It is Monday today; it’s 10 a.m.; it’s too cold outside.

It has been very cold for a few days.

3. If the growth of the population actually happens, it means that in the next 70
       years we will have to provide as many goods, houses, roads, schools and other
      facilities as we have already produced in our previous years of existence.

It has been raining since early morning.

It was not easy to answer such a difficult question.

It will be interesting to watch this device in action; it’s quite a new device.

It will do harm to a lot of people.

It has become necessary to look through a special literature.

I like it, because it is interesting, important and necessary. 

It look them half an hour to make a decision.

It takes less time to do it right than it does to explain why you did it wrong.

12. Since the time of its errection the Tower of London has served many purposes;
          first it was a king’s palace, a fortress, a political prison, a mint place and now it
         is a museum.

It was no use trying to minimize the importance of the discovery.

I made it a rule for myself to come on time.

He was quite right when he tried to do it himself.

16. It should be noted that it was A. Popov who invented radio; now it is a widely
          used means of mass media.

It is known that he is a well-known mathematician.

18. It is precisely in meteorites that there was first found a mineral which they
         commonly posses.

19. It is because of work of this standard that in the short period he has been
         in business he has made about £9,000; with it he has bought more equipment.

It was only a year ago, that he decided to get serious about computing.

21. Once an agreement was reached, it was to be kept, and the villagers, who got
         their land from the landlord were not free to leave it without permission.

22. It was Nikolai-Garin Mikhailovsky who in 1893 headed a survey party and
         chose the site for a railway bridge to cross the river Ob.


23. You will all have to follow him, the youngest as well as the oldest.

24. This follows from their decision.

25. One misfortune followed another.

26. They followed their own policy.

27. We followed some of their procedures.

28. Events followed in quick succession.

29. We must follow the job through (доводить дело до конца).

30. He followed (унаследовать) his father as head gardener.

31. I always follow the home and international affairs.

32. The police are following up this information.

33. Data analysis follows data gathering.

34. The report followed by a discussion showed the importance of this problem.

35. The procedure followed by this investigator was proposed by Smith.

36. The scientist following this technique investigated some phenomena of

37. The lecture will be followed by an experiment.

38. You have to look through the following documents.

39. Following these early discoveries, a great many alloys have been discovered.

40. Feudalism as a system was followed by capitalism.




Три основные формы глагола to be – быть или являться кем-то (чем-то),

                                                                   находиться где-то


1-я 2-я 3-я
Infinitive Past Indefinite Participle II
to be was (ед. ч.) were (мн. ч.) been

Спряжение глагола to be



Present Past Future
I He She It We You They am is is is are are are was was was was were were were shall be will be will be will be shall be will be will be



Short Forms

Writing        Speaking         Writing             Speaking

I    am       I’m             I     am not    I’m not

You are       You’re     You are not    You’re not or You aren’t

We are        We’re      We  are not    We’re not   or We aren’t

They are        They’re    They are not    They’re not  or They aren’t

He  is          He’s        He   is not      He’s not     or He isn’t

She is           She’s       She is not      She’s not    or She isn’t

It    is          It’s           It     is not      It’s not       or It isn’t

That is          That’s      That is not      That’s not   or That isn’t

This is           –              This is not      This isn’t

These are        –              These are not    These aren’t

Those are        –              Those are not   Those aren’t




to have– иметь что-либо, обладать чем-либо

Present Past Future
have (got) has (got) had   shall have will have

The Verb«Have»

Positive             Question                 Negative

I  have         Have I?                  I   have not   (I haven’t)

We have            Have we?              We have not   (We haven’t )

You have         Have you?            You have not   (You haven’t)

They have        Have they?           They have not   (They haven’t)

He has              Has he?                 He has not     (He haven’t)

She has          Has she?                She has not     (She hasn’t)

It has         Has it?                   It   has not     (It hasn’t)

Глагол to do – делать, выполнять что-либо

Present Past Future
do (don’t) does (doesn’t) did (didn’t)   shall do (shan’t do) will do (won’t do)


Личные местоимения

1 2 3 4 I me my mine we us our ours you you your yours he him his his she her her hers it it its – they them their theirs

Study these structures

Possessive Adjectives                   Possessive Pronouns

This is my book.                        This book is mine.

This is your book.                       This book is yours.

This is his book.                       This book is his.

This is her   book.                       This book is hers.

This is our   house.                     This house is ours.

This is their house.                     This house is theirs.

    _______                                        _______

I   know you                                He knows  her

You know me                             She knows him

They know us                                  We knows it

We  know them

Таблица производных слов от some, any, no, every

  + thing + body, one + where Употребляются
some некоторый, какой-то какой-нибудь, несколько something что-то, что-нибудь somebody, someone кто-то, кто-нибудь somewhere где-то, куда-то, где-нибудь, куда-нибудь в утверд. предл.
any 1) всякий, любой 2) какой-нибудь anything 1) все, 2) что-то 3) что-нибудь anybody, anyone 1) всякий, все 2) кто-то, кто-нибудь anywhere 1) везде 2) где-нибудь,  куда-нибудь 1) в утверд. предл. 2) в вопросит. предл.
  + thing + body, one + where Употребляются
no, not any  никакой+ не nothing (not anything) ничто           + не ничего nobody (not anybody), no one никто + не nowhere (not anywhere) нигде, никуда + не в отрицат. предл.
every всякий, каждый everything все everybody, everyone все everywhere везде, повсюду в утвердит., вопросит. и отрицат. предл.



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