Dressed to the Teeth

(dressed elegantly)

Did you see Hilda at the party last night?

Yes, I did. She was really dressed to the teeth!

Well, she had on her finest, most elegant clothing because she was out to

make a good impression on Bill.

Eyes are Bigger Than One's Stomach

(take more food than one can eat)

Chris, why don't you finish eating that third helping of dessert?

I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach when I said I wanted more.

I'm not surprised. The same thing happens to me. Sometimes, when I'm really

hungry, I'll take more food than I can possibly eat.

Make the Grade

(to be satisfactory; to be what is expected)

I’m sorry, but your work doesn’t exactly make the grade.

This meal doesn’t just make the grade. It is excellent.


Eating out

Can you recommend a good (expensive, moderate, cheap) restaurant?

Where can we get a quick meal?

Where can I get a good cheap meal?

Can you suggest a cheap restaurant?

Is the service at this restaurant good?

What's the restaurant's closing time?

Is there a coffee shop near here?

During what hours is the cafeteria open?

Where can I get a quick bite to eat?

Can you recommend a good coffee shop (dinner, luncheonette)?

Is there a pizza place near here?

Let's go to some fast food place.

I'm sure it's going to be packed.

I'm afraid we'll never find seats.

We'll have to wait on line.

I'm afraid there'll be a long line at lunch time here.

I'd like to reserve a table for two for tomorrow at 7 p.m.

Can I reserve a table for three for next Tuesday at 8 p.m.

How much does it cost for a complete meal for two at this restaurant?

Is this place taken?

Can I have the menu?

Menu, please.

There's not much on the menu here.

What kind of food do they serve here?

What's the house specialty?

What are you going to have?

I'm not ready to order yet.

What shall we start with?

What kind of soup do you have?

What kind of dressing do you have?

What meat dish would you recommend?

What kind of fish do you have?

What vegetables are you serving today?

Can you replace this?

I'm starving.

Do you want an appetizer?

What would you like to start with?

What about the entree?

What would you like – veal or roast beef?

I'd like the broiled (grilled, fried) steak.

I'll have roast turkey with mashed potatoes.

Baked potatoes would be good.

French dressing would be fine.

How is it prepared?

I'll have Russian dressing on the salad.

What's for dessert?

What's yours?

What kind of beer do you have?

What wine do you recommend to go with meat?

Let's order half a bottle of dry white wine to go with fish.

I don't drink strong drinks.

Do you have expresso?

Would you like milk in your tea?

Would you like lemon with your tea?

Do you want another cup?

Would you like a refill?

Won't you have some more?

Please pass the salt.

Help yourself.

Help yourself to some more...

Just a little.

More bread, please.

Will you have a little dry wine?

The meal is delicious.

The meat is overdone.

The meat is tough.

Where can I have a smoke here?

I'm full.

May I have the bill?

We'd like separate checks, please.

I'll treat you.

It's on me.

I didn't order this.

Do we have to leave a tip?

How much is the tip?

Let's get a couple of sandwiches to go.

Where can we get something to take out?

Have a pleasant meal! Enjoy!

To your health!


a straw соломинка

aperitif аперитив

appetizers закуски

apricots абрикосы

ashtray пепельница

asparagus спаржа

avocado авокадо

bacon бекон


doggie bag


пакет для остатков пищи

baked potatoes печеный картофель

bananas бананы

bar бар

beans бобы

beef говядина

bitter горький


brunch (breakfast + lunch)


поздний завтрак (бранч)

broccoli брокколи (спаржевая капуста)




кислая капуста

cafeteria кафетерий

canned консервированный

carafe графин

carrots морковь

caviar икра

celery сельдерей

cherries вишня

chopped meat patty, hamburger;

croquette котлета

clam моллюск


milk shake

коктейль (напиток)

молочный коктейль

cocoa какао

cod треска

coffee shop, luncheonette, cafe

self-service cafeteria


fast food place


кафе самообслуживания

кафе, обслуживающее навынос

кафе с быстрым обслуживанием

cognac, brandy коньяк

corn, corn-on-the-cob кукуруза

cottage cheese творог

cuisine кухня (кулинарное искусство)

cutlet отбивная

delicatessen, deli деликатесы

dessert десерт


second course


three-course dinner


второе блюдо

основное блюдо

обед из трех блюд

dressing заправка к салату


hard drinks

soft drinks



крепкие напитки

прохладительные напитки

спиртные напитки


smoked fish

marinated fish

stuffed fish


копченая рыба

маринованная рыба

фаршированная рыба

fixed price menu меню комплексного обеда

flounder камбала

fork вилка





жаренный (на масле)

(под огнем, без масла)

(на огне, без масла)

(на углях)

gin and tonic джин и тоник

glass, goblet бокал

grapefruit грейпфрут

gravy подливка

ground beef фарш

halibut палтус

ham ветчина

herring сельдь

horseradish хрен


on the rocks


со льдом

kindney beans фасоль

lamb баранина

lettuce салат (зелень)

liver печень

mashed potatoes картофельное пюре

melon дыня

mustard горчица

napkin салфетка

noodle лапша

oatmeal овсяная каша


green onions, scallions


зеленый лук

yellow onions репчатый лук

open-face sandwich бутерброд


a la carte


на заказ

pancake блин

pancake house блинная

pastry пирожное

pate паштет

pear груша

peas горох

pickles соленья

port портвейн

potato chips хрустящий картофель

poultry птица

pumpkin тыква

raspberries малина


roast pork


жаркое из свинины

roll, bun


hot dog


булочка с котлетой

булочка с сосиской

salmon лосось

sandwich shop бутербродная




копченая колбаса

shrimp cocktail коктейль из креветок (салат)

snack bar, stand-up counter закусочная

sour кислый

sour cream сметана

sponge cake торт бисквитный

squash, zucchini кабачок

steak, rare steak бифштекс, бифштекс с кровью

stew, braised meat тушеное мясо

stewed fruit компот

strawberries клубника

sturgeon осетрина

sugar substitute заменитель сахара

tall wine glass фужер

tangerines мандарины

tasteless пресный

to eat out обедать в ресторане

to get a snack перекусить

to order заказывать

to pay at a cash register платить в кассу

toast гренки

tough жесткий

tray поднос

trout форель

undercooked недожаренный

vegetables as a side dish гарнир из овощей

vegetables with the entree овощной гарнир, заказываемый


vinegar уксус

waffles вафли

water водопроводная вода

watermelon арбуз

whipped cream взбитые сливки



sweet (red, white) wine


виноградное вино

десертное вино

fortified wine

dry wine

fine vintage wine

wine list

yogurt, yoghurt

крепленое вино

сухое вино

марочное выдержанное вино

карта вин


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