Translate the text into English


Unit Page
1 Human anatomy 4
1.1. The parts of the body 5
1.2. The respiratory system 6
1.3. The cardiovascular system 7
1.4. The digestion system 8
2 Medical institutions 9
2.1. In the hospital 9
2.2. Doctor`s and nurse`s activity 12
2.3. At the pharmacy 21
3 Diseases 29
3.1. Flu, bronchitis, pneumonia 29
3.2. Measles, mumps, whooping cough 30
3.3. Heart diseases 31
4 First aid 32
5 Questions for test 34

Human anatomy

Active vocabulary

body тело
head голова
forehead лоб
eye глаз
eyebrow бровь
eyelash ресница
nose нос
cheek щека
chin подбородок
jaw челюсть
lip губа
tooth (teeth) зуб (зубы)
mouth рот
ear ухо
skin кожа
arm рука
hand кисть руки
back спина
neck шея
stomach живот
leg нога
foot (feet) стопа (стопы)
knee колено
elbow локоть
finger палец (руки)
toe палец (ноги)


Organize the following words

Face Upper limbs Lower limbs

2. Look at your neighbour and describe him\her

Read and translate the text

Appearance: Parts of the Face

People who can't hear often learn to understand a spoken language with their eyes. They watch the mouth of the person talking and follow the movement of his lips. This is called lip-reading. Some people think the distance between your hair and your eyebrow is a sign of how intelligent you are. The bigger your forehead is, the more intelligent you are supposed to be.

Nowadays, a person who doesn't like his or her nose can have it changed with plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons can change your face in many other ways too. They can make your cheeks a little rounder. If you don't like your chin, a plastic surgeon can break your jaw and re-make the whole lower half of your face. If you think your skin looks too old and wrinkled, he can take: the wrinkles away and make you look twenty years younger.

Women often disagree about men having beards and moustache. But some women think that hair on a man's chin makes him look more attractive.

Usually, only women wear make-up. They are lucky. They can put a little black mascara on their eyelashes and some eyeshadow on their eyelids, to look fresh and attractive, even when they are really tired.


Read the text

Five organs of senses

You can see, hear, touch, taste and smell. In other words, you have five senses. You see with your eyes and hear with your ears. Hands and feet help you to touch, your nose helps you to smell, and your tongue helps you to taste. Your senses are all closely linked with tiny nerves which send messages to the brain about what you are experiencing. The little bumps on your tongue are called taste-buds, and inside are the nerves which tell your brain about what you are tasting. There are many nerves inside your nose which tell you about what you are smelling. At the back of the eye аre nerves which carry messages to the brain about what you are seeing. Your skin is covered by millions of nerves. They tell your brain what you are touching. Your ears turn sound into nerve messages, which tell your brain what you are hearing.


Answer the questions to the text


a.What can we do with help of organs of senses?

b. What helps you to see and to hear, to smell and to touch?

c. How are the senses linked with the brain?

d. In what way is the brain informed what you are tasting?

e. How does the brain get messages what you are seeing?

f. How does your brain recognize different smells?

g. What tells your brain what you are touching?

h. What tells your brain what you are hearing?

The respiratory system

Active vocabulary

throat глотка, гортань
trachea трахея
lungs легкие
bronchi бронхи
acute inflammation острое воспаление
complication осложнение
rapid breathing быстрое дыхание
to treat лечить
antibiotics антибиотики

Read and translate the text


Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs. It is a dangerous disease. It may be caused by bacteria or viruses. It may follow a cold and bronchitis, or may come on suddenly. It may be also a complication of measles or whooping cough. The child looks ill, has fever, cough, and very rapid breathing. He may complain of pain in the chest. If his breathing is too rapid, he may need oxygen. Most pneumonias can be treated with antibiotics.

Translate the text into English

Симптомы острого бронхита

Данное заболевание, как правило, развивается в холодное время года. Оно начинается с симптомов обычной простуды: усталость и общая слабость, першение в горле, а затем и кашель. Сначала он бывает сухим, потом начинает выделяться мокрота. Она может иметь белый, желтоватый или зеленоватый оттенок. В некоторых случаях симптомы бронхита сопровождаются повышенной температурой. Если они сохраняются на протяжении долгого времени, врач может отправить больного на рентгенологическое исследование грудной клетки, чтобы исключить воспаление легких.

The cardiovascular system

Active vocabulary

organ орган
heart сердце
to strengthen the work of the heart укреплять работу сердца
disease болезнь
regimen режим
to take pulse измерять пульс
…beats per minute … ударов в минуту
blood кровь
artery артерия
vein вена
capillary капилляр
cell клетка
cardiogram кардиограмма

Read and translate the text

Heart and blood

Your heart is a wonderful organ that works during every minute of your life. You can help work it long and well. You can strengthen it, protect it from disease by exercises and regular regimen.

Take your pulse and in such a way you can control the work of your heart. Our pulse is about 70 beats per minute. After heavy exercises, the heart works faster and the pulse will be faster too. Some minutes later the pulse will be normal again.

About 5 liters of blood fill our arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries carry blood from the heart. Veins carry blood to the heart.

Blood has red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma. Today doctors can take blood pressure, listen to the heart, take blood tests and take cardiogram of a patient`s heart.

Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 416; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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