Task 10. Match the words (1-6) with their definitions (a-f).

1. resolution         a. special effects that can be applied to pictures

2. jagged              b. a technique that generate realistic reflection shadows and highlights

3. filters                c. geometrical figures with special properties

4. wireframe         d. irregular or uneven

5. rendering          e. the number of pixels in an image

6. fractals              f. the drawing of a model by using features like edges or control lines

Task 11. Match the words 1- with the words a- to make up the word combinations

1. arrow                        a. command

2. drop-down                b. message

3. execute                     c. friendly

4. reply                          d. menu

5. user                           e. key

Task 12 . Work in pairs. Student A chooses a task from the list (1-6) and describes it. Student B chooses the most appropriate graphics software for the task (a-f) and gives reasons for his or her choice. Swap roles.

1. To edit and retouch photos

2. To create illustrations and drawings for a magazine

3. To prepare slideshows for training sessions or conferences

4. To make mechanical designs and architectural plans

5. To create dynamic simulation and special effects for films, TV, advertisements and games

6. To analyse geographic data and make maps

Task 13. Find definitions in the text of these items.

1. Menu         3. Window                5. Pointer

2. Interface   4. Active window      6. Icon

1. Most computers have a Graphical User Interface. The ___ is the connection between the user and the computer. The most common type of GUI uses a WIMP system, WIMP stands for Windows, icon, Menu (or Mouse), Pointer (or Pull-down/Pop-up menu).

2. A ___ is an area of the computer screen where you can see the contents of a folder, a file, or a program. Some systems allow several windows on the screen at the same time and windows can overlap each other. The window on the top is the one which is ‘active’, the one in use.

3. ___ are small pictures on the screen. They represent programs, folders, or files. For example, the Recycle Bin icon represents a program for deleting and restoring files. Most systems have a special area of the screen on which icons appear.

4. ___ give the user a list of choices. You operate the menu by pressing and releasing one or more buttons on the mouse.

5. ___ is the arrow you use to select icons or to choose options from a menu. You move the pointer across the screen with the mouse. Then you click a button on the mouse to use the object selected by the pointer.




Proper Nouns

Common Nouns

Tim Baker


Great Britain


the Grand (Hotel)

Oxford Street

Penny Lane

the Thames

the British Museum

the Daily News

Countable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns

a boy (two boys) a man (three men) a table (four tables) a city (ten cities) people scissors bread water love equality clothing furniture permission length cotton tea peace ignorance leisure equipment activity news



Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
a brick – цегла (одна) a chocolate – шоколадна цукерка a fire – вогонь a grammar – граматика (підручник) a hair – волосина an iron – праска a justice – суддя a light – вогник, лампа a paper – газета, документ a play – п’єса a time – раз a wood – ліс a work of art – витвір мистецтва a glass, glasses – склянка, окуляри a grass – травинка brick – цегла (будівничий матеріал матеріал) chocolate – шоколад fire – вогонь grammar – граматика (наука) hair – волосся iron – залізо justice – справедливість light – світло paper – папір play –гра time – час wood – дерево (деревина) work – робота glass – скло grass – трава


They ordered three beers. – Вони замовили три пива. (три склянки)

This is a very good coffee. – Це дуже хороша кава. (сорт кави)




Singular number Plural number

Основа + закінчення -s

a boy, a table, a trick, a whiff, a smith, a railway boys, tables, tricks, whiffs, smiths, railways


Основа + закінчення –es після –s, -ch, -tch, -sh, -ss, -x, -o


a bench, a bus, a glass, a bush, a brush, a match, a box, a potato benches, buses, glasses, bushes, brushes, matches, boxes, potatoes


Кінцева –у (після приголосного) змінюєтся на -ies


an army, a country, a fly, a lady armies, countries, flies, ladies  


Кінцева –f(-fe) змінюється на –ves


a calf, a half, a knife, a leaf, a shelf, a wife, a wolf calves, halves, knives, leaves, shelves, wives, wolves  

Compound Nouns

a manservant, a schoolgirl, a woman-teacher, a mother-in-law, a passer-by, a man-of-war, a forget-me-not menservants, schoolgirls, women-teachers, mothers-in-law, passers-by, men-of-war, forget-me-nots




Singular number Plural number
a man, a woman, a foot, a tooth, a goose, a mouse, a louse,  an ox, a child men, women, feet, teeth, geese, mice, lice, oxen, children
a radius, a corpus, a formula, a bacterium, a crisis, a criterion, an index, a bureau radii (или radiuses), corpora, formulae (или formulas), bacteria, crises, criteria, indices, bureaux
a deer, a sheep, a salmon, a trout, a cod, an aircraft, a spacecraft, a crossroads, a means, a series, a species, a works deer, sheep, salmon, trout, cod, aircraft, spacecraft, crossroads, means, series, species, works


Special Cases

Only Singular number Only Plural number
advice, information, news, measles, mumps physics, knowledge, furniture, luggage, gymnastics, athletics, bowls, billiards, dominoes, darts, draughts   annals, archives, arms (weapons), belongings, clothes, cattle, poultry, scissors, dregs, earnings, wages, goods, trousers, binoculars, shorts, shoes, gloves, pyjamas, glasses, spectacles, earrings, socks, outskirts, premises, tights, remains, pliers, riches, surroundings, thanks, the tropics, whereabouts, people, police, stairs, (good)looks,

Plural forms

hat – hats                     bus – buses              glass - glasses boy – boys                   box – boxes             bench - benches country – countries      brush – brushes       match - matches
hero – heroes               але:                     piano - pianos potato – potatoes                                        photo - photos volcano – volcanoes                                   stereo - stereos tomato – tomatoes                                      kilo - kilos echo – echoes                                             radio - radios
thief – thieves wife – wives    але: roof – roofs   proof - proofs leaf – leaves    shelf – shelves      belief – beliefs serf - serfs knife – knives wolf – wolves       chief – chiefs safe - safes life – lives       half – halves         gulf – gulfs    cliff - cliffs
means       a means of transport – various means of transport series        a television series – many television series species            a species of birds – different species of birds crossroads       this crossroads – these crossroads works (factory) a gas works – two gas works 
Тільки в однині
linen        progress             money     sugar        behaviour furniture  business             scenery    bread        evidence         knowledge information       wood        beef         research advice      trouble               weather    macaroni trouble luggage    accommodation sand         salt          music baggage   equipment          damage    chaos      spaghetti permission traffic                 work        justice     luck rubbish     hair                    food         machinery jewellery
news, mumps, measles, economics, mathematics, physics, statistics billiards, dominoes, darts, bowls gymnastics, athletics politics, tactics, optics, ethics
Тільки в множині
sights riches   savings earnings  lodgings          clothes goods people  outskirts stairs      poultry            trousers sweets police   slums  scissors  cattle               jeans arms      contents wages spectacles congratulations tights
Як в однині так і в множині
family crowd     congress      company     clergy team    jury        government crew            gentry group  public     committee   board staff    army       audience      delegation


Singular number Plural number

Proper Nouns

Tim’s dog, Alice’s cat, James’s mother, St. Paul’s, St. Mary’s, Mr. Baker’s house the Bakers’ house

Animate Nouns

a girl’s hat, the boy’s dog, a lady’s handbag,  a man’s suit, a child’s toy, a cat’s tail a girls’ school, the boys’ dogs, a ladies’ room,  men’s suits, children’s books, cats’ tails

Inanimate Nouns

a minute’s walk, a day’s work, a week’s stay, today’s conference, yesterday’s paper, the company’s office, the government’s proposal, my family’s welfare a five minutes’ walk, a three days’ trip, a few weeks’ stay, the companies’ offices, the governments’ proposals,  my families’ welfare





Nouns Determiners

Countable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns

Singular number Plural number
The Indefinite Article a boy, an apple
The Definite Article the boy the boys the tea
The Possessive Pronoun my apple my apples my tea
The Demonstrative Pronoun this boy, that apple these boys, those apples this tea, that money
Question Words What boy? Which apple? Whose book? What boys? Which apples? Whose books? What tea? Which money? Whose money?
  The Quantifiers some boys, any boys many boys, few boys a few boys, more boys most boys, a lot of boys some tea, any tea much tea, little tea a little tea, more tea most tea, a lot of tea




Some and any позначають кілька, деяка кількість. Можуть вживатися з обчислюваними (у множині) і необчислювальними іменниками.


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