Present Perfect Simple и Present Perfect Continuous.


При употреблении этих времен следует помнить, что Present Perfect Continuous подчеркивает длительность действия, в то время как Present Perfect Simple подчеркивает факт совершения действия.


Упр.5.8.1. Выберите правильную глагольную форму в каждой паре предложений.


a. I've cut my finger!       I've been cutting my finger!

b. Have you heard Paul Simon's latest record? Have you been hearing Paul Simon's latest record?

c. She's tired because she's shopped all day. She's tired because she'sbeen shopping all day.

d. Sorry. I'vebroken one of your glasses. Sorry. I've been breaking one of your glasses.

e. How long have you had this book? How long have you been having this book?

f. They have lived here for three years.   They'vebeen living here for three years.

Упр.5.8.2. Соедините строчки из столбца А с соответствуюшей строчкой из столбца В.


                    A                       B
Ann's been sunbathing. She's furious.
She's been shopping. She's got paint in her hair
She's been working in the garden. She's crying.
She's been reading for hours. Her back hurts.
She's been watching a sad film. She hasn't got any money left.
She's been waiting for hours. She's a bit burnt.
She's been doing the housework. She's soaking wet.
She's been decorating the bathroom. The house smells of onions and garlic.
She's been cooking. Her eyes hurt.
She's been bathing the children. Everything's spotless.


Упр .5.8.3. Употребите глагол в скобках в правильном времени (Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuons.)


a. I'm exhausted. I ________ (work) all day, and I ______ (not finish) yet.

b. I __________ (visit) many countries in the last five years.

c. Someone ___________ (take) my books. I ___________ (look) for them for ages, but I can't find them anywhere.

d. I ______________ (shop) all morning, but I ____________ (not buy) anything yet. I haven't seen anything I've liked.

e. The best book I _______________ ever ________________ (read) is One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Marquez.

f. A You're filthy! What _____________ you ____________ (do)?

B I ____ (work) in the garden. I ___ (plant) all the vegetables for next year.

g. I _______ (wait) for two hours, but nobody _________ (arrive) yet.


Упр.5.8.4. Задайте вопрос с How long ...? для следующих предложений и решите, какое время нужно использовать, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Если оба времени возможны, используйте Continuous.


a. I live in the country.      How long ______________________ ?

b. I play a lot of tennis.   How long ______________________ ?

c. I know Jack well.   How long ______________________ ?

d. I work in Italy.   How long ______________________ ?

e. I have an American car.   How long ______________________ ?

Упр.5.8.5. Для каждого из пяти предложений из предыдущего задания задайте вопрос в Past Simple , используя подсказки.


a. When __________________ move __________________?

b. How old ___________ when __________ started _________ ?

c. Where __________________ meet __________________?

d. Why ___________________ decide ____________________?

e. How much _____________ pay _________________?


Упр .5.8.6. Поставьте глагол в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Present Countinuous, Present Perfect Simple или Present Perfect Continuous.


Пример: I have been learning (learn) Italian for the past three years, but there's still a lot I don't understand (not understand).


a. A Oh dear! Look out of the window. It __________________ (rain).

B  Oh no. I _______________ (not bring) my umbrella.

b. My uncle _______________ (know) everything about roses. He ____________ (grow) them for 35 years. Now he ______________ (try) to produce a blue one.

c. I _______________ (listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I'm afraid I _______________ (not understand) a word.

d. A What's the matter, Jane?

B I _________________ (read) in my room and the light isn't very good. I ________________ (have) a headache. It's really hurting.

e. A What are you doing?

  B I ________________ (write) a letter.

f.   A You _______________ (sit) at the desk for hours. Is it a difficult letter?

  B Yes. I ________________ (decide) to resign from my job.

g.  A But how do you know you don't like it? You ________ only ______ (do) it for a week.

  B I do like it. But I _____________ (offer-passive) a better one, and I'm going to accept it. It's in Brazil, and _________ always ___________ (want) to go to Brazil. I ___________ (not like) living in cold climates.

h.  A But how ___________ you _________ (know) if you'll like it there? You _____________ never (be) out of England before.

  B That doesn't matter. Some friends of mine _____________ (live) there at the moment. They'll look after me.

i. A You're very lucky, really. I _______________ (try) to find a job for months. I ___________ (be) to endless interviews, and I ____________ (turn down- passive) each time, but you got two jobs in a week.

  B Well, obviously you ______________ (apply) for the wrong kinds of job. Don't worry. You'll find one soon.

j.    I ______________(hope) so.


Past Simple и Past Perfect.

Past Perfect  употребляется для выражения действия, которое уже совершилось до определенного момента в прошлом:

We carefully examined the samples which they had sent us.

Сравните, как меняется смысл предложения при описании с использованием этих времен последовательности событий в прошлом:

When we arrived at the stadium, the match started. (Мы успели во время и ничего не пропустили.)

When we arrived at the stadium, the match had started. (На самое начало матча мы опоздали.)


Упр.5.9.1. В каждом предложении поставьте глаголы в скобках : один - в Past Simple, другой - в Past Perfect.


Пример: He died (die) after he had been (be) ill for a long time.

a. I ____________ (thank) her for everything she  __________ (do).

b. When I got to the office, I _________ (realize) that I _________ (forget) to lock the front door.

c. When they _______ (finish) their work, they _________ (go) home.

d. I _______ (call) you at 8.00, but you _______ just __________ (go) out.

e. I took my family to Paris last year. I _____________ (be) there as a student, so I ___________ (know) my way around.

f. When I _________ (listen) to the news, I ______ (go) to bed.


Упр.5.9.2. Соедините следующие пары предложений, используя союзы в скобках. Замените время одного из глаголов на Past Perfect.


Пример: I had a bath. I went to bed.(after)

      After I'd had a bath, I went to bed.

a. I read the letter, I threw it away. (when)

b. He passed his driving test. He bought a car. (as soon as)

c. I took the book back to the library. I finished reading it. (when)

d. I didn't go to bed. I did my homework. (until)

e. I spent all my money. I went home. (when)

f. I read the book. I saw the film. (before)

g. Her children left home. She started writing. (after)


Упр.5.9.3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Perfect.


Пример: When we returned to the car we saw (saw) that someone had smashed (smash) the windows.

1. I ________ (realise) I __________ (lose) my purse when I opened my bag.

2. He ________ (lose) the squash game because he _________ (never / play) squash before in his life.

3. David ____________ (buy) his ticket the week before, so I don’t understand why he ___________ (try) to get in without paying.

4. By the time she __________ (be) eighteen she ___________ (visit) nearly every capital city in the world.

5. Paula ________(drop) the cup she was holding and ________ (burst) into tears.

6. Why _____________ (you / not speak) to Jim at the meeting yesterday? Because he _______________ (leave) by the time I got there.

7. Sally was upset when _________ (you / not / eat) any of her birthday cake. I _______ (not / can) help it. I __________ (just / eat) a huge meal.

8. You _______________ (look) happy when you were talking to Jackie last night. Yes. I _________________ (not / see) her for six years.

9. “It _________ (take) nearly four hours to drive to the garden party, and when we ____________ (get) there they ____________ (refuse) to let us in!”


“Because we _______________(forget) to bring our invitations.”

10. Johnny ___________ (spent) seven years of his life in prison before he ______ (realise) that the things he _______ (done) to get there were wrong. He _______(rob) banks, he _______ (burgle) houses, he ________ (steal) cars. But, fortunately , he ___________ (never / kill) anyone.


Упр.5.9.4. Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы у него было значение, подобное первому. Используйте выделенное слово и от двух до пяти других необходимых слов.


1. Barry was very excited because it was his first time on television.


Barry _______________ before, so he was very excited.

2. The children ran over the bridge to see the fire engine, but it was no longer there.


The fire engine ___________________ time the children ran over the bridge.

3. He looked familiar to me, but in fact he was a complete stranger.


Although he looked familiar to me, I ___________________ before.

4. After they had had the contract read by a lawyer, they signed it.


They had the contract read by a lawyer ___________________ it.

5. Staying in a five-star hotel was a new experience for us.


We __________________ in a five-star hotel before.

6. They arrived at the cinema just in time to see "The End" come up on the screen.


The film __________________ by the time they arrived at the cinema.

7. He had to write over fifty letters to get an interview.


He got an interview only after ___________________ over fifty letters.

8. She left the office after turning off all the lights.


After __________________ all the lights, she left the office.

9. When we arrived at the house, Dan had just left.


Dan left the house and __________________ after.

10. I checked that I had my passport with me before I left for the airport.


I left for the airport ________________ that I had my passport with me.


Упр.5.9.5. Закончите следующие предложения или добавьте свое, используя глагол в Past Perfect.


Пример: When I arrived home, I was starving. I hadn't had anything to eat all day.

a. Tom was furious with Alice because she ______________________.

b. James inherited a small fortune from his father, but a year later he didn't have a penny. __________________.

c. She was fined $ 200 because she ____________________.

d. When I saw him, he was pale and shaking like a leaf.  ______________.

e. He was two hours late for the wedding because ______________.

f. I didn't know her name, but the face was familiar. I was sure __________.

g. I couldn't answer any of the exam questions, although __________.

h. James was very proud of his eighteen-year-old son, who _________.

Упр.5.9.6. Подчеркните правильную глагольную форму.


Пример: Everybody knew he had stolen / had been stealing from his employer for years.

a. I knew the facts of the case because I had read / had been reading the report.

b. My eyes ached because I had read / had been reading for three hours.

c. The children were filthy. They had played / had been playing in the garden, and they were covered in mud.

d. I was very nervous at the beginning of the match. I had never played/ had never been playing her before, and I didn't know how good she was.

e. Donald excelled himself as a cook. He had cooked / had been cooking a wonderful Spanish dish.

f. Donald was very cross. He had worked/ had been working in the kitchen all morning, and none had offered to help.

Упр.5.9.7. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках. Используйте следующие глагольные времена: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Coutinuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Coutinuous.


Пример: Ann is sitting on the ground. She's out of breath. (she / run) She has been running.

a. Where's my bag? I left it under this chair. (somebody / take / it)

b. We were all surprised when Jenny and Andy got married last year. (they / only / know / each other / a few weeks)

c. It's still raining. I wish it would stop. (it / rain / all day)

d. Suddenly I woke up. I was confused and didn't know where I was. (I / dream)

e. I wasn't hungry at lunchtime so I didn't have anything to eat. (I / have / a big breakfast)

f. Every year Bob and Alice spend a few days at the same hotel by the sea. (they / go / there for years)

g. I've got a headache. (I / have / it / since I got up)

h. Next week Gerry is going to run in a marathon. ( he / train / very hard for it)


5.10. " Used to " и " would " для выражения повторяющегося действия или обычного состояния в прошлом.


Used to используется, чтобы выразить обычные, повторяющиеся прошедшие действия и состояния, которые продолжались в течение некоторого периода времени в прошлом, но в настоящее время уже не происходят.

Примеры:  Last winter I used to spend a lot of time in the library. (повторяющееся действие)

               He used to be very short-tempered. (состояние)

Would употребляется со всеми лицами единственного и множественного числа для выражения повторного действия в прошлом в значении бывало, при этом употребление would не подчеркивает, что в настоящее время действие уже не происходит. Would нельзя использовать, чтобы передать прошлые состояния. (Неправильно сказать: He'd live in a lovely cottage.)

Если действие в прошлом совершилось лишь раз, и следовательно, не является привычкой, нужно использовать Past Simple.


Упр.5.10.1. Соедините строчки из колонки А и В. Закончите предложение в колонке В подлежащим с used to.


I was very fit when I was young. The teachers at my school were horrible. My sister’s room was so messy. I had a dog when I was a kid. My family had some lovely holidays. When I was young we didn’t have a car. And we didn’t have central heating. My uncle was a pilot for British Airways. It used to follow me everywhere. ___________ go everywhere by bus. _______ freeze on winter morning. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________ fly Concord. ______ never ______ tidy it at all. ___________ do a lot of exercises. ___________ hit the pupils. _______ go camping all over Europe.


Упр.5.10.2. Составьте предложения с used to. Обратите внимание на образование отрицательной конструкции didn ' t use to.


Пример; This town's so ugly. It used to be so pretty.

             There are so many tourists. There didn't use to be any tourists.

a. The houses are very expensive.

b. The streets are dirty.

c. There is so much litter on the streets.

d. The car parks are always full.

e. There is a lot of traffic on the roads.

f. It's noisy at night.

g. Andy's changed! He's so miserable!

h. And he's really mean.

i. He's badly-dressed.


Упр.5.10.3. Составьте краткие ответы с never used to, и скажите , что на самом деле имело место в прошлом.


Пример: Jeremy drinks beer and whisky. (lemonade)

He never used to. He used to drink lemonade.

a. Henry drives like a maniac. (carefully)

b. Tessa spends a fortune on clothes! (very careful with her money)

c. The children fight a lot these days. (get on well)

d. I think Kate tells lies. (tell the truth)

e. Margaret gets up at 11.00. (the first one up in the morning)

f. The tape recorder keeps stopping. (work perfectly)

Упр.5.10.4. Закончите предложения, используя Past Continuous или used to и глагол в скобках.


Примеры: I haven't been to the cinema for ages now. We used to go a lot. (go)

 Ann didn't see me wave to her. She was looking in the other direction. (look)

a. I ___________ a lot but I don't use my car very much these days. (drive)

b. I asked the driver to slow down. She _______________ too fast. (drive)

c. Rose and Jim met for the first time when they ______ at university. (study)

d. When I was a child, I ______________ a lot of bad dreams. (have)

e. When the phone rang, I __________________ a shower. (have)

f. "Where were you yesterday afternoon?" " I _________ volleyball." (play)

g. "Do you do any sports?" "Not these days. I _________ volleyball." (play)

h. George looked very nice. He _______________ a very nice suit. (wear)


*Упр.5.10.5. Прочитайте следующий рассказ. Какие глаголы, выделенные курсивом могут быть заменены на      (1) would или used to?

            (2) только на used to?

            (3) должны остаться в Past Simple?


We (a) met while we were doing a course in London. It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but I often (b) found myself looking in his direction, and he always (c) smiled back, and his eyes (d) linger red just a little longer than was necessary. So we (e) started having lunch together in a small cafe, and then, if the weather was fine, we (f) went for a walk in the park, and (g) chatted endlessly about everything. He (h) lived at one end of town, and I was miles away, but we often (i) met at weekends. I (j) thought it would last for ever, but of course it didn't. Nothing does!


Напишите пять-шесть предложений о том, что Вы делали, когда были студентами или школьниками, используя рассмотренные глагольные формы для выражения прошлых повторных действий.


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