Are these statements true or false? If they are false, say why. Use the following phrases:

I can’t agree to this statement because…

Just the contrary…

I think…

To my mind…


1. There are several principles of dividing buildings into classes.

2. There are four classes of buildings according to the manner of construction.

3. Frame construction buildings are considered to be the most fireproof.

4. Wood floor and partitions are typical for fireproof construction.

5. Fireproof construction includes all buildings constructed of incombustible materials.

6. In buildings of great height the flooring, doors, frames, and interior finish are made from wood.


5. Study the text and answer the following questions:

1. What kind of buildings does frame construction embrace?

2. Does nonfireproof construction include buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework sheathed with wood shingles?

3. Is heavy timber framing connected in any way with slow-burning construction?

4. Can you say what is meant by ordinary construction?

5. Why is fireproof construction so important to man?

6. Must the flooring be of incombustible material in buildings of great height?

7. Where is wire glass used?


6. For each definition choose a word from the left column:

1. girder 1. a lower surface of a room.
2. fireproof 2. a basic rigid supporting structure of anything.
3. shingle 3. regular, normal, customary, usual.
4. floor 4. taking relatively long time to do a thing.
5. ordinary 5. a rectangular wooden tile used on roofs, spires or walls.
6. slow 6. a large iron or steel beam for bearing loads.
7. frame 7. able to resist fire or great heat.

Render the text in Ukrainian.

IV. Vocabulary and Grammar Activator

1. Look through the text and give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

majority; occupancy; exterior wall; heavy beam; large dimension; slender joist; reinforced concrete beam; concrete slab; under floor; upper floor; interior finish; weakening effect.


2. Use the words from Ex.1 to finish the following sentences:

1. … and girders of …make construction far less inflammable.

2. … of wooden framework are common for frame construction.

3. … of ordinary construction make the latter more flammable.

4. Wood may be used for … and …floors, window and door frame, sash, doors and … .

5. …. are used in fireproof construction.


3. Look through the text and find antonyms to the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:

minority, fireproof, exterior; nonflammable; light; more; combustible; strengthening.


4. Combine the words from the left and right columns to make word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian:

frame effect
exterior material
wooden tile
sheet floor
wood floor weakening
slow burning glass
timber wall
fire construction
ordinary framework
fireproof metal
incombustible beams
reinforced concrete floors
concrete frames
upper/under terra cotta
door/window shingles
wire framing
hollow resistant
gypsum slabs

Compose sentences with the words and phrases from Ex. 4.

Look through the text and find sentences with Modal verbs. Translate them into Ukrainian.

7. Complete these sentences using must, may, can, should, had to, needn’t:

1. The majority of buildings … be divided into classes.

2. This building … have exterior walls of wooden framework.

3. You … have sheathed the exterior walls with wood shingles or siding.

4. The exterior walls … be veneered with brick.

5. Frame construction … be considered the most inflammable.

6. Exterior walls of nonfireproof buildings … be masonry.

7. The designer … know that heavy beams and girders of large dimension are far less inflammable.

8. The engineer … have used wood partitions in this construction.

9. This building is rather high. The flooring … be of incombustible material.

10. You were wrong. You … use wire glass in the windows.

8. Make the sentences from Ex.7 interrogative. Start questions with:

1. How …? 2. What …? 3. What …? 4. What …? 5. Why …?
6. What …? 7. What …? 8. Who …? 9. Why …? 10. Why …?

V. Talking Assignments

Divide the text into logical parts.

2 . Express the main idea of each part. Use the following phrases:

– The first (second, third …) part of the text is about …

– It describes (considers, deals with, informs) …

– The author stresses (points out) that …

3. Ask your friend some questions in English about their content. Summarize his/her answers:

– На які класи може ділитися більшість споруд?

– Як діляться споруди за способом будівництва?

– Які споруди мають каркасну конструкцію?

– Який основний недолік каркасної конструкції?

– Які споруди є не вогнетривкими?

– Які конструкції є вогнетривкими?

– Які будівельні матеріали використовуються для останніх?

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 201; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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