2.1.1. Читання та літературний усний переклад фрагменту тексту, стилістичний аналіз оригінального наукового, публіцистичного, офіційного, газетного, художнього тексту (проза, поезія, драма). Обсяг уривку 1-1,5 сторінки. Час підготовки 1 година.

Під час читання тексту студентові дозволяється користуватись англо-англійським і вимовними словниками. Студент має продемонструвати вміння виразного прочитання вголос запропонованого екзаменаторами уривку тексту з правильним синтагматичним членуванням та інтонуванням висловлення, перекласти уривок, оформлюючи речення у відповідності з вимовними, синтаксичними, лексико-стилістичними нормами української мови.

Під час стилістичного аналізу тексту студент має визначити мовно-стилістичні особливості уривків текстів різних функціональних стилів за відповідною схемою, визначити функції мовних засобів і прийомів, проілюструвати відповідь прикладами, зробити релевантні висновки-узагальнення.



Prose Fiction Analysis

1. The author, his/her background, the literary trend he belongs to; some more of his works

2. Genre definition of the literary piece under consideration

3. Setting of the story

4. The theme of the story

5. Point of View

6. Cohesion of the story (theme-rheme chains, lexical, conceptual, country-study chains)

7. The composition comprises 3 elements: the characters, the plot& the types of speech.

7.1.       The characters depicted in the story are … Character representation is direct or indirect.

7.2.       The plot runs as follows: (the exposition, the story, the climax & the denouement are to be pointed out. Or there is no plot in its classical form).

7.3.       The types of speech employed by the author are … (narration, description, meditation, monologue, dialogue, represented speech, etc.)

8. In order to portray the character vividly & convincingly the author resorts to the following devices: (NOTE: Do not fail to point out the role of each EM & SD for the purpose of convincing character drawing & bringing home very idea of the extract)

1.1 Lexical

1.2 Syntactic

1.3 Phonetic

1.4 Graphical

1.1 Lexical expressive means: metaphor, metonymy, irony, epithet, simile, hyperbole, zeugma, pun, oxymoron, set expressions, phraseological units, allusions, symbols, etc.; strong position

1.2 Syntactic expressive means: inversion, detached constructions, parcellation, repetitions, enumeration, climax, antithesis, ellipsis, asyndeton, reported speech, rhetorical questions, litotes, aposiopesis, chiasmus, suspense, etc.

1.3 Phonetic expressive means: onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, graphon

1.4 Graphical means: italics, bold type, punctuation, etc.

9. Poetic detail

10. Implication

11. The message of the story


Poetry Analysis

1. Genre

2. Theme

3. Key words supporting the theme

4. Concept(s)

5. Composition (structure, foot, rhyme)

6. Imagery: symbols, figures of speech (EMs, SDs)

7. Tone

8. Message/idea

9. Interpretation


Drama Analysis

1. The playwright, his background, the literary trend he belongs to; some more of his works

2. Genre definition of the literary piece under consideration (type of drama)

3. Them (three noteworthy elements of developing theme: repetitions, symbols, and contrasts)

4. The plot runs as follows: (exposition, complications, rising action, climax, anticlimax (any other high point after climax), falling action, denouement (catastrophe)

5. Characterization:

a) the presentation of the character – types: protagonist/antagonist – round/flat, static/dynamic; realistic/nonrealistic/symbolic; stereotyped/stock, foil, choric; b) methods of displaying a character’s personality: dialogue, aside, character’s thought, soliloquy, prologue, chorus.

6. Setting

7. Irony

8. The message


Scientific Style Text Analysis

1. The type of the text: the sciences, the humanities

2. Genre of the text: article, dissertation, treatise, thesis, manual, review, etc.

3. The theme/subject/topic of the text.

4. Compositional form/pattern/design: - the title; - the introductory paragraph; - the body paragraphs ( chronological, thematic); - the closure; - quotations ( complete and fragmentary ), references; - foot-notes ( digressive in character ).

5. Compositional types of narration: - description (static and dynamic); - reasoning/argumentation (proof and conclusion – theoretical, empirical or mixed).

6. Language peculiarities:

a) lexical: - bookish words; - terminological nomenclature (general and specific); - lexical expressiveness (quantitative, sometimes rarely in the humanities figurative);

 b) syntactical: - the word order; - types and kinds of sentences; - sentence patterns (postulatory, argumentative, formulative); - passive constructions; - impersonal forms; - constructions with “one” and “that of”, “those of” “that” + Participle; - types and kinds of attributes; - syntactical complexes; - conjunctions and conjunctive words; - prepositional phrases;

 c) morphological: - the prevalence of nouns/noun phrases, groups; - pronouns “we”, “I”; - adverbs.

7. Objectivity, precision of the text

8. Emotiveness and subjective modality


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