, как он рассуждает, можно подумать, что он прожил уже большую жизнь. 7. В этот момент ей хотелось только одного — чтобы ее оставили в покое. 8. В доме царила глубокая тишина; не слышно было ни единого звука. 9. Он знал язык не очень хорошо, и ему приходилось напрягать все свое внимание, чтобы не терять нить разговора. 10. Я слишком слабый шахматист, чтобы давать советы. 11. С ножом не играют, смотри, порежешься. 12. Он повернулся ко мне, как будто хотел что-то сказать. 13. Когда мы вышли, мы увидели, что такси уже ждет нас. 14. Только он заметил эту ошибку. 15. Газетные заголовки иногда очень трудно переводить.
Ex. 28. Point out objective predicative constructions with the infinitive in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He felt his work to be directionless, merely "copy". (F. F.) 2. She felt the wind blow cold on her back. (F. F.) 3. He watched her turn from him and run to the door. (Rob.)
4. I never saw a man pick up this work so fast. (F. F.) 5. I don't even think they heard us come in. (J. Sal.) 6. I have watched you paint a picture. (White) 7. Fanny watched Frank push away his plate. (White) 8. I never before heard him speak so much. (S. M.) 9. He had seen tigresses in the Zoo walk just like that. (S. M.) 10. With my mind's eye I saw Strickland throw his hat on a table... (S. M.) 11.I can watch your heart beat. (White) 12. Katina watched the slow smoke rise from white houses. (White) 13. "Well, what's the matter?" She broke out finally. "Do you expect me to jump up and sing?" (F. F.) 14. He had married Judy Jones and seen her fade away before his eyes. (F. F.) 15. She heard the boots squeak among the trees. (White) 16. He can make anyone talk who needs help. (Maltz) 17. I saw one of the three men start for him and I saw this man's face. (E. H.)
Ex. 29. Define the structure of objective predicative constructions with the infinitive in the following sentences.
1. She made her come down to the front. (The Pocket Book) 2. Nick's father ordered some water to be put on the stove. (E. H.) 3. He never wants anyone to carry anything. (E. H.) 4. Paul suppressed a shiver, and forced himself to ask the question uppermost in his mind. (Cron.) 5. ...everyone knew him to be feeling fine. (Sill.) 6. He dressed well and he liked his clothes to be properly looked after. (S. M.) 7. I told him everything except where I believed the papers to be hidden. (A. Chr.) 8. She caused a telegram to be sent to him. (Galsw.) 9. I thought the English were stiff, but it's wonderful the way you make me feel at home. (Galsw.) 10. He wanted them all three to walk down the street. (E. H.) 11. He saw the girl leave her chair and trip swiftly across the floor to the newcomer. (J. L.) 12. After a ten-minute wait I watched the train pull out. (J. Ch.) 13. Perhaps his wordless gaze had caused her to break silence. (Cron.) 14. Jennie was intensely sorry. She had never heard Lester complain before. (Dr.) 15. How can you expect anyone to think well of us when such things are written about us? (B. Sh.) 16. Her smile was friendly and she made you feel, that she was really pleased to see you. (Cus.)
Ex. 30. recast the following sentences so as to use objective predicative constructions with the infinitive.
1. I still consider we were right to resist them. 2. They required that I should arrive at 8 a.m. 3. The judge ordered that the prisoner should be remanded. 4. I believe they are very good in physics and other pure sciences... 5. He... did what he could, though considered he got little thanks for it from his wife and five kids. 6. And she saw that the lower part of her face was twisted out of shape. 7. He gazed across at Grace... watching her as she dealt with the marmalade cheerfully and happily. 8. He felt that she was unreasonable and unjust. 9. He knew he was a bad leader. 10. I think his
father is one of the heads in Universal Stores. 11. He thought I was just a kid to be ordered. 12. I don't expect you'll think of me. 13. I think both of you are too simple to be dishonest.
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