At the department store

I've got some shopping to do.

Is there a department store near there?

What time does the store open?

How late are the stores open on Saturday?

Where's the men's clothing department?

What floor is ladies' clothing on?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the dress department is?

What floor do they sell... on?

What floor are shoes on?

Where's the shoe department?

Where are sporting goods?

Do you have a camera department here?

Where do I go for toys?

Where can I buy...?

Where is the elevator?

Where is the exit?

I'm looking for...

I'd like to see...

I am interested in...

Please, show me...

Please, give me...

Do you have... in stock?

I'd like to know how long the guarantee is for?

Is there anywhere else near here that I could try?

I'd like to look at some suits.

I'm looking for a lightweight suit.

Please, show me something better (cheaper a different style)

I'd like a brown skirt, size 12.

Do you have a green shirt?

I'm looking for a cotton blouse.

This is light (loud, dark).

Please show me something in a different color (with another design).

I want a tie to match my suit.

I wear size 10.

I'm looking for a suit, size 40.

Do you have a wool skirt in size 16?

This dress is too tight.

Please, give me a larger (smaller) size.

I'm afraid this dress doesn't fit me. It's too big.

This coat is too long (short).

It's too large (small).

Don't you have any other styles?

This is already out of fashion.

This is in fashion now.

This is not quite what I wanted.

Excuse me, can I try this on?

Where's the fitting (dressing) room?

It's just what I want.

How does it look?

Can you help me, please? I want to choose a scarf for a present.

What do you recommend?

How much is it? How much does it cost?

How much does it come to?

What's the price of this?

It's too expensive.

Have you got anything cheaper?

I'll take it, thank you.

I won't take it.

I'll leave it, thank you.

Can I exchange this?

Do I pay you or at the cash register?

Where is the cash register?

Where do I pay?

I think there's been a mistake. This costs..., not...

Is there tax?

I think you've given me the wrong change. I gave you... and you've given me only...


Pack it for me, please.

Pack these together, please.

Can I return this?

I bought this yesterday. It's too small.

There's a mark on the sleeve.

There's a tear on the back.

There's a hole in it.

I think it's the wrong size after all.

I bought a toaster on Monday. It doesn't work. Here's the receipt.

Can I exchange it, please?

Can you exchange it for me?

Can I have a refund, please?

Can I have my money back, please?

Can you hold this for an hour?

I'm just looking, thank you.

I'm being helped, thank you.

Where are the restrooms?

Where is Customer Service?


amplifier усилитель

artist's water colors краски акварельные

ash tray пепельница

ballpoint pen шариковая ручка

bargain дешёвая покупка

bathing suit купальник

bedspread покрывало

birthday card поздравительная открытка

blanket шерстяное одеяло

board games настольные игры

book store книжный магазин

boots сапоги

bra, brassiere бюстгальтер

broadcloth сукно

brooch, pin брошь

buttons пуговицы

buy покупать

camcorder видеокамера

can opener консервный нож

cash register касса в магазине

cashier кассир

chain цепочка

cheap, inexpensive дешёвый

check out (counter) касса в универсаме

china фарфор

choose выбирать

coffee maker кофеварка

cologne одеколон

comb расчёска

complaint жалоба

cordless telephone радиотелефон

__________corduroy, velveteen вельвет

cost стоить

cufflinks запонки

department отдел

detergents моющие средства

discount скидка

disposable blade лезвие одноразового пользования

dress store магазин готовой одежды

earrings серьги

electric appliences электротовары

eraser ластик

exchange заменять

expensive, dear дорогой

eyeglasses очки

fabric ткань

fabrics ткани

felt pen фломастер

fishing rods удочка

fitting room, dressing room примерочная

flash bulb фотовспышка

flashlight электрический фонарь

fur cap меховая шапка

glass, goblet бокал

glue, paste клей

guarantee гарантия

hair dye краска для волос

hairpin заколка для волос

half slip нижняя юбка

hammer молоток

handkerchief носовой платок

headphones наушники

high heel shoes туфли на высоком каблуке

hole, tear дырка

hooks and eyes крючки и петли

house cleaning supplies чистящие средства

house paint краска

immersion heater кипятильник

knee-high socks гольфы

knitted wear трикотаж

light bulb лампочка электрическая

lighter зажигалка

loofah мочалка

loudspeaker динамик

meat grinder электрическая мясорубка

men’s wear мужская одежда

mink норка

momen’s wear женская одежда

mug кружка

nail file пилка для ногтей

name brand фирменная марка

napkins бумажные салфетки

necklace колье

necktie галстук

overcoat пальто

pack упаковывать

pants трусики

pants, trousers, slacks брюки

panty hose колготки

persian lamb каракуль

photographic supplies фототовары

pillow case наволочка

pin булавка

pitcher графин

pound фунт

precious stones драгоценные камни

price цена

printed cotton ситец

purse, handbag сумка дамская

quality качество

quilt стёганное одеяло

ready made готовый

receipt, sales slip чек

remote control пульт дистанционного управления

return возвращать

ring up «выбивать» чек

robe халат

ruler линейка

running shoes кроссовки

sale распродажа

salesperson продавец

sandals босоножки

saucer блюдце

scarf кашне

scissors ножницы

second-hand book dealer букинистический магазин

self-service store магазин самообслуживания

sell продавать

sheepskin дубленка

shoe polish гуталин

shoe store обувной магазин

shoehorn рожок для обуви

shoelaces шнурки

shopping hours часы работы магазина

size размер

slip комбинация

sneakers кеды

souvenirs сувениры

special price, reduced price, half-price сниженная цена

spinning reel спиннинг

sponge губка

sporting goods спорттовары

stationary store магазин канцелярских товаров

stationery канцелярские товары

store магазин

store window витрина

suede, chamois замша

supermarket продовольственный магазин

swimming cap шапочка для купания

swimming trunks плавки

tape measure сантиметр (лента)

tape player with a radio магнитола

telephone answering machine автоответчик

thread нитки

thrift shop комиссионный магазин

tight тесный

tights трико

to wrap заворачивать

tobacco табак

toy store магазин игрушек

trying on примерка

underwear нижнее бельё

velvet бархат

video recorder/player видеомагнитофон и плеер

windup toys заводные игрушки

wine glass рюмка

write out a bill выписывать чек

wrong size неподходящий размер

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