V. Useful expressions

There’s much traffic here.

The traffic is always congested (heavy) at this corner.

Finally there’s a lull in the traffic after the rush hour.

The road doesn’t correspond to the needs of modern traffic.

The policeman is directing traffic (he is on point duty).

You have to be quick in order to dodge (escape) the traffic.

Traffic signs are always conspicuous.

The noise of the traffic kept me awake.

The traffic was dislocated by a snow storm.

She made a movement to cross into the traffic.

I could see her through a gap in the traffic.

Let’s wait for a break in the traffic.

This is a busy traffic crossing.

Are you able to read traffic signs?

Honking is a menace to traffic safety.

Traffic keeps to the left in England.

All the traffic has to make way for a fire-engine.


auto mechanic механик в гараже

brake тормоз

car accident дорожное происшествие

chain lock цепочка на двери

checkbook чековая книжка

garage гараж

headlights передний свет

identification papers, I.D. удостоверение личности

insurance company страховая компания

key ключ

lock замок

Lost and Found бюро находок

main road главная дорога

parking стоянка

peephole глазок в двери

police officer полицейский

purse, handbag, pocketbook кошелёк

rest stop, emergency parking стоянка на обочине

road дорога

roadside обочина дороги

secondary road второстепенная дорога

service road дорога-«дублёр»

shopping bag хозяйственная сумка

shoulder, side of the road асфальтовая обочина дороги

tail lights задний свет

thief вор

tire шина

to break down сломаться

to get a flat tire проколоть шину

to get stuck застрять

to lock the door запирать дверь на замок

to lose терять

to park a car ставить машину на стоянку

to rob грабить

to steal украсть

turn signals указатель поворота

umbrella зонтик

valuables ценности

wallet бумажник

watch часы

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