Take the Bull by the Horns

(take decisive action in a difficult situation)

Julie had always felt that she was missing out on a lot of fun because of her

clumsiness on the dance floor. She had been putting off taking lessons, but she finally

took the bull by the horns and went to a professional dance studio for help. She was

tired of feeling left out and acted decisively to correct the situation.

Hot Under the Collar

(extremely angry)

Did you see how Bill came in to work this morning?

Did I ever! Boy, was he hot under the collar!

What brought that on?

He said that he was extremely angry because he got stuck in slow-moving traffic

and arrived late for an important business meeting.

All’s Well that Ends Well

(a successful outcome is worth the effort)

Hi, Benito. How are things going?

Well, everything’s OK now. Remember that teaching job for which I applied?

Yes, I sure do.

Well, I was finally hired, but I had a bit of a rough time before I got it. Between

all that paperwork and all those interviews, I’m all worn out. Thank goodness it’s all over.

Great! All’s well that ends well. After all that you went through, I’m happy to

hear that things finally turned out satisfactorily for you.

Yes, I’m happy, too. It was really worth the effort.


Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 15; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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