Measure Up to Someone or Something

(to be equal to someone or something)

Ann is good, but she doesn’t measure up to Mary.

This measures up to my standards quite nicely.

Yes, it measures up.

On Pins and Needles

(anxious; in suspense)

I’ve been on pins and needles all day waiting for you to call with the news.

We were on pins and needles until we heard that your plane landed safely.

Once in a Blue Moon

(very rarely)

I seldom go to a movie – maybe once in a blue moon.

I don’t go into the city except once in a blue moon.



Let's go to the movies.

What are they showing today?

Where is this film playing?

How do we get to the...?

Is the new film a comedy (a drama, a love story, a mystery, science fiction)?

Two tickets for the 9 p.m. show, please.

Do you think we can get tickets for this show?

What's the movie schedule?

This movie won a prize at the festival in...

Who's in this film?

This film was the season's hit.

This film is worth seeing.

This film is for adults only.

How did you like the movie?

I didn't like the film very much.

I didn't understand very much.

The film made a great impression on me.

I went to the movies by myself yesterday.


What about watching a movie on television?

What's on TV tonight?

There's a concert of a famous popular singer on TV tonight.

There isn't much interesting on TV tonight.

What channel is the concert on?

What's on the other channels?

What time does the news go on?

What sports events will be on TV this week?

Where can we rent a video?


actor актёр

actress актриса

adventure film приключенческий фильм

amphitheater амфитеатр

applaud аплодировать

balcony балкон

box ложа

box-office касса

cameraman оператор

cartoon мультипликационный фильм

cast состав исполнителей

character действующее лицо

comedy комедийный фильм

composer композитор

director постановщик

director-producer режиссёр-постановщик

documentary документальный фильм

dress circle бельэтаж

dubbed film дублированный фильм

film фильм

film festival кинофестиваль

film in color цветной фильм

first-night, premiere премьера

genre жанр

hall зал

historical film исторический фильм

landscape пейзаж

movie theater, movies кинотеатр

musical музыкальный фильм

newsreel хроника

orchestra seats партер

__________ordering tickets заказ билетов

performer исполнитель

play пьеса

producer режиссёр

repertory, repertoire репертуар

row ряд

science fiction film научно-популярный фильм

script сценарий

serial многосерийный фильм

shoot a film снимать фильм

show сеанс

star кинозвезда

subject сюжет

subtitle титр

the house is sold out аншлаг

ticket билет

two part film двухсерийный фильм

usher билетёр

wide screen film широкоэкранный фильм

work произведение

Дата добавления: 2016-01-05; просмотров: 16; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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