Give English equivalents to the following word combinations. замедление темпов экономического роста в странах с развивающимся рынком; тормозить экономическое оживление; вкладывать средства в новое оборудование; низкий

замедление темпов экономического роста в странах с развивающимся рынком; тормозить экономическое оживление; вкладывать средства в новое оборудование; низкий уровень потребительских ожиданий; среднестатистический житель Ирландии; первые признаки экономического оживления; экономический спад; возобновить тенденцию к росту; устойчивое снижение цен на недвижимость; объем продаж новых автомобилей.





Translate the article into Russian in writing.

Rite of Spring: U.S. Economy Warms Up After Winter’s Chill

Firming inflation, industrial output and housing market point to solid growth rebound

Economic gauges released Tuesday showed a pickup in industrial output, continued momentum in the housing sector and firming inflation all pointing to stronger—though still unspectacular—growth in the second quarter. That joined other recent data showing a rebound in retail sales, rising consumer confidence and continued job gains.

Federal Reserve officials, wary of volatility in financial markets and weakness overseas, have held short-term interest rates steady this year after raising them in December from near zero. A second-quarter rebound for domestic growth and rising inflation, if sustained, could help push officials to raise rates in the coming months. 

Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services produced across the U.S. economy, expanded at a 0.5% annual rate in the first three months of 2016. But growth appears poised to accelerate. 

Since the recession ended, first-quarter GDP growth has frequently come in weak, followed by a stronger second quarter. This year may have been no exception, and Tuesday’s reports reinforced the picture of resumed modest growth in the overall economy.

The Fed said industrial production—a measure of everything made by factories, utilities and mines—surged 0.7% in April, the biggest jump for a single month since November 2014.

Manufacturing production as measured by the Fed has been flat since January, a sign that the factory sector remains weakened after more than a year of pressure from falling oil prices and a strong dollar. But the situation is no longer deteriorating.

The consumer-price index, which measures what Americans pay for everything from fresh fruit to footwear, increased a seasonally adjusted 0.4% in April from the prior month after rising 0.1% in March, the Labor Department said Tuesday. That was the largest one-month increase since February 2013. Business and academic economists surveyed by the Journal this month estimated the U.S. faces a 20% chance of tipping into recession in the next year, down only a bit from a few months earlier.

The Wall Street Journal May 17th, 2016


· gauge –показатель, мера, мерило,  критерий

to gauge – измерять, оценивать

· housing market– рынок жилой недвижимости

· rebound –рост после снижения, отскок, восстановление

· momentum –импульс, толчок, наступательный порыв

· consumerconfidence –потребительское доверие, уверенность потребителей, потребительские настроения

· short-terminterestrates –процентные ставки по краткосрочным кредитам

· to deteriorate –ухудшать(ся), портить(ся)


Translate the article into Russian in writing. Comment on the headline.

Grossly Deceptive Plans

China’s obsession with GDP targets threatens its economy

On January 19th China declared that its gross domestic product had grown by 6.9% in 2015, accounting for inflation—the slowest rate in a quarter of a century. It was neatly within the government’s target of “around 7%”, but many economists wondered whether the figure was accurate. But beyond all the (justifiable) doubts about the figures lies another important question. That is: why does China have a GDP target at all?

It is the only large industrial country that sets one. Normally central banks declare specific goals for things like inflation or unemployment. The idea that a government should aim for a particular rate of output expansion, and steer the economy to achieve that, is unusual. In the case of China it is inconsistent with the government’s own oft-repeated mantra that it is the quality of growth that matters, not the quantity.

In the past, for all but three of the years between 1992 and 2015, China’s growth was above target, often by a big margin. Now, however, the economy is slowing. This is inevitable: double-digit growth is no longer achievable except at dangerous cost (total debt was nearly 250% of GDP in the third quarter of 2015). But the government is worried that the economy may slow too fast, and that this could cause a destabilising surge in unemployment. So it has been ramping up investment, and goading local governments to do the same by setting a high growth target.

In a country so large, central leaders are always fearful of losing their grip on far-flung bureaucrats: setting GDP targets is one means by which they believe they can evaluate and control those lower down.As Chinese leaders see it, the target provides numerical evidence for their proclaimed efforts to make China rich.

President Xi Jinping apparently believes that a growth target is necessary in order for China to become a “moderately prosperous society” by 2021, the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party’s founding. The paradox is that by fixating on growth targets China may end up badly damaging its economy, rather than fulfilling its goals.

The Economist, January 30th, 2016


· accurate –точный, достоверный

· double-digitgrowth –рост, выраженный двузначным числом

· inconsistent –несовместимый, противоречащий, несоответствующий

· torampup –повышать, увеличивать, наращивать

· to goad –побуждать, подстрекать


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