Get Someone out of Jam

(to free someone from a problem or a bad situation)

I like John. He got me out of a jam once.

I would be glad to help get you out of a jam.


There is much traffic here.

The traffic is always congested (heavy) at this corner.

Finally there’s a lull in the traffic after the rush hour.

The traffic was blocked up for a long time.

There was a jam in the traffic for a quarter of an hour.

The points man won’t tell you anything. He is directing traffic (he is on point duty).

I could see her through a gap in the traffic.

This is a busy traffic crossing.

Are you able to read traffic signs?

Traffic keeps to the left in England.

The noise of the traffic has lulled at last.

I must telephone (arrange, send) for a taxi to pick us up.

Is it possible to hire the car by the hour?

Get into the car; there’s room for you in it.

I don’t feel like going in a taxi.

Come with me; I’ll take you in my car.

The driver helped her into (out of; to) the car.

Will you help me to the car with my luggage?

The car has been in service for a long time.

I seldom have trouble with the car.

The car is being overhauled.

Their car made its way for the airport.

Cars are parked tightly against the theatre fronts.


accident/crash авария

block/hold-up in the traffic задержка в движении

bottle-neck in the traffic сужение дороги

break in the traffic перерыв в движении

heavy traffic большое движение

jam in the traffic транспортная пробка

keep to the right держаться правой стороны

left-sided traffic левостороннее движение

light traffic мало транспорта

lull in the traffic затишье/пауза в движении

the traffic is blocked up/jammed движение заблокировано

the traffic is heavy/congested движение интенсивное

to chase гнаться, преследовать

to collide (with) столкнуться

to comply with the traffic rules соблюдать правила дорожного


to direct the traffic направить движение

to dodge вильнуть, увильнуть

to gain on нагонять, догонять

to knock down сбить

to overtake/to overhaul/to outstrip a car обгонять машину

to run into/over наехать

to slow down замедлить движение

to speed превысить скорость

to tail следовать за

to violate the traffic rules нарушать правила

traffic lights светофор

traffic safety дорожная безопасность

traffic signs дорожные знаки

Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 15; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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