V. Useful expressions

Where is the nearest gas station?

I want... gallons of gas.

I need some oil.

Fill it, please.

Six gallons of regular, please.

Five dollars worth of regular, please.

Put some water in the radiator.

Please, put some antifreeze in.

Wash the car, please.

Put air in the tires, please.

Change the tire, please.

Change the spark plugs, please.

I want the oil changed.

I’d like the windshield cleaned.

Will you check the tires?

I think the tires are low on air.

Check the oil, please.

Please, check the battery.

Can you charge the battery?

What’s the gas mileage?

What kind of gas does it take?


amount of gas количество бензина

antifreeze антифриз

attendant at the gas station служащий автозаправки

automatic transmission автоматическая система передач

back up подать автомобиль задним ходом

battery аккумулятор

dead battery разрядившийся аккумулятор

drive a car водить машину

economy car малолитражный автомобиль

fender бампер

fill the gas tank yourself заливать бензин самому


gas, gasoline бензин

gas station автозаправочная станция,


let the car pass пропустить автомобиль

overtake a car догнать автомобиль

overtake and pass a car догнать и обогнать автомобиль

regular gas обычный бензин (93-й)

release the hand brake снять с ручного тормоза

rest area; parking areafreeway,


автомобильная стоянка

self-serve island автозаправочная станция


set the hand brake поставить на ручной тормоз

super/hi-test gas высокооктановый бензин

tank бак

traffic police автоинспекция

used car подержанный автомобиль

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