All Roads Lead to Rome

(there are many different routes to the same goal)

Mary was criticizing the way that Jane was planting the flowers. John said,

“Never mind, Mary, all roads lead to Rome. ”

Some people learn by doing. Others have to be taught. In the long run, all roads lead to Rome.

End of the Road End of the Line

(the end; the end of the whole process; death)

When we reach the end of the road on this project, we’ll get paid.

You’ve come to the end of the line. I’ll not lend you another penny.

When I reach the end of the road, I wish to be buried in a quiet place, near

some trees.

A Stone’s Throw Away

(a short distance; informal)

John saw Mary across the street, just a stone’s throw away.

Philadelphia is just a stone’s throw away from New York City.

All the Way

(from the beginning to the end)

I walked all the way home.

The ladder reaches all the way to the top of the house.

Get in Someone’s Way

(to interfere with someone’s movement or intentions)

Tom is going to back out the car. Please, don’t get in his way.

I intend to run for Congress. You had better not get in my way.


Asking the way

I’m a stranger here.

I’m a foreigner.

Excuse me, can you tell me where... is?

Can you tell me the way to...?

How can I get from here to...?

Can you tell me how to get to...?

Is it far from here?

Is it too far to walk?

How far is it from here?

Can I walk there or must I take a bus or subway?

What is the shortest way to...?

What is the best way to get there?

Can you show me how to get there on this map?

Write down the address for me, please.

I’m trying to locate this address.

I don’t know the way to...

I’ve lost my way.

Officer, I think I’m lost.

What’s the name of this street?

Am I going the right way for...? In what direction must I go?

Where is the crossing?

Is there a city information center?

Where is the city information center?

Is there a subway station (post office, coffee shop, McDonalds) near here?

This way, sir.

It’s only a short way to the square.

It’s a long way from here.

Which is the best way there?

You are going in the opposite way (direction).

I can’t find my way in.

Which is the way out?

Are you going my way?

Shall I see you part of the way?

He lives over the way (on the other side of the road).

It is an out-of-the-way place (corner).

The taxi-driver brought us a long way round, not by the shortest way.

Where does the road lead?

You may go by either road.

You’ve mistaken the road.

May I help you over the road?

Are we on the right road?

On turning the corner you’ll see that the road descends steeply.

The road slopes to the sea by a gradual descent.

The roads are slick (slippery) with wet mud.

The motor-car skidded (slipped sidewise) on the wet road.

It’s a long distance off.

It’s no distance at all.

It’s quite a distance from here.

Oh, some distance.

He lives within easy distance from his office.

My house is within walking distance from the University.


avenue авеню

beach пляж

block квартал

booth будка, кабина

busy занятый, оживлённый (об улице)

center центр

change изменять, менять

cinema кинотеатр

circus цирк

corner угол

cross пересекать, переходить (улицу)

crossing перекрёсток

estate жилой квартал

fare плата за проезд

find out узнавать, разузнавать

get on сесть (на трамвай)

get off выйти (из трамвая)

hostel общежитие

lane переулок

left левый

main главный, основной

mean (meant, meant) иметь в виду

noisy шумный

number номер

pardon me извините

pavement тротуар

place место; ставить, помещать

pleasure удовольствие

porter носильщик

post почта

post office почтамт

right правый

run (ran, run) бегать, ходить

square площадь

stop остановка; останавливаться

store; department store магазин; универмаг

taxi-rank стоянка такси

trolley-bus троллейбус

turn поворачивать

underground метро

zoo зоопарк

Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 29; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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