Finding a place to live

I must go apartment hunting.

I'm looking for an apartment.

Do you know of a vacant apartment near here?

How do I know if there is an apartment to let?

I'm going to ask around.

I want to look through the ads "Apartments to let" in the local newspapers.

I want to look through the ads at the real estate office.

I want to call this place to find out if the apartment is still available.

I'm phoning about your ad in... for a room for rent.

I understood you have a room to-let.

I want a two-room apartment.

I'd like to make an appointment to see the apartment.

Can I come and see the room?

Is there a bus stop nearby?

Is there a subway station nearby?

How much is the fare?

Is there a Laundromat nearby?

Is there a cleaners nearby?

I'd like an apartment closer to the center (subway, bus, my work).

The place isn't very convenient. I'll have to take two buses.

What floor is the apartment on?

Is there an elevator?

Is the room furnished?

How many closets are there?

Can I see the kitchen?

What amenities are there in the apartment?

The apartment has no amenities.

Is the refrigerator in good working order?

The sink in the kitchen is leaking.

May I use the phone?

May I use your washing machine?

I find the room comfortable.

How much do you want for this room?

How much do you charge for the room?

Do you rent the room on a monthly basis?

How much is the rent a month?

Does the rent include heat (hot water, gas, electricity, telephone)?

Does the rent include all utilities?

How much is the charge for gas and electricity?

It's a real bargain.

It seems like the kind of room I'm looking for.

When can we move in?

Should I pay the rent by check or in cash?

Must I leave a deposit?

How much of a deposit do you want?


accommodation помещение

apartment квартира

apartment to let сдаваемая квартира

apartment with all conveniences квартира со всеми удобствами

area район

attic room мансарда

basement подвал

closet кладовка, встроенный шкаф

cooking facilities условия для приготовления пищи

deposit задаток

fire escape пожарная лестница

fire extinguisher огнетушитель

heat, heating отопление

house for rent дом сдается внаем

housing costs квартирные расходы

kitchenette кухонька

landlady домовладелица

landlord домовладелец

lease договор о найме

leasing найм

linen closet кладовая для белья

pantry кладовая для провизии

pay in advance платить вперёд

pay the rent платить квартплату

private apartment частная квартира

provide amenities предоставить удобства

reasonable rates умеренная плата

rent an apartment снимать квартиру

surety залог

share an apartment жить в одной квартире

surcharge on … дополнительная плата за …

temporary living временное жильё

tenant жилец

toilet унитаз

toilet, bathroom туалет

two bedroom apartment двухкомнатная квартира

utilities, amenities удобства, коммунальные услуги

Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 13; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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