Move Heaven and Earth to Do Something

(to make a major effort to do something)

I’ll move heaven and earth to be with you, Mary.

I had to move heaven and earth to get there on time.

Rent Something Out/Rent out Something

(to rent something to someone)

We rented out our house when we went to Europe for a year.

We rented our spare room out to get some extra money.

Rest Assured

(to be assured; to be certain)

Rest assured that you’ll receive the best car.

Please, rest assured that we will do everything possible to help.


Renting a car

Where can I get a driver's license?

What documents do I need?

How much does it cost?

Where will I receive my license?

Where can I rent a car?

How much does it cost to rent a car?

What is the cost per day (per mile)?

I can't understand which rate applies for renting a car for 3 days.

What are the weekly (monthly) rates?

How do I pay for renting a car?

What's the gas mileage?

I'd like to rent a car for a week, please. How much will it be?

How much is the deposit?

I want a car between the 10th and 20th of May.

When can I pick up the car?

What kind of gas docs it take?

What do I do if the car breaks down?

Do I have to pay for repairs if the car breaks down?

Who do I call if the car breaks down?

Who do I notify if there's an accident?

On the road

How do we get to...?

Is this the way to...?

Where does this road go to?

I'm afraid we are lost.

Can you show me the way to... on this map?

In which direction must I go?

Where do I turn?

Are we driving in the right direction?

How many miles are there to...?

How long will it take us to...?

Is there a service station along this way?

Where can I have the car repaired?

Can you help me change the tire?

Can you tow my car?

Isn't it dangerous to go on without fixing the trouble?

How long will the repair take?

Can I park my car here?

Can I park here?

Where can I park my car?

Where is the parking lot?

Where is the parking garage?

How much does it cost to park here for one hour?

How long can I leave my car here?

What coins do I have to put in the parking meter?

What do I do if I get a parking ticket?


accelerate прибавьте скорость

attendant at the gas station служащий станции

automatic transmission автоматическая коробка передач

back up подайте назад

battery аккумулятор

change lanes смените ряд

damage a car повредить автомобиль

dead battery «севший» аккумулятор

drive a car водить автомобиль

driver’s license водительские права

driving regulations правила вождения автомобиля

driving violation нарушение правил

economy car малолитражный автомобиль

fender бампер

freeway, expressway автострада

gas station автозаправка

go forward поезжайте вперёд

have the car repaired ремонтировать автомобиль

hold up traffic задерживать движение

horn гудок

let the car pass пропустить автомобиль

main road главная дорога

one-way traffic одностороннее движение

overtake a car догнать автомобиль

overtake and pass a car догнать и обогнать автомобиль

park припаркуйтесь

parking lights габаритные огни

pick up a car from a rental company забрать арендованный автомобиль

pull out выезжайте на левую полосу

pull over to the curb прижмитесь к обочине

release the handle brake снять с ручного тормоза

reserve a car заказать автомобиль в прокате

rest area, parking area автостоянка

road accident дорожное происшествие

self-serve island станция самообслуживания

service station авторемонтная мастерская

set the handle brake поставить на ручной тормоз

side road второстепенная дорога

slow down сбавьте скорость

start the engine включите двигатель

stop остановитесь

stop at the “stop” sign остановитесь у знака «стоп»

traffic circle круговое движение

traffic jam, hold-up, tie-up дорожная пробка

traffic laws правила движения

traffic police автоинспекция

traffic signs, road signs дорожные знаки

turn left поверните налево

two-way traffic двустороннее движение

used car подержанный автомобиль

windshield ветровое стекло

wipers «дворники»

Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 13; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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