Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи вводятся одним из следующих глаголов: to tell , to order , to ask , to command , to beg , to request и др. Выбор глагола зависит от характера просьбы или приказа. Наиболее нейтральным является глагол to ask . To beg - используется в очень вежливых и эмоциональных просьбах.

За глаголом следует имя существительное в общем падеже или местоимение в объектном падеже.

При обращении в косвенную речь повелительного предложения глагол в повелительном наклонении заменяется инфинитивом, в отрицательном предложении инфинитиву предшествует частица not :


Прямая речь Косвенная речь
The doctor said to the patient, "Keep the bed for some days". The doctor told the patient to keep the bed for some days.
Peter said to Mary, "Would you mind ringing me up at nine?" Peter asked Mary to ring him up at nine.
The lieutenant said to the soldiers, "Get ready for the march". The lieutenant ordered (commanded) his men to get ready for the march.
The teacher said to the pupils, "Don’t talk". The teacher told his pupils not to talk.
He said to me, "Let's go to the pictures". He invited me to go to the pictures.



Exercise 1. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1.I asked my friend, "How do you feel after your holiday?" 2. Margaret asked Richard, "Where are you going for your holidays?" 3. Ann asked Mary, "What do you usually have for breakfast?" 4. Jack's father asked him, "Who are you writing a letter to?" 5. The teacher asked Bob, "When did you learn to swim?" 6.1 saw a cloud of smoke and asked, "What is burning?" 7. Mary's mother asked her, "Where have you put your shoes?" 8.1 asked her, "Who gave you that watch?" 9. Peter asked me, "When are you going to have dinner?" 10. Mr. Smith asked his wife, "How much do you spend on food every week?" 11. The policeman asked me, "Where did you lose your wallet?" 12. The teacher came into the classroom and asked the pupils, "What are you doing?" 13. Henry asked Tom, "Who did you visit in the hospital?" 14. I asked Bob, "Why didn't you answer my letter?" 15. The teacher wrote the answers on the blackboard and then asked, "Who has got all the answers right?" 16. The little boy asked his father, "Why does a policeman wear a uniform?" 17. I asked him, "Who are you looking at?" 18. A man asked his friend, "When did you buy your car?" 19. Tom asked the teacher, "What does the word mean?"


Exercise 2. Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.

1.My sister said that she hadn’t got a watch. 2. The teacher told his students that he has pleased with their work. 3. I told my mother that Henry was studying medicine at the University. 4. I told the taxi-driver that he was driving too fast. 5. I told him that I hadn’t seen his brother for a long time.


Exercise 3. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1.I said to Jack, "Please give me your dictionary." 2. The bus-conductor said to the passengers, "Don't get off the bus while it is going." 3. Mary said to her brother, 'Take the letter to the Post Office, please." 4. The teacher said to Tom, "Collect the exercise-books and put them on my table." 5. The old man said to the little girl, "Don't ran across the street." 6. The teacher said to the pupils, "Learn the poem by heart." 7.1 said to my friend, "Meet me outside the cinema at six o'clock." 8. Mary's mother said to her, "Don't go out without your coat." 9. The teacher said to the students, "Open your books at page 60." 10. The doctor said to the sick man, "Don't go back to work for a fortnight." 11. Jack said to the policeman, 'Tell me the time, please." 12. The teacher said to the student, "Clean the blackboard, please."


Exercise 4. Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.

1. She told them she knew their address. 2. They asked me where I lived. 3. They want to know if there will be a meeting next week. 4. She tells me not to touch her things. 5. He explained that he had taken my umbrella by mistake after the party



1. Read the text.

The Profession of Teacher

The younger generation of Russians haven't experienced “life teachers”, instructors who taught them how to live and be decent people. In our poll, we asked respondents: “Do you have a teacher who has a major influence on your views and whom you can describe as a life teacher? ". Only 56% of surveyed said: “We have such teachers”, while 34% said: “We don't”. The younger the respondents, the more likely they were to have grown up without a teacher making a significant contribution to the process of their moral growth.

Today, the predominant opinion is that every teacher must help raise children, rather than just educate them: 86% of all adult Russians agree that, apart from teaching specific subjects, instructors should shape their pupil's life views in general.

52% of families contain school-age children. We asked these people: “Are there instructors in the schools your children attend who help shape their outlooks on life?” In response they said that there were no such teachers. Many of those surveyed had difficulty answering the question.

In other words, adults for the most part are ignorant of the way their children's personalities are being shaped in school and the role teachers play in this process.

Speaking about the reasons why teachers fail to shape properly schoolchildren's views, respondents pointed to small salaries, which make teachers unmotivated or indifferent. Others said that many instructors were poorly trained. As a result, children misbehave and are disrespectful towards their teachers.

Respondents who are satisfied with the way teachers shape children's outlooks on life often said -many of them referring to their own experience - that teachers were well-trained specialists devoted to their mission.


decent - порядочный, пристойный

poll - голосование

respondent - ответчик (ца)

to shape – формировать

predominant – преобладающий

ignorant - невежественный, несведущий

salary - зарплата


2. Answer the questions.


1. What is the predominant opinion of Russian teachers nowadays?

2. Did you have a “life teacher” back at school?

3. Do you think it is important to have such a teacher?

4. Why teachers fail to shape properly schoolchildren’s views?

5. Are there the same problems abroad?


3. What do these numbers stand for?

56, 34, 52, 86


4. Find the sentences with direct and indirect speech in the text.

5. Give a short summary of the text in English.


Funny pages

Read and smile.


1. One morning a boy went to school in London by bus. He had a bad cold and sniffed all the time. The people began to look at him. An old man sat next to the boy. He looked at the boy, then asked him:
“ Have you got a handkerchief, my boy? “
“Yes, I have got a clean handkerchief, “said the boy, “ but I can’t let you have it. Mother says it is not good to ask for a handkerchief. You must have your own handkerchief.”


2. During a geography lesson the teacher is telling the pupils about the north, the south, the east and the west. He says that when they face the north, the south is behind them, the east is on their right hand and the west is on their left hand. Then he sees that one of the boys, whose name is Johnny, is not listening.
The teacher asks him: ”Johnny, stand up and tell me what is on your left hand.”
Johnny stands up and says, “ There is some ink on it. “



Variant I


Change the direct speech into indirect speech.

1. I said to him, “Please open the door”.

2. She said to me, “Don’t be late!”

3. He asked me, “May I open the window?”

4. Kate asked me, “Why didn’t you come here yesterday?”

5. I said to him, “Send me a telegram when the steamer arrives”.


Variant II


1. He will say, “I will do it at once”.

2. I said to Anna, “Please don’t be angry!”

3. I asked him, “What will you do if you miss the train?”

4. Frank asked me, “Does he always come so late?”

5. I said to the secretary, “Write to them that we can’t offer the goods”.




Match the Russian and English equivalents of the proverbs.


1. Care killed a cat.

2. A cat has nine lives.

3. A cat may look at a king.

4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

5. Birds of a feather flock together.

6. Curiosity killed the cat..

7. Dog doesn't eat dog.


1. Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет.

2. Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.

3. Любопытной Варваре нос оторвали.

4. Не работа старит, а забота.

5. Живуч, как кошка.

6. Лучше синица в руке, чем журавль в небе.

7. За погляд денег не берут.

Раздел VI

Неличные формы глагола

(Non-finite forms of the verb)


( The Infinitive )

Инфинитив — это неличная форма глагола, которая в русском языке соответствует неопределенно) форме глагола, отвечающей на вопрос "что делать?", "что сделать?". Инфинитив только называет действие или состояние, не указывая ни его лица, ни числа. Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to, которая самостоятельного значения не имеет: to go, to write.

Являясь глагольной формой, инфинитив обладает следующими признаками глагола:

— Он может иметь прямое дополнение:

I like to read books. — Я люблю читать книги.

— Инфинитив может определяться наречием:

I asked him to speak slowly. — Я попросил его говорить медленно.

Инфинитив имеет формы действительного и страдательного залога (to do — to be done), может быть перфектным и неперфектным (to do — to have done). Инфинитив — единственная неличная форма глагола, имеющая форму Continuous (to be doing, to have been doing).

The Indefinite Infinitive Active является простой формой инфинитива, все остальные являются сложными и переводятся на русский язык придаточными предложениями:


Hello, how nice to see you! — Здравствуй! Рад тебя видеть.

I was glad to have seen you. Good-bye! — Рад, что мы повидались с вами. До свидания

Отрицательная форма инфинитива образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится перед инфинитивом:

The doctor told me not to go out for a week. — Доктор не велел мне выходить в течение недели.


Чтобы избежать таких типичных ошибок, как:

I must to go now.

She lets her children to stay up very late.

I heard her to say that she was fed up.

Why not to take a holiday for a few days?

надо помнить, что инфинитив используется без частицы to в следующих случаях:

— после модальных вспомогательных глаголов will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might, must:

I must go now. — Сейчас я должен идти.

Can you help me? — Ты мне можешь помочь?

— после выражений would rather, had better.

I'd rather go alone. — Я лучше бы пошла одна.

You'd better see what she wants. — Тебе бы лучше посмотреть, чего она хочет.

— после need и dare, когда они используются как модальные глаголы:

Need I do the washing up? — Мне надо помыть посуду?

How dare you call me a liar? — Как ты смеешь называть меня лжецом?

ВНИМАНИЕ! После ought, used, be, have инфинитив используется с частицей to: ought to, used to, be to, have to.

— в конструкции "сложное дополнение" после глаголов to let, to make, to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice, to help:

She lets her children stay up very late. — Она разрешает своим детям не ложиться допоздна.

Если эти глаголы употреблены в пассиве, то за ними следует to infinitive:

Не was made to pay back the money. — Его заставили возвратить деньги.

— после why, с которого начинается вопрос, предполагающий, что глупо или бессмыслено что-либо делать. Иногда в вопросах с why + inf. (без to) содержатся предложения или советы:

Why pay more at other shops? We have the lowest prices in town. — Почему нужно дороже платить в других магазинах? У нас самые низкие цены в городе.

— после rather than :

Rather than wait any more, I decided to go home by taxi. — Чем еще ждать, я решил поехать на такси.

— в придаточных после do, если в них уточняется значение do:

All I did was (to) give him a little push. — Все, что я сделал, это немного его подтолкнул.


Вместо повторения целой инфинитивной конструкции можно использовать частицу to:

I went there because I wanted to (= because I wanted to go there). — Я пошел туда потому, что мне так хотелось.

I don't dance much now, but I used to a lot (to dance). — Сейчас я танцую немного, а раньше, бывало, много танцевал.


Split Infinitive — это структура, в которой между частицей to и глаголом употребляется наречие:

Не began to slowly get up off the floor. — Он начал медленно вставать с пола. Эта структура широко используется в разговорной речи наряду с обычной структурой:

Не began slowly to get up off the floor.


Инфинитив может выполнять функции:

— Подлежащего:

То read a lot is to know much. — Много читать - много знать.

По современным стандартам языка предпочтительнее начинать предложения с вводного it.

It is easy to make mistakes. — Делать ошибки - легко.

It's difficult to understand what she's talking about. — Трудно понять, о чем она говорит.

— Предикатива:

То read a lot is to know much.

— Части сказуемого:

He doesn't seem to be writing anything now. — Похоже, что сейчас он ничего не пишет.

— Прямого дополнения (отвечает на вопрос what!):

Do you want to go to the lecture? — Ты хочешь пойти на лекцию?

— Обстоятельства цели (вопрос: what for):

My brother went to Oxford to study. — Мой брат поехал в Оксфорд учиться.


Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже, за которым следует инфинитив (в ряде случаев это может быть причастие).

Глаголы, после которых употребляется сложное дополнение, можно разделить на группы:

1. Глаголы, выражающие предложение, желание: to want, to wish, should (would) like, to expect и др . После этих глаголов употребляется инфинитив с частицей to:

I'd like you to be frank with me. — Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты был откровенен со мной.

We never expected you to do so much work for us. — Мы не могли и ожидать, что вы можете сделать для нас столько работы.

2. Глаголы, выражающие физическое восприятие: to see, to hear, to watch, to notice, to feel, и др .

Второй элемент сложного дополнения после этих глаголов может быть выражен или инфинитивом без частицы to, или причастием:

I have never heard him boasting. — Я никогда не слышал, чтобы он хвастался.

3. Глаголы умственного восприятия: to find, to consider и др. Вторым элементом в этом случае является инфинитив to be с частицей to, который часто опускается:

Everybody considered him (to be) very clever. — Все считали его умным.

He found the book (to be) too difficult for him. — Он понял, что книга была слишком трудной для него.

После глаголов умственного восприятия наряду со сложным дополнением часто употребляется дополнительное придаточное предложение:

I believe (that) he is wrong. — Я верю, что он не прав.

Следующий список содержит глаголы, наиболее часто употребляемые в конструкции "сложное дополнение":

to advise to forbid to order

to allow to force  to permit

to ask         to get         to persuade

to bear   to hate   to prefer

to beg     to help  to press

to believe to imagine to recommend

to cause to instruct to remind

to command    to intend to suppose

to compel to invite to teach

to consider to leave  to tell

to encourage to like to tempt

to expect to mean to think

to feel    to need to trouble

to find   to oblige to want to wish


Инфинитив следует за многими прилагательными:

I was very pleased to see you yesterday. — Вчера мне было очень приятно увидеть тебя.

Не was surprised to learn how much he'd spent. — Он удивился, когда узнал, сколько он потратил.

Relativity theory is not easy to understand. — Теорию относительности нелегко понять.

Cricket's not terribly interesting to watch. — Крикет совершенно неинтересно смотреть.

She's very nice to talk to. — С ней очень приятно разговаривать.

Обратите внимание на то, что в последних предложениях не следует ставить дополнение после глагола.


Данная структура используется после трех видов прилагательных:

— после прилагательных, выражающих важность или срочность совершения действия: important, essential, vital, necessary, pointless, unimportant, unnecessary.

Как правило в таких предложениях есть вводное it:

It's essential for the classrooms to have plenty of light. — Важно, чтобы в классной комнате было много света.

— после прилагательных, выражающих частотность действия: common, normal, unusual, rare. Часто используется вводное it:

Do you think it's normal for a child to get so tired? — Ты думаешь, что это нормально, что ребенок так устает?

— после прилагательных, выражающих отношение говорящего к будущему действию: anxious, eager.

I'm anxious for the painting to be ready on time. — Я очень хочу, чтобы картина была готова вовремя.

For - структура часто употребляется после too и enough:

It's too heavy for you to lift. — Это слишком тяжело для тебя.

I think it's late enough for us to put the boy to bed. — Я думаю, что уже пора уложить ребенка в постель.

For - структура может использоваться после некоторых существительных, например: plan, idea, suggestion:

His idea is for us to travel in two different cars. — Он считает, что мы поедем поврозь, в двух машинах.

Данная структура нетипична после глаголов.


— Инфинитив после существительного употребляется следующим образом:

Have you got a key to unlock this door? — У тебя есть ключ, чтобы отомкнуть эту дверь?

I need a box to hold my chessmen. — Мне нужна коробка для шахмат.

Have you anything to cure a bad cold? — У тебя есть что-то, чтобы полечить простуду?

Если речь идет о характеристике предмета, а не о каком-то конкретном, единичном действии, вместо конструкции "существительное + инфинитив" используется for + герундий:

A vase is a kind of pot for holding flowers. — Ваза - это кувшин для цветов.

- What's that stuff for? — - Это для чего?

- Cleaning silver.-----Чтобы чистить серебро.


Сложное подлежащее — это сочетание существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже в функции подлежащего с инфинитивом в качестве второй части составного глагольного сказуемого. Служебную часть этого сказуемого составляют глаголы в форме страдательного или действительного залога, примыкающие к инфинитиву, или прилагательные.

Сказуемые могут быть разделены на три группы:

1. Сказуемое выражено глаголами to seem, to appear, to happen, to turn out, to prove в действительном залоге. Глаголы to seem и to appear являются синонимами, но to seem употребляется чаще в разговорной речи, to appear — в официальной речи:

She seems to be unhappy. — Она, кажется, несчастлива.

2. Сказуемое выражено глаголами to say, to state, to report, to announce, to believe, to suppose, to think, to expect, to understand, to consider и некоторыми другими в страдательном залоге:

Не is said to be at the customs now. — Говорят, сейчас он на таможне.

3. Сказуемое выражено прилагательными: ( most ) likely , unlikely , sure . Сказуемое включает глагол-связку to be в настоящем времени (часто относится к будущему) и в прошедшем времени:

Не is unlikely to share your point of view. — Вряд ли он разделит вашу точку зрения.


( The Gerund )


Герундий - неличная глагольная форма, которая имеет как свойства глагола, так и свойства существительного. В русском языке такая форма отсутствует:

Smoking is forbidden. - Курение запрещено.

Иными словами, причастие – в большей степени «прилагательное» по своим функциям, герундий - «существительное».

Герундий употребляется:

1. В качестве подлежащего:

S w i m m i n g is pleasant.

2. Как часть сказуемогопосле глаголов to finish, to start, to continue , to go on, to keep и др.

He finished reading the newspaper.

3. Как предложное дополнение:

I am fond of reading.

4. Как прямое дополнение:

Do you mind my smoking here?

5. Как обстоятельство времени:

On coming home I took a bath.

6. Как обстоятельство образа действия:

 Enstead of gоing home he went to the movies.

Активная форма герундия: giving, smoking, beating и т. д.

 Пассивная форма герундия: being given, being beaten и т. д.

Использование активной формы герундия:

 Не remembered reading the book spoken about by all. - Он вспомнил, что читал книгу, о которой все говорили.

«Он» находится в активной позиции по отношению к книге; «он» (субъект) совершает действие по отношению к объекту (книге), а не наоборот.

Использование пассивной формы герундия:

Не didn't remember being knосked down.- Он не помнил, как был сбит с ног.

В пассивной конструкции действие направлено на субъект (подле­жащее), и герундий обретает пассивную форму.

Обратите внимание: существует ряд слов, после которых исполь­зуется активная форма герундия, несмотря на то, что субъект нахо­дится в пассивной позиции (не он производит действие, а действие производится по отношению к нему). Это глаголы: to want, to need, to deserve, to require, а также прилагательное worth.


This car needs repairing. — Эту машину нужно ремонтиро­вать (действие — ремонт — необходимо совершить по отношению к машине; субъект — машина — находится в пассивной позиции, хотя форма герундия активная).

This film is worth seeing, — Этот фильм стоит того, чтобы его посмотреть (вновь субъект — фильм — находится в пассивной пози­ции, в то время как форма герундия - активная).

«Неперфектная» форма герундия: giving , sending , forgiving и т.д.

Перфектная форма герундия: having given, having sent и т. д.

Перфектная форма герундия в разговорной речи используется достаточно редко — тогда, когда необходимо показать, что действие, им описываемое, предшествует по времени действию в главном предложении, причем это предшествование действительно важно подчеркнуть:

In addition to having sent his partner all necessary documents he telephoned him twice a day.

С рядом глаголов и предлогов в любом случае используется толь­ко «неперфектная» форма герундия — даже в том случае, если край­не важно подчеркнуть предшествование. Это глаголы: to remember, to excuse, to forgive, to thank, а также предлоги: upon, on, after, without.

 Например :

He wrote a letter in which he thanked John for giving him a chance to make a photo of that rare bird last Monday. — Он написал письмо, в котором поблагодарил Джона за то, что тот дал ему возможность сделать фотографию этой редкой птицы в прошлый понедельник.

After receiving the telex he started for New York. — После получения телекса, он отправился в Нью-Йорк.



( The Participle )

Причастие – неличная глагольная форма, которая наряду со свойствами глагола, имеет свойства прилагательного и наречия.

Причастия образуются двумя способами.

Причастие I (Participle I),образованное при помощи окончания - ing , имеет активную и страдательную формы: активная (несовершенный вид) -asking ; активная (совершенный вид) having asked ; страдательная (несовершенный) being asked ; страдательная(совершенный) –having been asked .
Причастие I употребляется в функции:        

1. Определения

The man standing at the corner is my brother. — Человек, сто­ящий на углу, - мой брат.

The houses being build in our town are not very high. – Дома, строящиеся в нашем городе, невысоки.

2. Обстоятельства

Going home I met an old friend. — Идя домой, я встретил старого друга.

Having finished work I went home. – Закончив работу, я пошел домой.

Причастие II(Participle II) всегда пассивно.Образуется оно прибавлением суффикса – ed коснове правильного глагола или путем чередования звуков в корне неправильного глагола

Причастие IIупотребляется в функции:

1. Определения:

The book translated into English is very long. - Книга, пере­веденная на английский язык, длинная.

 2. Обстоятельства(причины и времени):

Caught red-handed Тоm could not deny anything. –Пойманный на месте преступления, Том не мог ничего опровергнуть.




Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the examples.

Example: It is simple to solve this problem. — This problem is simple to solve. It is difficult to speak to such people. — Such people are difficult to speak to.


1. It is expensive to buy a mink coat. 2. It is impossible to get a good dinner in our canteen. 3. It was difficult to start an engine in such cold weather. 4. It is dangerous to stand on this ladder. 5. It is rather difficult to deal with stubborn people. 6. It is dangerous to drive a car in big cities. 7. It is interesting to meet new people. 8. It is simple to communicate with people due to Internet. 9. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel. 10. It is always funny to listen to him.


Exercise 2. Make up sentences according to the example.

Example: time/he/come back. — It's time for him to come back


1)high time/we/say goodbye to everybody; 2) time/ the child/go to bed; 8) time/she/put up with his behavior; 4) high time/they/develop a new model; 5) about time/ we/leave the house; 6) high time/he/speak English fluently; 7) time/she/choose a profession; 8) high time/ we/buy a new TV set; 9) high time/he/ring me up; 10) time/he/temper justice with mercy.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.

Example: He expected (they, arrive) at 5. — He expected them to arrive at 5.

1. Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel or with us? 2. I'd like (the professor, look through) my report. 3. Do you want (I, show) you the sights of the city? 4. We expect (he, arrange) everything by the time we come. 5.1 want (she, tell) me the news in brief. 6. He expected (the meeting, hold) in the Red Room. 7.1 would like (they, fix) an appointment for me for Tuesday. 8. We want (she, introduce) us to the president. 9.1 don't want (they, be late) for dinner. 10. He expected (she, invite) to the party by the Smiths. 11. I'd like (the dress, buy) by Saturday. 12.1 don't want (she, treat) like Alice. 13. We considered (he, be) an honest person. 14.1 don't like (she, prevent) me from doing it. 15.1 suspect (he, help) by her.


Exercise 4. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object.

Example: I did not see him. He entered the house. — I did not see him enter the house. I saw him. He was entering the house. — I saw him entering the house.


1. They did not notice us. We passed by. 2. He heard her. She was playing the piano. 3. He saw her. She burst into tears. 4.1 felt her hand. It was shaking. 5. He hasn't heard us. We called his name. 6. They haven't seen the accident. It occurred at the corner. 7.1 heard them. They were arguing. 8. She heard the footsteps. They were dying away. 9. She felt something. It was crawling around the neck. 10. We many times heard him. He told this story. 11. She noticed the expression of his face. It changed suddenly. 12.1 heard somebody. He mentioned my name. 13.1 felt something hard. It hurt my leg.


Exercise 5. Open the brackets and fill in with the proper Participle.

1. He fell asleep (exhaust) by the journey. 2. She entered the dining room (accompany) by her husband and her father. 3. A snake (sleep) in the grass will bite if anyone treads upon it. 4. (Fill) his pockets with apples the boy was about to run away when he saw the owner of the garden with a stick in his hand. 5. It was a bright Sunday morning of early summer (promise) heat. 6. When I came home, I found the table (lay). 7. (Judge) by the colour of the sun it should be windy tomorrow. 8. (Arrive) at a big seaport, I started to look for a job. 9. He had received an urgent message (ask) him to telephone Sir Matthew. 10. He looked at groups of young Kirls (walk) arm in arm. 11. In the wood they sat down on a (fall) tree. 12. (See) from the hill the city looks magnificent. 13. (Not know) where to go he turned to a passer by. 14. (Lock) in her room she threw a fit. 15. (Address) the parcel, I went out at once to post it. 16. She often took care of my little sister (give) me a possibility to play with other boys. 17. (Wash) her face in cold water, she came up to the window and shut it. 18. Paul sat down again, evidently (change) his mind about going.


Exercise 6.Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the Infinitive or to the Participle.

 1. Не felt her arm slipping through his. 2. She felt her hands tremble. 3. Now and then he could hear a car passing. 4. He felt his heart beat with joy. 5. He felt his heart beating with joy. 6. She could hear her father walking up and down the picture gallery. 7. We saw him cross the street looking to the left and to the right. 8. I felt the wind blowing through a crack in the wall. 9. We stood on deck and watched the sun going down. 10. I heard him playing the piano in the house. 11. It is nice to see people enjoying themselves. 12. We watched the planes circling above us. 13. Nobody noticed him come in and sit down. 14. I felt Nick put his hand on my shoulder. 15. She felt tears roll down her cheeks. 16. I was so weak that I felt my knees shaking. 17. We saw them jump with parachutes. 18. He heard a car approaching from the opposite direction. 19. In the room he could see a man sitting in an old armchair. 20. I heard the door of the entrance hall open and close softly. 21. In the little summerhouse at the bend of the garden path he saw someone sitting. 22. He went back to the window and, looking through it, suddenly saw her walking down the path. 23. They all gathered on the hill to watch the sun rise. 24. She watched her mother bending over the tea things. 25. The people living in the north do not see the sun come out for months. 26. The door creaked. He saw Irene come in, pick up the telegram and read it. 27. At the stop she saw another girl waiting for the bus. 28. I heard him tell the teacher about it. 29. I heard him telling the teacher about it. 30. She heard people walking in the corridor. 31. She heard somebody walk up to her door.


Exercise 7.Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the Complex Subject.

1. He is said to know all about it. 2. He was said to have known the whole truth about it. 3. Juri Gagarin is known to be the first man in the world to travel into space on the 12th of April, 1961. 4. He supposed to be a very good film actor. 5. He is believed to be innocent of the crime. 6. Innocent people were announced to have been murdered by terrorism. 7. The terrorist was announced to have been killed by his own bomb. 8. The exhibition of the 19 century French painting is expected to open by the end of next week. 9. Monet's painting is reported to be on exhibition until the end of the month. 10. The President of Russia was reported to speak to the nation on television tonight.

Exercise 8. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the Gerund.

1. Repairing cars is his business. 2. It goes with­out saying. 3. Living in little stuffy rooms means breathing poisonous air. 4. Iron is found by digging in the earth. 5. There are two ways of getting sug­ar: one from beet and the other from sugarcane. 6. Jane Eyre was fond of reading. 7. Miss Trotwood was in the habit of asking Mr. Dick his opinion. 8. Have you finished writing? 9. Taking a cold show­er in the morning is very useful. 10. I like skiing, but my sister prefers skating. 11. She likes sitting in the sun. 12. It looks like raining. 13. My watch wants repairing. 14. Thank you for coming. 15. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month. 16. I had the pleasure of dancing with her the whole evening. 17. Let's go boating. 18. He talked without stopping. 19. Some people can walk all day without feeling tired.


Exercise 9. Change the sentences using the Gerund.

Example:  She thought she would go to the country for the weekend. She thought of going to the country for the weekend.


1. I thought I would come and see you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking that I shall-go out to the country tomorrow to see my mother. 3. What do you think you will do tomorrow? — I don't know now; I thought I would go to the zoo, but the weather is so bad that probably I shan't go. 4. I hear there are some English books at our institute bookstall now. — So you "are thinking that you will buy some, aren't you? 5. I thought I would work in the library this evening, but as you have come, I won't go to the library.


1.Read the text and choose the best title.


1. There is no success without effort

2. How to do your homework without effort

3. How to become a perfect student


It’s possible to get your homework done even if you have a busy schedule – if you decide in advance what you have to do. On Sunday or Monday, jot down your activities for the upcoming week in a notebook and then include a time for homework for each day.

Buy a folder for each of your classes. Divide it into three sections: notes, homework and tests. Always put papers in the correct section

Forget about doing your homework in front of the TV. Find a quiet place that’s well-lit, where you can concentrate without getting distracted.

You won’t get any work done if you are hungry. Your brain needs energy to work effectively! Drink plenty of water and snack on some fruit or cookies to get more strength.

Begin with your best subject. Your success will give you a feeling of satisfaction that will help you deal with your weaker subjects later.

If you have started your science homework, finish it! Don’t leave one part of your homework unfinished to start another – you may not remember all those Chemistry formulas when you come back.

Take at least a five-minute break when you feel tired. The rest will re-energize you so you’ll be able to finish your work.

Homework is rarely an exciting thing to do. But it is your top priority and you have to get it done. Accepting this fact will help you deal with homework effectively.





in advance – заранее

well-lit – хорошо-освещенный

distract – отвлекать

satisfaction – удовлетворение, приятное сознание

2. Match headings A-I to paragraphs 1-8. There is one heading you will not need to use.


A Start strong

B Complete each task

C Plan ahead

D Eat for energy

E Just do it!

F Keep things in order

G Talk to an expert

H Take a break

I Find the right place


3. Find non-finite forms of the verbs in the text.

4. Give a short summary of the text in English.



Variant I


Complete the sentences using Gerund or Infinitive.


1. I couldn’t help … .

2. I’m tired of … .

3. He objects to … .

4. She stopped … .

5. He read the newspaper before … .


Variant II


Complete the sentences using Gerund or Infinitive.


1. I gave up … .

2. I can’t afford … .

3. He went to the club instead of … .

4. She is very fond of … .

5. He looked at me without … .



Раздел VII


( The Mood )

Формы наклонения показывают, как говорящий рассматривает действие по отношению к действитель­ности. В английском языке имеются три наклонения: изъявительное, сослагательное и повелительное.




Это наклонение выражает действие реальное или планируемое как реальное в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем.

В морфологическом отношении это самая развитая система, включающая все грамматические кате­гории глагола: лицо, число, время, вид, залог.




Повелительное наклонение выражает побуждение к действию в форме просьбы, приказа или пожелания.

Повелительное наклонение имеет 2 формы: утвердительную и отрицательную.

Утвердительная форма повелительного наклонения образуется из инфинитива глагола без частицы to :

Read! — Читай (те)!

Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола do и отрицания not , которые ставятся перед смысловым глаголом (сокращенная форма — don ' t ):

Do not (don't) take my book! — He бери мою книгу.

Эта форма характеризуется в речи особой интонацией, без которой она теряет значение повелитель­ного наклонения.

В повелительном наклонении иногда встречаются формы страдательного залога и формы, обознача­ющие длительность действия, которые отличаются особой стилистической окраской:

Don't be shouting! — Не кричите же!

Be warned! — Да будет вам известно!

Повелительное наклонение адресовано второму лицу, хотя местоимение you , указывающее на это лицо, обычно в побудительном предложении не упоминается. Его наличие придает побудительному предло­жению особый стилистически окрашенный характер. You перед инфинитивом может предполагать, что говорящий сердит:

You stop talking! — А ну-ка, прекратите болтовню!

You leave me alone! — Да оставьте же меня в покое!




Сослагательное наклонение выражает возможность, нереаль­ность, предположительность действия (приводим только наибо­лее распространенные случаи использования).

1.  Чтобы предложение из изъявительного наклонения, относя­щегося к действию, в настоящем или будущем времени, преобразовать в сослагательное, необходимо настоящее изъ явительное преобразовать в прошедшее, а будущее изъявитель­ ное - в будущее с точки зрения прошедшего.


If I learn his address I shall write to him. - Если я узнаю его адрес, я ему напишу.


If I knew his address I wоuld w r i t e to him. - Если бы я знал его адрес (сейчас), я написал бы ему (сейчас или в ближайшем будущем).

2.  В случае, если действие, описываемое сослагательным наклоне­нием, относится к прошедшему времени, в главном предложении используется форма будущего совершенного с точки зрения про­шедшего ( Future Perfect in the Past ), а в придаточном — прошед­ шее совершенное ( Past Perfect):

If I had knоwn his address I wоuld have written to him. — Если бы я знал его адрес (в прошлом), я написал бы ему (в прошлом же).

I wish I lived not far from here (настоящее время), — Жаль, что я не живу поблизости.

I wish I h a d seen this film (прошедшее время). - Жаль, что я не видел этот фильм.



Exercise 1. Open the brackets using the right form of the Subjunctive I.

1.You (to speak) better if you (to be) more attentive. 2. If he (to understand) the situation, he (to act) differently. 3. He (to catch) the train if he (to make haste). 4. If I (to be) you, I (to consider) the matter settled. 5. If only he (to be) here, he (can) tell you. 6. If I (to be) in your place, I (to think) as you do. 7. He not (to do) it if you not (to help) him. 8. If he (to be) present, he (may) object. 9. She (to come) to see you if she not (to be tired). 10. If I (to get) the tickets before twelve o'clock, I (to come) straight home.


Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the right form of the Subjunctive II.

1. I think that if we (to take shelter) under these trees, we not (to get wet). 2. If I (to hesitate) much longer before getting into the water, he not (to let) me swim at all today. 3. If she (to come) earlier, she (to have been able) to see him before he went out. 4. He (to go) for a ride with you, if he (to repair) his bicycle. 5. If a year ago the sailors (to be told) they were to undertake a trip of this sort, they (to be surprised). 6. If he (to be) present, this not (to occur). 7. If the storm not (to rage), the ship (to leave) the harbor last night. 8. If our telephone not (to be) out of order, I (to ring) you up this morning. 9. If you (to come) between two and three yesterday, you (to find) me at home. 10. If I (to have) to carry that heavy box, I (to be) obliged to drop it after five minutes. 11.I not (to go) to sleep over that book if it not (to be) so dull. 12. If I (to know) you (to come), I of course (to stay) at home. 13. If anyone (to say) such a thing to me, I (to feel) hurt. 14. We never (to solve) the riddle, if you not (to put) us on the track.


Exercise 3. Open the brackets.

 1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you. 2. If I (know) that you were coming I'd have baked a cake. 3. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat. 4. You would have seen my garden at its best if you (be) here last week. 5.1 wouldn't have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes. 6.1 (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill. 7. If I (realize) what a bad driver you were I wouldn't have come with you. 8. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I (stop). 9. The hens (not get) into the house if you had shut the door. 10. If he had known that the river was dangerous he (not try) to swim across it. 11. If you (speak) more slowly к- might have understood you. 12. If he had known the whole story he (not be) so angry. 13. If I (try) again I think that I would have succeeded. M. You (not get) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions. 15. If I (be) ready when he called he would have taken me with him. 16. If she had listened to my directions she (not turn) down the wrong street. 17. If you (look) at the engine for a moment you would have seen what was missing.



( Word Formation )


В английском языке существует два типа словообразования: словопроизводство и словосложение.

I. Словопроизводство при помощи префиксов.

К префиксам с отрицательным значением относятся:

un-, in- (il-, im-), dis-, non-.

Присоединение этих префиксов не подчиняется определенным правилам и зависит от установившегося словоупотребления в языке:

Comfortable – uncomfortable; complete – incomplete; legal – illegal; possible – impossible, conductor – nonconductor.

dis- может выражать как отрицательное, так и противоположное действие:

to like – to dislike; to appear – to disappear.


Префиксы с разными значениями:


Префикс Значение Пример
Re- снова, заново to read – to reread
Mis- неправильно, неверно to hear – to mishear
Over- сверх, чрезмерно to change – to overchange
Under- недостаточно to value – to undervalue
Pre- перед, ранее historic – prehistoric
Post- после revolutionary – post-revolutionary
Anti- анти-, противо- aircraft – antiaircraft
Counter- контр-, противо- to act – to counteract
Co- общность действия, сотрудничество author – co-author
Inter- между, среди, взаимно action – interaction
Ex- бывший ex-champion
Sub- под- division – subdivision
ultra- сверх- ultra-short
en- делать large – to enlarge


II. Словопроизводство при помощи суффиксов

1) Суффиксы существительных


Суффикс Значение Пример
-er, -or- присоединяется к глаголам для обозначения действующего лица to direct - director
-ist для принадлежности к научному или политическому направлению materialist
-ee для обозначения лица, на которое направлено действие to pay – payee
-ian для обозначения национальной принадлежности Russian
-age образует существительные от глаголов to marry – marriage
-ance соответствующие прилагательные имеют суффикс -ant important – importance
-dom образует существительные от прилагательных и других существительных free – freedom
-hood образует существительные от других существительных child – childhood
-ion (-tion, -ation) образует существительные от глаголов to collect – collection
-ment образует существительные от глаголов to agree – agreement
-ness образует существительные от прилагательных cold – coldness
-ship образует существительные от других существительных friend – friendship
-ure образует существительные от глаголов to depart - departure


2) Суффиксы прилагательных

Суффикс Значение Пример
-able, -ible выражают возможность подвергнутся действию, указанному соответствующим глаголом to change – changeable
-al образует прилагательное от существительного center – central
-ant, -ent соответствующие существительные имеют суффикс –ance, -ence to differ – different
-ful образует прилагательное от существительного и означает наличие качества beauty – beautiful
-ish 1) национальность 2) слабая степень качества Pole – Polish, red - reddish
-ive образует прилагательное от существительного и глагола to talk – talkative
-less образует прилагательное от существительного и означает отсутствие качества hope – hopeless
-ous образует прилагательное от существительного danger – dangerous
-y образует прилагательное от существительного cloud - cloudy


3) Суффиксы глаголов


Суффикс Значение Пример
-en делать, делаться black – to blacken
-fy образует глаголы от прилагательных simple – to simplify
-ize образует глаголы от существительных character – to characterize


II. Словосложение

Многие слова в английском языке являются составными, т.е. образуются путем соединения двух слов в одно слово:

Bedroom, blackboard, father-in-law, dark-blue, to broadcast, somebody.



Exercise 1. Use the right form of the word.

1. Every year more than 11 million tourists visit Britain. In fact, tourism is an _________(importance) industry. 2. Most_________(visit) come in the summer months when they are expected good weather. 3. Before the___________(invent) of the hot air balloon no human had had ever successfully flown above the ground. 4. The design of hot air balloons is based on the___________(science) law that hot air rises. 5. The least visited places in England are old_________(industry) towns. 6. They became___________(fame) throughout the world.

Exercise 2. Complete the table.







Exercise 3. Make negative adjectives using the prefixes: -dis, -il, im-, in-, un-.

satisfied                                           convenient                             

personal                                          legal

agreeable                                         direct

mature                                             polite

honest                                              logical

regular                                             relevant

sure                                                 reliable


Exercise 4. Use the endings in the list and make any other necessary changes to form adjectives from the nouns and verbs.


-able, -ical, -ant, -ent, -ive, -en, -ous, -ful, -ible.


fashion                                          wood

reluctance                                      courage

imagine                                                   wonder

economy                                        horror

independence                                  gold

resistance                                       prestige

absence                                                   care

create                                             possibility

history                                           duration



Exercise 5. Make up adjectives using prefixes: -al, -ial, -an, -ean, -ish.

child                    America

emotion               convention

Europe                office



Exercise 6. Write the abstract noun, concrete noun, adjective and adverb from the following verbs:

admire                 complete         correct                

enthuse                exhaust           expend

organize               guide               invite

produce               quality            repeat


Exercise 7. What is the differences between -ed/-ing? Make up words.

amuse        fascinate         bore

thrill           tire                  embarrass


Make up sentences using these words with the endings.




1.Read the text and use the words with numbers to form a word that fits in the space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Necessity or Luxury?


Today's higher salaries and 0) greater spending power have led to the problem of our buying things which are completely 1)…, simply for the sake of it. Now that more people have the 2)... means to do this, shopping has almost become a 3)... pastime. We pay a small fortune for clothes with 4)... labels, even though there are high quality, cheaper 5)... .We want 'timesaving' 6)… appliances, but in fact we usually have the 7)... to do the same chores just as quickly by hand. Let's get rid of these useless 8)... ! Take all your old clothes, children's toys and so on, and give them to a deserving charity 9)... . Ridding yourself of unwanted goods gives a sense of 10)... which is a joy to experience!


1) necessary

2) finance

3) nation

4) design

5) alternate

6) electric

7) able

8) possess

9) organize





For the sake of- ради

appliance- применение

charity- благотворительность

to rid- освобождать, избавлять


2. Give a short summary of the text in English.


1.Read the text and use the words with numbers to form a word that fits in the space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Moods and colours.


Does colour affect your 0) behaviour? You might think the connection is purely 1)..., but many experts insist that colour can influence our moods and 2)... .So, if you plan to redecorate, think 3)... before making a 4)... about what paint to buy. The effect each colour has on you should be taken into 5)..., as the wrong one could make you depressed or 6)... instead of relaxed and comfortable. A cool, 7)...blue is best for bedrooms as it is calming and promotes sleep. Green, representing nature and 8)... is ideal for living rooms, while red, the colour of energy and 9)..., is best for dining rooms. Another important piece of 10)... is to avoid yellow for the bedroom. If you are ill, it is likely to make you feel worse and slow your recovery.














behaviour - поведение

to influence - влиять

recovery – возврат, возмещение


2. Give a short summary of the text in English.



Illustrate one of the proverbs with a short story.


1.Live and learn.

2.Let bygones be bygones.

3. All is not gold that glitters.




Таблица неправильных глаголов

Infinitive Past Indefinite

Past Participle



to arise arose


- возникать


to awake awoke


- будить, просыпаться


to be was/were


- быть, находиться


to bear bore


- носить, выдерживать


to beat beat




to become became


- становиться


to begin began


- начинать(ся)


to blow blew




to break broke


- ломать


to bring brought


- приносить


to broadcast broadcast broadcasted

broadcast broadcasted

- транслировать по радио


to build built


- строить


to buy bought


- покупать


to catch caught


- ловить, схватывать


to choose chose


- выбирать


to come came


- приходить


to cost cost


- строить


to cut cut


- резать


to deal dealt


- иметь дело


to dig dug


- копать


to do did


- делать


to drink drank




to drive drove


- водить, приводить в движение


to eat ate [et]


- есть, принимать пищу


to fall fell


- падать


to feed fed


- кормить (ся)


to feel felt


- чувствовать


to fight fought


- бороться, сражаться


to find found


- находить


to fly flew


- летать


to forget forgot


- забывать


to freeze froze


- замерзать, замораживать


to get got


- получать


to give



- давать

to go




to grow



- расти

to hang



- висеть, вешать

to have



- иметь

to hear



- слышать

to hide



- прятаться

to hit



- ударять

to hold



- держать

to hurt



- повредить, ушибить, причинить боль

to keep



- держать, хранить

to know



- знать

to lay



- класть, положить

to lead



- вести

to leave



- оставлять, уезжать

to let



- позволять

to lie



- лежать

to lose



- терять

to make



- делать

to mean



- значить, подразумевать

to meet



- встречать

to pay



- платить

to put



- класть

to read



- читать

to ride



- ехать

to ring



- звонить

to rise



- подниматься

to run



- бежать

to say



- говорить

to see



- видеть

to sell



- продавать

to send



- посылать

to shake



- трясти

to shine



- сиять, светить

to shoot



- стрелять

to show



- показывать

to shut



- закрывать

to sing




to sit



- сидеть

to sleep



- спать

to speak



- говорить

to spend



- тратить

to stand



- стоять

to steal



- красить

to swear



- клясться




Сводная таблица времен английского языка (действительный залог)

PRESENT I ask He asks We ask You ask They ask I am asking He is asking We are asking You are asking They are asking I have asked He has asked We have asked You have asked They have asked I have been asking He has been asking We have been asking You have been asking They have been asking
PAST I asked He asked We asked You asked They asked I was asking He was asking We were asking You were asking They were asking I had asked He had asked We had asked You had asked They had asked I had been asking He had been asking We had been asking You had been asking They had been asking
FUTURE I shall ask He will ask We shall ask You will ask They will ask I shall be asking He will be asking We shall be asking You will be asking They will be asking I shall have asked He will have asked We shall have asked You will have asked They will have asked I shall have been asking He will have been asking We shall have been asking You will have been asking They will have been asking



Упражнения на все времена

Put the verbs in the right form using Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple; Present Continuous, Past Continuous; Present Perfect, Past Perfect.

Exercise 1.

1. I just (tell) you the answer. 2. I (tell) you the answer yesterday. I. John and Richard just (go) away. 4. She already (answer) the letter. 5 She (answer) it on Tuesday. 6. John and David (go) away five minutes 7. I (read) that book in the summer holidays. 8. The baker (sell)
now all his cakes. 9. He (sell) the last one half an hour ago. 10. I (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is. 11. I (fly) over Loch Ness last week. - You (see) the Loch Ness monster? 12. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? - Yes, my mother (insist) on it. 13. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up. 14. When he (arrive)? - He (arrive) at 2.00. 15. You (lock) the door before you left the house? 16. I (read) his books when I was at school. I (like) (hem very much. 17.1 can't go out because I (not finish) my work. I N. 1 (write) the letter but I can't find a stamp. 19. The clock is slow. -It isn't slow, it (stop). 20. Here are your shoes; I just (clean) them. 21.1 i leave) home at 8.00 and (get) here at twelve. 22. You (have) breakfast yet? - Yes, I (have) it at 8.00. 23. I (meet) him last June. 24. You (see) the moon last night? 25. The play just (begin). You are a little late. 16 The newspaper (come)?- Yes, Ann is reading it. 27. The actors arrive) yesterday and (start) rehearsals early this morning. 28. We (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk. 29. He (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year. 30. You (be) here before? - Yes, I (spend) my holidays юс last year. - You (have) a good time? - No, it never (stop) raining.

Exercise 2.

1. Не promised to help me if I (be)__in trouble. 2. I am sorry to have woken you up. - But you didn't! I (not sleep) 3. He has no idea if his niece (visit)__him next summer. 4. What (you do)___in my room? Please, go away. I told you many times not to touch my things! 5. He won't be able to come. Last night he (take)___hospital with a broken leg. 6. What shall we do if it (rain) on Sunday? 7. I came home when the film on TV (begin)___, so I missed the first half of it. 8. The child has a lot of aunts and uncles, so he (give)___many nice presents every Christmas. 9. I (know)___her all my life: we went to school together. 10. He isn't at home: he (go) to Moscow on business.


Exercise 3.

1. Don't go to Nick's place now, he (to work). He (to finish) his homework at seven o'clock. If you (to come) after seven, he (to be) very glad. 2. Pete (to go) to the cinema? — Yes, I (to think) so. He usual­ly (to play) in the yard at this time, and now he (not to be) there. 3. He (to read) a book at five o'clock yesterday. 4. You (to go) for a walk with me? — I (to be) sorry, I can't. I (to do) my homework. I (not yet to write) the English exercise. If you (to wait) for me, I (to go) with you in half an hour. I (to want) to go for a walk very much, because I (not to go) for a walk yesterday. 5. Yesterday the children (to do) all their homework before mother (to come) home, and when she (to come), they (to play) with the cat. 6. I (to lose) my key when I (to play) in the yard yes­terday. 7. Ring me up as soon as you (to come) home. 8. Where you usually (to take) books for reading?



Exercise 4.

1. Mike (to eat) ice cream every day. Look, he (to eat) ice cream now. When I (to see) him in the morn­ing, he (to eat) ice cream, too. He (to say) he (to eat) one ice cream already by that time. I think he (to fall) ill if he (to eat) so much ice cream. 2. They (to walk) along the street and (to talk). Suddenly Nick (to stop) and (to say), "Oh, what shall we do? I (to lose) the key to the door." "If you (not to find) it," said Pete, "we (to have) to wait for mother in the street." 3. When I (to come) to the station yester­day, I (to learn) that my train already (to leave). 4. What he (to do) when you (to see) him yesterday? 5. I (to give) you this book as soon as I (to finish) reading it. 6. When the ship (to cross) the ocean, a great storm (to break) out. 7. I never (to hear) of her. 8. To whom you just (to write)?


Exercise 5.

1. Let's go for a walk. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to shine). 2. If you (to help) me, I (to do) this work well. 3. I always (to get) up at eight o'clock, but to­morrow I (to get) up a little later. 4. You ever (to see) the Pyramids? 5. I (to go) to the Caucasus two years ago. 6. We (to go) to school every day. 7. Nick (to do) his homework by seven o'clock yesterday. 8. You (to help) your father tomorrow? 9. When Nick (to come) ,home yesterday, his mother (to return) and (to cook) dinner in the kitchen. 10. When I (to go) to school yesterday, I sud­denly (to remember) that I (to forget) to take my En­glish exercise book. 11. Yesterday grandfather (to tell) us how he (to work) at the factory during the war. 12. When Mr. and Mrs. Smith (to arrive) home, they (to discover) that someone (to break) into their house. Their video recorder and television (to disappear). They (not to know) what they (to do) to deserve this bad luck.

13. The man (to get) off the bus without paying while the conductor (to collect) fares upstairs.


Exercise 6.

1. Don't go to Nick's place now, he (to work). He (to finish) his homework at seven o'clock. If you (to come) after seven, he (to be) very glad. 2. Pete (to go) to the cinema? — Yes, I (to think) so. He usual­ly (to play) in the yard at this time, and now he (not to be) there. 3. He (to read) a book at five o'clock yesterday. 4. You (to go) for a walk with me? — I (to be) sorry, I can't. I (to do) my homework. I (not yet to write) the English exercise. If you (to wait) for me, I (to go) with you in half an hour. I (to want) to go for a walk very much, because I (not to go) for a walk yesterday. 5. Yesterday the children (to do) all their homework before mother (to come) home, and when she (to come), they (to play) with the cat. 6. I (to lose) my key when I (to play) in the yard yes­terday. 7. Ring me up as soon as you (to come) home. 8. Where you usually (to take) books for reading?



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