Серцево-судинні захворювання.

1. Засвоєння професійно-орієнтовного лексико-граматичного матеріалу;

2. Знання лексико-граматичних особливостей огляду наукової літератури;

3. Вміння робити власні висновки.


І. Form adjectives from the verbs below using the suffixes -able and -ible as in the example.

to prevent — preventable,

to reverse — reversible

To compare, to compress, to calculate, to consider, to change, to eat, to respond, to vary, to work, to operate, to estimate, to extend, to regulate.

ІІ. Learn the following words.

cardiovascular - серцево-судинний;

affliction - хвороба, ураження;

to treat – лікувати;

clot - тромб, згусток;

nausea – нудота;

vomiting – блювота;

overexertion – перенапруження;

myocardial infarction - інфаркт міокарду;

impairment – погіршення;

insomnia – безсоння;

hypertension – гіпертонія;

atherosclerosis – атеросклероз;

blood pressure - кров'яний тиск;

pacemaker - ритмізатор серця;

valve – клапан;

nitroglycerine – нітрогліцерин.

ІІІ. Guess the meaning of the following words.

Muscle, paralysis, coronary, thrombosis, acceleration, active, spasm, circulation, arteries, result, symptomatic, attack, mechanism

IV. Match the word with its definition.

1. hypertension a. ailment caused by a blood clot in the brain
2. thrombus b. chest pain
3. cardiac infarction c. hardening of the arteries
4. atherosclerosis d. loss of function, inability to move
5. angina pectoris e. clot
6. artery f. high blood pressure
7. stroke g. heart attack
8. paralysis h. the largest type of blood vessel

V. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Doctors can often predict heart problems.

2. Atherosclerosis is caused by layers of fat which line the artery walls.

3. Coronary thrombosis is a form of heart attack in which the main artery becomes blocked by a blood clot.

4. Stroke is caused when the blood supply to the brain is stopped.

5. A paralysis is caused by a stroke which affects the brain.

6. Heart patients can be grateful for the advances of modern sci­ence.


Cardiovascular Diseases

One of the most common afflictions in the modern society is heart disease. More than half of all deaths recorded in the world each year are the result of heart diseases. The heart is the strongest muscle in the body. Yet, like any piece of complicated machinery, it can wear out or break down.

Heart disease can appear in a variety of forms. Some can be treat­ed successfully, other heart ailments are fatal.

One condition which can be treated by changing the environment is atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. With this disease, the in­ner walls of the arteries are gradually thickened by layers of fatty mate-rial, narrowing the channel for the passage of blood. Blood clots may form and block the circulation entirely. One way to decrease the likeli­hood of this condition is by reducing the cholesterol content of the diet, emphasizing vegetable oils, avoiding smoking and increasing exercise.

A patient who suffers from a heart attack has what doctors call a coronary thrombosis leading to myocardial infarction or cardiac ar­rest. One or more of the arteries supplying the heart muscle with blood become narrowed by a blood clot. Symptoms include pain in the chest, shortness of breath, and nausea.

Angina pectoris refers to chest pains caused when the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen. An attack is usually caused by overexer­tion and can be relieved by rest and nitroglycerin tablets.

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced or completely cut off by a blood clot or a hemorrhage. Partial or com­plete paralysis may result.

Primary hypertension may be present for years without any symp­toms or signs. In time the patient may become irritable, easily fa­tigued, with some detectable impairment of memory or an increase in the frequency of headaches. The patient may also complain of high blood pressure, insomnia, weakness, palpitations. In the later stages, hemorrhages, acute recurrent attacks of severe headaches, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Some patients with chronic heart conditions who do not respond to drugs can now be helped with open-heart surgery. The valves, arteries and other parts of the heart mechanism can be repaired or replaced. A pacemaker can be inserted to regulate the heart's beat artificially. Heart transplants have also been tried experimentally, with some success.

Language development

I. Complete the following sentences.

1. Atherosclerosis can be reduced by ... .

2. Symptoms of myocardial infarction are ... .

3. Angina pectoris is caused ... .

4. A stroke occurs when ... .

5. The patient with hypertension may complain of...

II. Choose the correct prepositions.

Treating Heart Diseases

Heart disease can be difficult to detect. A definite diagnosis can be made through/within blood tests and an electrocardiogram. A stress test shows how the heart performs in/under stress or work. Angiogra­phy is a process on/in which a special dye is injected into/to an artery. If a blocked coronary artery is detected, the balloon is inflated and the blockage is pushed against/from the artery wall. Coronary bypass sur­gery is done by using an artery from/out of the chest or a vein out of/from the leg. Blood flow to/into the heart is improved. The arteries may be bypassed over/during surgical operation. Heart transplants have been successful to/for some patients.

III. The table presents some common disorders and diseases. Use your dic­tionary to check the meaning and to practice the pronunciation of new items. Finally give English equivalents of the words given above the table.

недостатність, виснаження, звуження кровоносних судин, жар, жир, погіршення, постачання, серцевий м'яз, наркотична залеж­ність

Disorders and diseases

Medical terms Other expressions  
anemia   red cell destruction; improper diet
angina pectoris angina insufficiency of coronary ar­teries
atherosclerosis hardening of arteries impairment in fat metabolism
endocarditis inflammation of heart membrane bacterial infection
hypertension high blood pressure vasoconstriction
myocardial in­farction coronary infarct inadequate oxygen supply to cardiac muscle
bradycardia slow heartbeat exhaustion; cold, opium tak­ing; barbiturate poisoning
tachycardia rapid heartbeat emotion; fever; drug usage, etc.

IV. Fill in the words and word combinations from the list, then make sen­tences using the completed phrases.

heart, the strongest, elevated, cardiac, primary, severe, flushed, attacks of, the content of, to be cut off by

1. muscle

2. the diet

3. hypertension

4. face

5. nausea and vomiting

6. diseases

7. a blood clot

8. headache

9. arrest

10. ________ blood pressure

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