Eat Someone out of House and Home

(to eat a lot of someone else’s food)

He’s quite nice with good sense of humour but for his ability eating everyone

out of house and home.

Have Someone Eating out of One’s Hand

(to have someone completely under one’s control)

One of my main difficulties is that I’m not good with an audience. There are

guys who can come out and have a crowd eating out of their hand right away with

a few jokes.


How do you do?

How are you?

How are you getting on?

How are things?

What’s the news?

I haven’t seen you for ages!

What would you like to drink?

Have some more salad!

Help yourself to some more fish.

What about another cup of coffee?

I have never tasted such a nice cake!

I don’t think I’ll have some more, thank you.

I’m fond of fruit pudding!

I have enjoyed it greatly!

Thank you very much for your invitation!

Thank you, the evening was marvelous!


apricot абрикос

bacon бекон

bitter горький

bite; to have a bite закусить

breakfast завтрак

broth бульон

cabbage капуста

chicken цыплёнок

chips жареный картофель

chop отбивная

course блюдо

dessert десерт

delicious вкусный

dine обедать

dinner обед

dish блюдо

elevenses лёгкий завтрак около 11 часов утра

fry жарить

help oneself угощаться

hot dog сосиска

hungry голодный

jelly желе, кисель

juice сок

lobster омар

mashed potatoes картофельное пюре

mushroom гриб

mutton баранина

noodle лапша

pea горох

pie пирог, пирожок

porridge овсяная каша

pudding пудинг

refuse отказываться

roast поджаривать

sausage колбаса

smoked копчёный

sour кислый

stewed тушёный

sweet сладкий

tart пирог с фруктами/ягодами

taste вкус

toast тост, поджаренный хлеб

veal телятина

vegetable овощ

Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 17; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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