XII.Утворіть питальні та заперечні форми речень.

Зразок: Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food.


1. Загальне. Are domestic animals kept for the production of human food?

2. Спеціальне. What purpose are domestic animals kept for?

3. Альтернативне. Are domestic animals kept for the production of human food or for the production of raw materials?

4. Розділове. Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food, are not they?

Заперечення : Nowadays domestic animals are not kept as draft animals.

1. Raw materials are used to produce leather, clothing, etc.

2. The most important group of domestic animals is formed by the cattle.

3. Dairy cattle provide dairy products.

4. Beef cattle are the producers of beef.

5. Dual-purpose cattle give us both milk and beef.

X III .Перекладіть речення українською мовою .

1. The skin of animals, down and feathers of poultry are used as raw materials.

2. Cattle can be subdivided into draft cattle, dairy cattle, beef cattle and dual-purpose cattle.

3. Draft cattle have almost everywhere been replaced by agricultural machinery.

4. Dairy products include milk, butter, cream, cheese, etc.

5. Dual-purpose cattle give us both milk and beef.

6. Important sources in producing human food are also sheep breeding, hog raising and some other minor branches.

7. There are 2 main types of sheep breeding: for wool and for mutton.

8. There is also a medium breed - the wool mutton breed.

9. The production cycle of hogs is much shorter than that of cattle or sheep.

10. The skin of pigs and their bristles are used in manufacturing goods.

X I V.Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ними.


1. Dairy cattle provide beef. Do you agree with me?

No, that is wrong. Dairy cattle provide dairy products.


2. Beef cattle are the producer of beef. Do you agree with me?

Yes, that is right (you are quite right). Beef cattle are the producer of beef.

1. Dual-purpose cattle give us both milk and beef.

2. Hog breeding gives a vast range of dairy products.

3. The wool and skin of sheep are valuable raw materials for producing clothes.

4. To poultry belong hens, geese, ducks, turkeys and pigs.

5. Poultry provide meat, eggs and milk.

6. Rabbits are bred for meat.

7. The bee is the only producer of honey and wax.

XV. Складіть речення та перекладіть їх українською мовою.

1.Bee-keeping also plays an important role in agronomy … 1. both milk and beef
2.There are two main types of sheep-breeding: … 2. beef cattle and dual purpose cattle
3.Draft cattle have almost everywhere been … 3. the wool-mutton breed
4.The production cycle of hogs is much shorter … 4. turkeys and some other fowls
5.The skin of pigs and their bristles … 5. replaced by agricultural machinery
6. Beef cattle are ... 6. for meat
7.The fells of rabbits find an application … 7. cream, cheese, etc.
8.Dual-purpose cattle give us … 8. and in medicine
9.Important sources in producing human food are also sheep-breeding, … 9. in producing clothing
10.There is also a medium breed … 10. are used as raw materials
11.To poultry belong hens, geese, ducks, … 11. the producer of beef
12.Rabbits are bred … 12. hog-raising and some other minor branches
13.Cattle can be subdivided into draft cattle, dairy cattle, … 13. for wool and for mutton
14. Dairy products include milk, butter, … 14. than that of cattle or sheep
15.The skin of animals, down and feathers of poultry… 15. are used in manufacturing goods

XVI. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Свійських тварин утримують для виробництва їжі для людей.

2. Найбільш важлива група свійських тварин – це велика рогата худоба.

3. Велика рогата худоба молочного напряму забезпечує виробництво молочних продуктів.

4. Яловичину дає велика рогата худоба м’ясного напряму.

5. Вівці дають баранину та молочні продукти.

6. Вовна та шкіра овець – це цінна сировина для виробництва одягу.

7. Свинарство забезпечує велику кількість харчових продуктів.

8. Домашня птиця забезпечує виробництво м’яса, яєць та пір’я.

9. Кролів вирощують для виробництва м’яса.

10. Бджоли – єдиний виробник меду та воску.

XVII . Перекажіть текст.



Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food.

Cattle form the most important group of domestic animals. Cattle can be subdivided into draft, dairy, beef and dual-purpose cattle. Dairy cattle provide dairy products (milk, butter, cream, cheese, etc.). Beef cattle are the producer of beef. Dual-purpose cattle give us both milk and beef.

Important sources in producing human food are also sheep breeding, hog raising, rabbit-breeding, apiculture etc.

Sheep provides not only mutton and dairy products (cheese, for example); the wool and skin of sheep are valuable raw materials for producing clothes. There are accordingly two main types of sheep breeding: for wool and for mutton. There is also a medium breed: the wool-mutton breed.

The production cycle of hogs (swine) is much shorter than that of cattle or sheep. Hog breeding gives a vast range of foodstuffs: ham, bacon, lard, sausage, etc. The skin of pigs and their bristles are also used in manufacturing goods.

To poultry belong hens, geese, ducks, turkeys and some other fowls. Poultry provide meat (flesh), eggs, down and feathers.

The skin of animals, down and feathers of poultry, the wool of sheep, goats and camels, the bristles of pigs are used as raw materials in manufacturing goods.

The bee is the only producer of honey and wax. Bee-keeping also plays an important role in agronomy and in medicine.




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