V. Useful expressions


Where can I find a phone (a pay phone)?

How do I use this phone?

What coins do I need for the phone?

How much do I need to make a call from a pay phone?

I'm out of change.

Please, give me change for the phone.

I need some change to make a telephone call. Is there a change machine near here?

Do I have to put money in before or after dialing the number?

How much will it cost to make a call to...?

Do I have to pay to talk to the operator?

How much do you charge for a call to...?

How much does one minute cost?

How much does local call cost?

What number do I dial in an emergency?

Do I have to pay to call 911?

Are emergency calls free?

When is it cheaper to make a long-distance call?

How do I make a collect call?

I'd like to make a collect call to...

How do I get the money I deposited back if the call doesn't go through?

I would like to place a call to...

Is this the long-distance operator?

Please, place a call to...?

I will use the phone in my room.

I'd like to cancel my order.

Can I place a call to... for 8 p.m.?

How do I call the long-distance operator?

Can I dial direct to a foreign country?

Can I dial a long-distance call from this phone?

Can I dial direct to Germany?

How can I find a telephone number in the directory?

I want to look up the phone number of... in the White Pages

Can you give me the number of...?

How do I call local information to find the area code for...?

I'd like the number for...

What number do I dial for information?

What number do I dial for the operator?

May I have your phone number?

What is the country code?

What is the area code?

My number is...

My number in the city is...

Do I have to go through the operator or can I dial direct?

Give me the long-distance operator.

Give me an outside line, please.

Put me through to Mr...., please.

Please put me through to extension 25.

May I use your phone?

This is... speaking.

Hold the line (Hold on a moment).

The line is very bad. I can't hear what you are saying.

I can't hear the person I'm talking to.

Please speak louder.

Speak slowly, please.

Can you repeat that, please?

Can you say that again, please?

I can't get through.

There's no answer.

I can't reach this number.

The telephone is out of order.

Please hang up and call again.

I've got a crossed line and I can hear other people talking.

I keep getting a crossed line.

My call was disconnected.

I was cut off.

We were disconnected.

I got the wrong number.

The line is busy.

Could you give him a message, please?

Ask Mr.... to call me.

I'll call later.

I'm sorry, it must be the wrong number.

I'm sorry I've got the wrong number.

Thanks for calling.


answering machine автоответчик

area code код города

bill счет

busy signal сигнал «занято»

calling card, credit card phone телефон-автомат, работающий

со специальной карточкой

coin release возврат монет

coin slot щель телефона-автомата

collect call, reverse charges call телефонный разговор с оплатой


cost of a call стоимость телефонного разговора

country code код страны

desk phone настольный телефон

dial tone протяжный гудок телефона

dial-direct call звонок по прямому телефону

directory assistance (information) справочная

discount rate льготная ставка

emergency call экстренный вызов

extension number добавочный номер

home phone домашний телефон

inside line внутренний телефон

international code международный код

line телефонная линия

long-distance call междугородный вызов

long-distance dial-direct call звонок по междугородному телефону

long-distance operator междугородная станция

long-distance operator assisted call междугородный вызов через


office telephone, business telephone служебный телефон

operator-assisted charge плата за междугородный вызов через


outside line городской телефон

peak rate ставка в часы пик

person-to-person call междугородный вызов с указанием лица

phone booth телефонная будка

phone rate ставка оплаты за телефонный разговор

private phone личный телефон

public phone, pay phone телефон-автомат

receiver трубка

standart rate обычная ставка

station-to-station call междугородный телефонный вызов

без указания лица

telephone number номер абонента

to be billed for a call получать счет за телефонный разговор

to call back, to call again перезвонить

to call collect, to make a collect person-toperson

call, to reverse the charge

звонить но междугородному телефону

с оплатой абонентом

to call through an operator звонить через коммутатор

to call through an operator набирать номер через коммутатор

to connect, to put through соединять

to deposit a coin, to drop a coin опускать монету

to dial a number набирать номер

to dial direct звонить по прямому телефону,

набирать номер по прямому телефону

to disconnect, to cut off разъединять

to get an answer, to reach by telephone дозвониться

to hang up вешать трубку

to make a business call звонить по делам

to make a call, to call звонить по телефону

to make a long-distance call звонить по междугородному телефону

to place a telephone call заказать телефонный разговор

to talk (to speak) on the telephone говорить по телефону

to talk on an extension говорить по другому телефону

toll плата за междугородный вызов

toll free number бесплатный номер

unlisted number номер, не внесенный в телефонную


white pages телефонный справочник (домашних


yellow pages телефонный справочник (телефонов


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