V. Useful expressions

Business contacts

The purpose of my visit is to discuss the possibility of cooperation (to establish bus

ness contacts).

We would like to establish business contacts with you We've come:

– to discuss some questions concerning our contract;

– to clarify the technical specifications;

– to settle the problem of transporting the equipment;

– to see the progress of our order;

– to discuss the possibility of setting up a joint venture.

We have a display of new products at our pavilion.

We would like to draw up a contract with you for delivery of your new model.

We'd like to place a trial order with you for this model.

We received your catalogues and studied them thoroughly.

Your offer is interesting and we'd like to discuss the terms and conditions of our


Have you anything to say about the draft contract?

Can you consider the possibility of granting the company credit?

We don't object to payment by a letter of credit.

What are the terms of delivery?

We will notify you of the arrival of …

In case of delay in delivery you will have to pay a penalty.

We'll send our representative to take part in …

We'll discuss these details and send you confirmation by telex (fax).

We are ready to meet you half way.

Can I use your telephone to get in touch with our representative?

How do I get there?

What time do you expect me?

What time should I arrive?

I’d be glad to come.

Hello! I hope I’m on time.

Where should I put my coat?

Do you want a drink?

Is there anything I can do for you?

Please, don’t trouble yourself.

Thank you for inviting me.

I hope to see you again soon.


accept an invitation принять приглашение

bring a gift принести подарок


currency clause

rise and fall clause


валютная оговорка

оговорка об изменении цены

client заказчик

cocktail party коктейль

competitive конкурентоспособный

confirmation подтверждение

delay in delivery задержка поставки

dinner party званый обед

draft contract проект контракта

formal официальный

give a compliment сделать комплимент

informal неофициальный

invite приглашать

invite someone to stay with пригласить погостить

joint venture совместное предприятие

notification извещение

party, get-together вечер, вечеринка

penalty неустойка

presentation предъявление

prompt delivery немедленная поставка

rain check вежливый отказ от приглашения

representative представитель

trial order пробный заказ

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