Если количество слов в работе меньше, чем 108, работа не принимается.

Если количество слов в работе больше, чем 165 слов, принимаются к оценке только 150 слов.

Приложение 3. Параметры и критерии оценки описания графически представленной информации

Максимальный балл – 20 (100%)


Task Achievement ( max – 6 points )

Key features ( trends )

3 points – the student clearly highlights all the key features

2 points – the student clearly highlights most of the key features

1 point – the student highlights 1 key feature

0 points – the task is not achieved


Key features with data (numbers and dates)

3 points – the student supports all the key features with data

2 points – the student supports most of the key features with data

1 point – the student supports 1 key feature with data

0 points – the task is not achieved


Coherence and Cohesion (max – 5 points)

1 point – the student writes a relevant introduction

0 points – the student does not write a relevant introduction or there is no introduction

2 points – the student writes an overview paragraph

0 points – there is no overview paragraph

1 point – the student organizes information and ideas logically

0 points – the student does notorganize information and ideas logically

1 point – the student uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately

0 points – the student does not use paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately


Transitions (max – 2 points)

2 points – the student uses a variety of linking devices appropriately

1 point – the student uses a limited number of linking devices appropriately

0 points – the student fails to use linking devices appropriately


Vocabulary (max – 3 points)

3 points – the student uses most active vocabulary items appropriately and makes no mistakes             

2 points – the student uses only 3-4 active vocabulary items and makes 1 mistake

1 point – thestudent uses a limited range of active vocabulary and makes 2 mistakes

0 points – thestudent uses no active vocabularyitems and makes 3 and more mistakes


Grammar (max – 3 points)

3 points – the student uses a variety of grammar structures and makes no mistakes

2 points – the student uses elementary grammar structures and/or makes 1-2 grammar mistakes

1 point – the student useselementary grammar structures and/or makes 3 grammar mistakes

0 points – the student makes more than 3 grammar mistakes


Spelling and punctuation (max – 1 point)

1 point – the student makes no more than 1 spelling mistake and/or no more than 1 punctuation mistake

0 points – the student makes more than 1 spelling mistake and/or more than 2 punctuation mistakes

Описание графической информации: 120-150 слов.

Количество слов: 120 – 150

Если количество слов в работе меньше, чем 108, работа не принимается.

Если количество слов в работе больше, чем 165 слов, принимаются к оценке только 150 слов.

Приложение 4. Параметры и критерии оценки эссе

Максимальный балл – 20 (100%)

Less than 250 words – the paper is not to be assessed

(Recommended word count – 270-280 words)

Structure (max 1 point)

1 point – the student uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately; there is an introductory section, a main body and a conclusion

0 points – the student does not write in paragraphs, paragraphing is inadequate, or some of the sections are missing


Thesis statement (max 2 points)

2 points – the thesis statement is valid (it focuses on the main idea/problem)

1 point – the thesis statement is not clearly focused

0 points – there is no thesis statement, or it fails to communicate a relevant message


Main body: supporting arguments (max 6 points)

6 points – the student presents a relevant and fully developed response to the question, providing not fewer than 2 extended and clearly-focused arguments

5 points – the student presents a clear response with relevant arguments, but 1 of them is not sufficiently developed

4 points – the student presents a relevant response with 2 arguments being insufficiently developed

3 points – the student addresses the task only partially, presenting only 1 fully-developed argument

2 points – the student responds to the task only in a minimal way, presenting few ideas, which are largely irrelevant, undeveloped or repetitive

1 point – the student barely responds to the task, presenting only 1 or 2 ideas, which are irrelevant or undeveloped

0 points – the answer is completely unrelated to the task


Transitions (max 2 points)

2 points - the student uses a variety of transitions appropriately

1 point – the student uses a limited range of transitions, some of which are inaccurate or repetitive

0 points – the student uses only basic cohesive devices, and those used do not indicate a logical relationship between ideas


Conclusion (max 1 point)

1 point - the student summarizes the main points and restates the thesis statement

0 points – the conclusion contains some irrelevant ideas, not discussed in the main body; the thesis statement is not restated


Register (max 1 point)

1 point – the essay is written in the appropriate academic style, the student may make 1-2 minor stylistic mistakes

0 points – the student makes more than 2 stylistic mistakes


Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 179; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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